Canon, literatura infantil y juvenil y otras literaturas

Canon, literatura infantil y juvenil y otras literaturas

Author: Sociedad Española de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. Symposio Internacional

Publisher: Univ de Castilla La Mancha

Published: 2003

Total Pages: 902

ISBN-13: 9788484272571


Esta publicación recoge las ponencias plenarias y las comunicaciones presentadas y leídas en el VII Simposio Internacional de la SEDLL, que con el título Canon, literatura infantil y juvenil y otras literaturas, fue asumido por la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha y se celebró en Ciudad Real, en diciembre de 2001. Aparecen aquí recogidas también las actividades relacionadas con los estudios mencionadas arriba: talleres y seminarios que suscitaron provechosas discusiones, sugerencias y debates. Como dice Alfredo Rodríguez López-Vázquez en la Presentación: La celebración del VII Simposio con su doble concreción en el título, del objeto de estudio, y de su relación con el canon, ha venido a representar un hito importante. Este Simposio pretendía, ya desde su diseño por parte del Comité Científico, un nuevo planteamiento de orientaciones críticas y metodológicas en el ámbito de la educación y de la investigación en torno a la literatura que leen los niños y los jóvenes de hoy en día en el contexto de la sociedad tecnológica moderna. Creemos que esta publicación permite afirmar que se ha cumplido con los objetivos previstos para cada una de las áreas temáticas.

Teaching Language and Teaching Literature in Virtual Environments

Teaching Language and Teaching Literature in Virtual Environments

Author: María Luisa Carrió-Pastor

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2018-09-14

Total Pages: 302

ISBN-13: 981131358X


This book sheds new light on language and literature teaching, and offers examples of teaching language in virtual environments. Providing an overview of virtual environments for teaching, it also includes chapters devoted to methodology design for second language teaching in these environments. Further it describes tools for second/ foreign language teaching and proposals for specific second language teaching in virtual environments. Lastly, it presents experiments on literature teaching in virtual environments and discusses the future of technology in education. With interdisciplinary appeal, the book is a particularly valuable resource for scholars with an interest in technology, language teaching and literature teaching.

Current Perspectives on Literary Reading

Current Perspectives on Literary Reading

Author: Dari Escandell

Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing Company

Published: 2019-11-07

Total Pages: 198

ISBN-13: 9027261849


This collection aims to provide answers regarding what the most recent trends are in research in literary reading. Based on that premise, it contains a rigorously selected and varied roster of investigations that focus on presenting and attempting to interpret and understand the most recent literary trends or tendencies, as well as the reasons for the propensities they create among the masses of young and adult readers. This selection of texts in English, Catalan and Spanish will give the reading specialist an idea of where today’s trends are headed, and how they point towards the formation of a new paradigm in matters of literature.

A Theoretical Framework for Language Education and Teaching

A Theoretical Framework for Language Education and Teaching

Author: Paolo E. Balboni

Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Published: 2018-07-26

Total Pages: 174

ISBN-13: 152751448X


Educational linguistics is transcultural, with research in the field adopting an international scope. Educational systems, on the contrary, are culture-bound. As a consequence, actual teaching differs across countries, and sometimes even among provinces, local educational authorities, and schools. However, a globalized world needs to share the various meanings of “knowing a language” and “teaching a language”, as language is the main factor of both cultural identity and national and international interaction. The framework offered here is built on eight “hypotheses”, logical models that provide the potential common core of a non-culture-bound theory of language education and of language teaching. The book thus suggests a common terminology, some common principles, and a basic paradigm to be shared in both theoretical and practical research in edu-linguistics, consequently going beyond the borders implied by such titles as European framework, American standards, and Chinese guidelines.

