Multiphase Flow in Complex Fracture Apertures Under a Wide Range of Flow Conditions

Multiphase Flow in Complex Fracture Apertures Under a Wide Range of Flow Conditions

Author: Daniel H. Rothman


Published: 2003

Total Pages: 5



The summary below is an update of our previous progress report of June, 2003. That previous progress report, which was submitted as a PDF document, is not recorded on the RIMS website but will appear on the EMSP website. Our recent results are in the following areas: (1) Single-component flow through a rough-walled fracture to validate our methods, we have simulated slow single-component fluid flow through a geometry taken from analogous laboratory experiments. The permeability of this fracture is studied as the direction of the driving force is changed. We find that the lattice-Boltzmann method agrees with the experimental data and with previous numerical efforts. Additionally, flow enhancement compared to the well-known cubic law is observed in certain directions, i.e., the direction in which channels are most strongly correlated. Conversely, flow inhibition is observed in the perpendicular direction. Fluid flow appears to follow the correlated channels. We are currently extending these studies to higher Reynolds numbers where classical approximations based on assumptions of slow creeping flow are no longer valid. (2) Capillary rise in simple and complex geometries Capillary rise is studied using the lattice-Boltzmann method. The geometries used are a circular tube, a rectangular tube, and a fracture between two rough walls. The capillary rise height and the shape of the interface is studied as a function of the size of the tube, the wetting tendency of the walls, the surface tension, and the magnitude of an applied body force. In performing this study we discovered a technical problem with the lattice-Boltzmann method: it exhibited lattice pinning. This pinning created two significant problems: the entrapment of small bubbles and a history dependence of the contact angle. We solved these problems by modifying our algorithm so that it now allows interfaces to move at a smaller velocity. The new method practically removes all effects of lattice pinning. For the case of rectangular tubes, we have shown that the shape of the interface follows theoretical predictions and that the pressure drop across the interface obeys Laplace's law. Consequently our improved method solves a significant problem encountered in lattice-Boltzmann simulations of drainage and imbibition. We are presently pursuing analogous studies in more complex geometries. (3) Macroscopic laws for two-component fluid flow through rough fractures. Macroscopic two-phase flow through porous media is commonly approximated by a generalization of Darcy's law, wherein ''relative permeability's'' represent the mobility of wetting and non-wetting fluids. We have recently begun studying the applicability of this approximation for two-phase flow through rough-walled fractures. We find that when the nonwetting fluid is unconnected it can become trapped in tight geometries. Once forcing exceeds a certain capillary threshold the non-wetting fluid starts to move again. This capillary threshold depends on the roughness of the fracture surface and the size of the fracture aperture. Further simulations are being performed to better specify these dependencies along with the relationship of relative permeability to fracture roughness. (4) Multiple relaxation-time lattice-Boltzmann method. We are exploring ways to use the lattice-Boltzmann method in a rectangular lattice with different spacing in one direction. This idea is motivated by the fact that self-affine fracture surfaces exhibit different scaling perpendicular to the plane of the fracture than they exhibit in the plane. Therefore, allowing different lattice spacing in the different directions should greatly increase the efficiency of our simulations. We also seek a practical way of solving a well-known problem that derives from using the ''bounce-back'' method to approximate no-slip boundary conditions. We are pursuing a new generalization of the ''multiple relaxation time generalized lattice-Boltzmann method'' and are in the process of implementing it. (5) Study of thermal fluctuations of fluid-fluid interfaces. We have included thermal fluctuations in our model. These fluctuations lead to a roughening of fluid-fluid interfaces. We have demonstrated that the roughening follows theoretical predictions. We are presently pursuing applications to the study of the formation and growth of capillary bridges in rough fractures.

