El desarrollo del lenguaje es una de las habilidades más desarrolladas del ser humano. La formación de las primeras palabras, la creación de frases y las posteriores conversaciones estructuradas no se crean de manera espontánea e independiente del resto de habilidades del ser humano. En este libro podemos encontrar un repaso a las principales teorías del desarrollo de la comunicación, los pasos fundamentales en la aparición y desarrollo de las diferentes dimensiones del lenguaje y las diversas habilidades que van asociadas a esta gran capacidad humana. Si bien, el desarrollo oral es fundamental para nuestra evolución, el desarrollo escrito ha sido la base de nuestra cultura y la transmisión de conocimientos de una generación a otra, por ello, abordaremos el desarrollo del mismo como una parte más de la comunicación. El lector podrá encontrar, además,una guía de actividades prácticas y foros de debate con las que profundizar en el tema tratado.
The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teaching: metodologías, contextos y recursos para la enseñanza del español L2, provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art account of the main methodologies, contexts and resources in Spanish Language Teaching (SLT), a field that has experienced significant growth world-wide in recent decades and has consolidated as an autonomous discipline within Applied Linguistics. Written entirely in Spanish, the volume is the first handbook on Spanish Language Teaching to connect theories on language teaching with methodological and practical aspects from an international perspective. It brings together the most recent research and offers a broad, multifaceted view of the discipline. Features include: Forty-four chapters offering an interdisciplinary overview of SLT written by over sixty renowned experts from around the world; Five broad sections that combine theoretical and practical components: Methodology; Language Skills; Formal and Grammatical Aspects; Sociocultural Aspects; and Tools and Resources; In-depth reflections on the practical aspects of Hispanic Linguistics and Spanish Language Teaching to further engage with new theoretical ideas and to understand how to tackle classroom-related matters; A consistent inner structure for each chapter with theoretical aspects, methodological guidelines, practical considerations, and valuable references for further reading; An array of teaching techniques, reflection questions, language samples, design of activities, and methodological guidelines throughout the volume. The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teaching contributes to enriching the field by being an essential reference work and study material for specialists, researchers, language practitioners, and current and future educators. The book will be equally useful for people interested in curriculum design and graduate students willing to acquire a complete and up-to-date view of the field with immediate applicability to the teaching of the language.
Esta obra no pretende ser una pauta prescriptiva sino una hoja de ruta para el esfuerzo colectivo del Claustro de Profesores del Área de Reflexión Universitaria.
Los niños y jóvenes crecen rodeados de los medios y las tecnologías, de pantallas a través de las cuales cuentan y muestran su vida y miran la de otros. Los docentes deben asumir, como parte de su responsabilidad profesional, el dominio de la competencia mediática para poder implementar estrategias didácticas y recursos pedagógicos adecuados al desarrollo tecnológico y mediático más actual. La educación en medios sigue siendo algo anecdótico o instrumental. Plantear cómo funcionan sus lenguajes, cómo se producen sus mensajes, la retórica y técnicas que emplean para construir el significado, de qué manera seleccionan y manipulan la información y la comunicación, puede contribuir a disminuir su autoridad y su consideración de mitos y a fomentar la conciencia crítica ante ellos.
El present volum és el resultat de la selecció de les millors comunicacions presentades en la primera Taula Rodona Internacional TRI-CLIL sobre Aprenentatge Integrat de Continguts i Llengües (AICLE). El congrés va aconseguir reunir professionals de la docència i de la recerca, tant de matèries escolars, llengües estrangeres i llengües considerades oficials o co-oficials a diferents territoris, que esdevenen llengües addicionals per a la població escolar migrada.
Presentamos un trabajo que descubre las posibilidades que ofrecen los escenarios habituales del aula de Educación Infantil para el desarrollo del aprendizaje de los niños. Las autoras proponen múltiples estrategias para la resolución de situaciones problemáticas y reflexionar sobre lo sucedido.
This volume establishes guidelines and sets a foundation for future directions in teaching Spanish to native speakers. Leading scholars in the field address key issues faced by this growing segment of students, teachers, and researchers: the realities of the classroom, how to teach language through culture, whether a standard variety of Spanish exists, and whether it should be taught in the classroom. A discussion of the status of teaching Spanish to native speakers throughout the U.S. and recommendations for future action rounds out this important and timely book.
This book of Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing contains accepted papers presented at CISIS 2021 and ICEUTE 2021, all conferences held in the beautiful and historic city of Bilbao (Spain), in September 2021. The aim of the 14th CISIS 20121 conference is to offer a meeting opportunity for academic and industry-related researchers belonging to the various, vast communities of computational intelligence, information security, and data mining. The need for intelligent, flexible behavior by large, complex systems, especially in mission-critical domains, is intended to be the catalyst and the aggregation stimulus for the overall event. After a through peer-review process, the CISIS 2021 International Program Committee selected 23 papers which are published in these conference proceedings achieving an acceptance rate of 40%. In this relevant edition, a special emphasis was put on the organization of special sessions. One special session is organized related to relevant topics as follows: building trust in ecosystems and ecosystem components. In the case of 12th ICEUTE 2021, the International Program Committee selected 17 papers, which are published in these conference proceedings. One special session is organized related to relevant topics as follows: sustainable personal goals: engaging students in their learning process. The selection of papers is extremely rigorous in order to maintain the high quality of the conference, and we would like to thank the members of the program committees for their hard work in the reviewing process. This is a crucial process to the creation of a high standard conference, and the CISIS and ICEUTE conferences would not exist without their help.