Ensenyament de llengües i plurilingüisme

Ensenyament de llengües i plurilingüisme


Publisher: Universitat de València

Published: 1999

Total Pages: 500

ISBN-13: 9788437040387


La pluralitat de llengües i de registres de la comunicació reals constitueix un factor que condiciona l’ensenyament de la llengua i la literatura que té lloc dins de les aules. Deixant de banda les concepcions rígides relatives a la norma i a l’estructura, la didàctica de les llengües troba així la seua especificitat en la complexa xarxa d’interrelacions del sistema educatiu, encara que respon també a necessitats i expectatives socials. Des d’aquestes premisses, els treballs aplegats en aquest volum –ponències i comunicacions presentades al I Congrés Internacional de Didàctica de la Llengua i la Literatura (València, 1997) –aborden el tema des del punt de vista de la diversitat discursiva, de l’ensenyament del llenguatge oral i escrit, del text literari, del plurilingüisme i dels recursos didàctics.

Innovación educativa aplicada a la enseñanza de la lengua.

Innovación educativa aplicada a la enseñanza de la lengua.


Publisher: Dykinson


Total Pages:

ISBN-13: 8413776457


El presente volumen reúne un conjunto de aportaciones vinculadas por un criterio común: todas ellas parten de la observación y análisis de la experiencia docente en el aula con el fin de acometer una propuesta de mejora de la didáctica. Lejos de limitarse a una única realidad educativa, las investigaciones abarcan diversas etapas y contextos de aprendizaje.Conforman la obra un total de ocho investigaciones sobre la innovación educativa aplicada a la didáctica de la lengua.Los resultados expuestos en esta obra proponen, en conclusión, metodologías innovadoras para la didáctica de la lengua. Todos ellos resultan del trabajo tanto de académicos independientes como de grupos de investigación conformados por especialistas en la materia. La interdisciplinariedad y variedad de las propuestas docentes del conjunto ofrecen a los interesados en la innovación educativa nuevas posibilidades para la mejora de su práctica docente, y también un punto de partida para desarrollar nuevas estrategias específicamente destinadas a la didáctica de la lengua.

Strategies for Teaching in the XXI Century

Strategies for Teaching in the XXI Century

Author: Fernando J. Garrigos-Simon

Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Published: 2015-10-13

Total Pages: 250

ISBN-13: 1443884855


This book presents a range of teaching methodologies and skills assessments conceived as fundamental tools for teaching and learning in the 21st century. In addition, it explores how novel teaching platforms may be used to improve communication and how emerging software can enable the acquisition and horizontal transfer of knowledge and self-study. Bringing together the latest trends in educational innovation and experiences and cases of educational innovation, the book will encourage progress and innovation in learning and applied technological tools. As such, it will have a significant impact on the education system, not only at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, but also in primary and secondary education, as well as in the ongoing training of business personnel, which offers a response to the demands of the environment. Through its 19 chapters, this volume investigates a variety of models of teaching and learning that purport to provide students with the tools and skills necessary for success in a highly competitive, rapidly evolving, global labour market, where linguistic proficiency is increasingly important. The book´s scope runs from primary education to compulsory education and finally higher education.

New Approaches to the Investigation of Language Teaching and Literature

New Approaches to the Investigation of Language Teaching and Literature

Author: Garcés-Manzanera, Aitor

Publisher: IGI Global

Published: 2023-04-11

Total Pages: 398

ISBN-13: 1668460211


In the last two decades, the field of language and literature teaching has experienced considerable growth as a result of the wide array of new methodological avenues that have arisen from different angles. This paradigm shift has paved the way for the integration of newly conceived didactic resources such as the mediation of social networks for learning language or the interdisciplinarity of culturally mediated language education. It is crucial to understand this shift in order to ensure students receive the best education possible. New Approaches to the Investigation of Language Teaching and Literature presents an overview of the ongoing methodological tools, practices, research designs, and strategies used in language and literature teaching and provides education researchers and practitioners with empirically sustained evidence of teaching strategies that may be implemented in language education. Covering key topics such as language skills, adult learners, digital literacy, and learning aids, this reference work is ideal for researchers, scholars, academicians, practitioners, educators, and students.