Advanced Conceptual Models for Unsaturated and Two-Phase Flow in Fractured Rock

Advanced Conceptual Models for Unsaturated and Two-Phase Flow in Fractured Rock



Published: 2003

Total Pages: 5



This project was initiated in FY03. As of December 2003, we have accomplished the following: (1) We conducted a more detailed evaluation of the preliminary experiments used to develop our investigative approach. In those experiments, water was invaded at a variety of flow rates into an air-filled, two dimensional analog fracture network. Results demonstrated the critical control that fracture intersections place on two-phase flow in fracture networks. At low flows, capillary and gravitational forces combined to create a narrow pulsing flow structure that spanned the system vertically. At higher flows, viscous forces acted to remove the pulsation; however, the flow structure remained narrow. The intersections acted to impose a narrow ''slender ladder'' structure on the flowing phase that did not expand with depth, but instead remained focused. A manuscript documenting this effort has been published in Water Resources Research [Glass et al., 2003a]. (2) We initiated a collaborative relationship with a research group at Seoul National University. This group, which is led by Dr. Kang-Kun Lee is also using a combined experimental numerical approach to consider DNAPL migration in fracture networks. They are particularly interested in the influence of ambient groundwater flows, making their work complementary to ours. The first fruit of that collaboration is an article demonstrating that modification of an Invasion Percolation algorithm to include gravity and the first-order effects of viscous forces shows good agreement with physical experiments in a simplistic fracture network. Results were published in Geophysical Research Letters [Ji et al., 2003a]. (3) We carried out an extensive review of models for fracture networks. These include models developed from observations of networks on outcrops at several scales and stochastic models that are prevalent in the literature from the 1980s to very recent developments. The results of this review were included as par t of a review paper co-authored by Rajaram, which was submitted to Reviews in Geophysics [Molz et al., in press]. (4) We prepared a manuscript based on previous work that will be used to support the development of our new conceptual model(s) for transport in fractured rock. Eight experiments were conducted to evaluate the repeatability of flow under nearly identical conditions and to characterize general patterns in flow behavior. Collected data revealed that flow generally converged to a single fracture in the bottom row of blocks. Periods of pathway switching were observed to be more common than periods with steady, constant flow pathways. We noted the importance of fracture intersections for integrating uniform flow and discharging a ''fluid cascade'', where water advances rapidly to the next capillary barrier creating a stop and start advance of water through the network. The results of this simple experiment suggest that the interaction of multiple fracture intersections in a network creates flow behavior not generally recognized in popular conceptual and numerical models. A manuscript documenting this effort has been accepted for publication in Vadose Zone Journal [Wood et al., 2003]. (5) Slender transport pathways have been found in laboratory and field experiments within unsaturated fractured rock. We considered the simulation of such structures with a Modified form of Invasion Percolation (MIP). Results show that slender pathways form in fracture networks for a wide range of expected conditions, can be maintained when subsequent matrix imbibition is imposed, and may arise even in the context of primarily matrix flow due to the action of fractures as barriers to inter-matrix block transport. A manuscript documenting this effort has been submitted to Geophysical Research Letters [Glass et al., 2003b].

Two-phase Flow Visualization and Relative Permeability Measurement in Transparent Replicas of Rough-walled Rock Fractures

Two-phase Flow Visualization and Relative Permeability Measurement in Transparent Replicas of Rough-walled Rock Fractures



Published: 1991

Total Pages:



Understanding and quantifying multi-phase flow in fractures is important for mathematical and numerical simulation of geothermal reservoirs, nuclear waste repositories, and petroleum reservoirs. While the cubic law for single-phase flow has been well established for parallel-plate fractures theoretically and experimentally, no reliable measurements of multi-phase flow in fractures have been reported. This work reports the design and fabrication of an apparatus for visualization of two-phase flow and for measurement of gas-liquid relative permeability in realistic rough-walled rock fractures. A transparent replica of a natural rock fracture from a core specimen is fabricated by molding and casting in clear epoxy. Simultaneous flow of gas and liquid with control of capillary pressure at inlet and outlet is achieved with the Hassler ''sandwich'' design: liquid is injected to the fracture through a porous block, while gas is injected directly to the edge of the fracture through channels in the porous block. A similar arrangement maintains capillary separation of the two phases at the outlet. Pressure drops in each phase across the fracture, and capillary pressures at the inlet and outlet, are controlled by means of pumps and needle valves, and are measured by differential and absolute pressure transducers. The clear epoxy cast of the natural fracture preserves the geometry of the fracture and permits visual observation of phase distributions. The fracture aperture distribution can be estimated by filling the fracture with a dyed liquid, and making pointwise measurements of the intensity of transmitted light. A set of two-phase flow experiments has been performed which has proven the viability of the basic experimental design, while also suggesting further improvements in the apparatus. Preliminary measurements are presented for single-phase permeability to liquid, and for relative permeabilities in simultaneous flow of liquid and gas.

