Following upon the Handbook of Japan-United States Environment-Behavior Research, published by Plenum in 1997, leading experts review the interrelationships among theory, problem, and method in environment-behavior research. The chapters focus on the philosophical and theoretical assumptions underlying current research and practice in the area and link those assumptions to specific substantive questions and methodologies
With the growing number, complexity, and importance of environmental problems come demands to include a full range of intellectual disciplines and scholarly traditions to help define and eventually manage such problems more effectively. Decision Making for the Environment: Social and Behavioral Science Research Priorities is the result of a 2-year effort by 12 social and behavioral scientists, scholars, and practitioners. The report sets research priorities for the social and behavioral sciences as they relate to several different kinds of environmental problems.
In this collection of essays, leading social, cognitive and decision psychologists offer psychological theory and contemporary environmental and ethical issues.
This book examines the behavioral dimensions of global and regional environmental problems such as the greenhouse effect, ozone depletion, deforestation, air pollution, and water pollution. The book asks: What does our knowledge of human behavior tell us about the root causes of environmental problems and about strategies for solving them?
Encouraging Pro-Environmental Behavior: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why examines the main drivers of human behavior related to environmental sustainability and how we can encourage environmental behavior change in humans. The book explores the underlying barriers and enablers of environmental behavior and outlines key theoretical advances from psychology to improve understanding. It then uses theory-based research in the development of behavior change interventions to critically evaluate empirical evidence on the effectiveness of those interventions. This book will help inform and improve the success of behavior change initiatives to mitigate climate change. - Explores what influences behavior: who conserves and why - Includes both theory and practice - Focuses on water and energy use, food choice and travel behavior - Identifies impacts of incentives and interventions
This open access book discusses the contribution of sociology and survey research to climate research. The authors address the questions of which behaviors are of climate relevance, who is engaging in these behaviors, in which contexts do these behaviors occur, and which individual perceptions and values are related to them. Utilizing survey research, the book focuses on the measurement of climate-relevant behaviors with population surveys and develops an instrument that allows a valid estimate of an individual’s GHG emissions with a few core items. While the development of these instruments was based on surveys and qualitative interviews conducted in Austria, the instruments were subsequently tested in a set of 31 European countries, revealing the international relevance of such research. The book also concludes with a brief consideration of the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on environmental attitudes, situating the project globally.
The United States is among the wealthiest nations in the world, but it is far from the healthiest. Although life expectancy and survival rates in the United States have improved dramatically over the past century, Americans live shorter lives and experience more injuries and illnesses than people in other high-income countries. The U.S. health disadvantage cannot be attributed solely to the adverse health status of racial or ethnic minorities or poor people: even highly advantaged Americans are in worse health than their counterparts in other, "peer" countries. In light of the new and growing evidence about the U.S. health disadvantage, the National Institutes of Health asked the National Research Council (NRC) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to convene a panel of experts to study the issue. The Panel on Understanding Cross-National Health Differences Among High-Income Countries examined whether the U.S. health disadvantage exists across the life span, considered potential explanations, and assessed the larger implications of the findings. U.S. Health in International Perspective presents detailed evidence on the issue, explores the possible explanations for the shorter and less healthy lives of Americans than those of people in comparable countries, and recommends actions by both government and nongovernment agencies and organizations to address the U.S. health disadvantage.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Explores traditional and alternative models in human behavior. This title is also available as a more affordable e-book with embedded media to illustrate key concepts. Human Behavior and the Social Environment, 6/e challenges students to explore both traditional and non-traditional paradigms in examining human behavior and the social environment. Through this examination, readers will better understand individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities and globalization. Students will recognize the range of social systems in which people live and the ways these systems promote or deter people in their health and wellbeing. Connecting Core Competencies Series - This title is part of the Connecting Core Competencies Series, designed to guide students in becoming skilled at the Council on Social Work's core competencies. Each chapter reflects and integrates the latest CSWE competency standards (EPAS). End-of-chapter assessment reinforces this integration.