Conceptual Models of Flow and Transport in the Fractured Vadose Zone

Conceptual Models of Flow and Transport in the Fractured Vadose Zone

Author: National Research Council

Publisher: National Academies Press

Published: 2001-05-21

Total Pages: 398

ISBN-13: 0309170990


Fluid flow and solute transport within the vadose zone, the unsaturated zone between the land surface and the water table, can be the cause of expanded plumes arising from localized contaminant sources. An understanding of vadose zone processes is, therefore, an essential prerequisite for cost-effective contaminant remediation efforts. In addition, because such features are potential avenues for rapid transport of chemicals from contamination sources to the water table, the presence of fractures and other channel-like openings in the vadose zone poses a particularly significant problem, Conceptual Models of Flow and Transport in the Fractured Vadose Zone is based on the work of a panel established under the auspices of the U.S. National Committee for Rock Mechanics. It emphasizes the importance of conceptual models and goes on to review the conceptual model development, testing, and refinement processes. The book examines fluid flow and transport mechanisms, noting the difficulty of modeling solute transport, and identifies geochemical and environmental tracer data as important components of the modeling process. Finally, the book recommends several areas for continued research.

On Two-Phase Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure OfRough-Walled Rock Fractures

On Two-Phase Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure OfRough-Walled Rock Fractures



Published: 1989

Total Pages: 43



This paper presents a conceptual and numerical model of multiphase flow in fractures. The void space of real rough-walled rock fractures is conceptualized as a two-dimensional heterogeneous porous medium, characterized by aperture as a function of position in the fracture plane. Portions of a fracture are occupied by wetting and nonwetting phase, respectively, according to local capillary pressure and accessibility criteria. Phase occupancy and permeability are derived by assuming a parallel-plate approximation for suitably small subregions in the fracture plane. For log-normal aperture distributions, a simple approximation to fracture capillary pressure is obtained in closed form; it is found to resemble the typical shape of Leverett's j-function. Wetting and non-wetting phase relative permeabilities are calculated by numerically simulating single phase flows separately in the wetted and non-wetted pore spaces. Illustrative examples indicate that relative permeabilities depend sensitively on the nature and range of spatial correlation between apertures. It is also observed that interference between fluid phases flowing in a fracture tends to be strong, with the sum of wetting and nonwetting phase relative permeabilities being considerably less than 1 at intermediate saturations.

Flow Visualization and Relative Permeability Measurements in Rough-walled Fractures

Flow Visualization and Relative Permeability Measurements in Rough-walled Fractures



Published: 1993

Total Pages: 9



Two-phase (gas-liquid) flow experiments were done in a natural rock fracture and transparent replicas of natural fractures. Liquid was injected at constant volume flow rate, and gas was injected at either constant mass flow rate or constant pressure. When gas was injected at constant mass flow rate, the gas inlet pressure, and inlet and outlet capillary pressures, generally did not reach steady state but cycled irregularly. Flow visualization showed that this cycling was due to repeated blocking and unblocking of gas flow paths by liquid. Relative permeabilities calculated from flow rate and pressure data show that the sum of the relative permeabilities of the two phases is much less than 1, indicating that each phase interferes strongly with the flow of the other. Comparison of the relative permeability curves with typical curves for porous media (Corey curves) show that the phase interference is stronger in fractures than in typical porous media.