Culture Methods for Growth Enhancement and Off-Season Production of Yellow Perch Perca Flavescens

Culture Methods for Growth Enhancement and Off-Season Production of Yellow Perch Perca Flavescens



Published: 2004

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The success of the yellow perch Perca flavescens aquaculture industry depends largely on increasing growth efficiency to reduce production costs, and increasing fingerling availability for year-round production. Two characteristics of yellow perch biology pose challenges toward these goals. 1) Yellow perch exhibit sexually dimorphic growth, detected concurrently as the fish enter puberty, with many slower-growing males that may never achieve market size. These growth differences between genders also promote a situation in which cannibalism can quickly deplete a perch population reared under intensive conditions. 2) Yellow perch spawn once a year in the spring, and most producers are limited to a production schedule centered on this event. Two sets of studies were conducted to evaluate culture methods for the inhibiting maturation for promotion of somatic growth, and evaluate the practice of 'cold-banking' for off-season fingerling availability. Four combinations of constant and natural photothermal regimes were used to impose environmental conditions on juvenile fish that inhibited maturation and promoted somatic growth. Immature perch were expected to demonstrate reduced dimorphic growth pattern and overall growth enhancement. Results indicate that a) constant temperature is the strongest promoter of overall growth regardless of photoperiod; b) constant photoperiod also promotes overall growth regardless of temperature; c) natural (decreasing) photoperiod initiates maturation in yellow perch regardless of temperature; d) natural temperature is required for late maturational processes; e) constant temperature and constant photoperiod together confer the best overall growth performance, fully inhibit maturation in both genders, and suppress a sexually dimorphic growth pattern up to 53g average weight. Two studies were conducted evaluating the growth of cold-banked fish and costs associated with commercial application of this culture technique. Perch banked at 10 C on.

Induction of Female Monosex Polyploid Yellow Perch (Perca Flavescens) and Production of Monosex Stocks in Order to Increase Efficiency of Yellow Perch Aquaculture

Induction of Female Monosex Polyploid Yellow Perch (Perca Flavescens) and Production of Monosex Stocks in Order to Increase Efficiency of Yellow Perch Aquaculture

Author: Mackenzie E. Miller


Published: 2020

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Aquaculture is the fastest growing food production sector globally, with freshwater fish making up the majority of aquaculture production today. An important commercial species throughout the Great Lakes with current demand as both a game and food fish, is Yellow perch Perca flavescens. Yellow perch is a species well-suited for commercial aquaculture; however, there are several challenges to perch culture operations that have limited further growth of this species commercially. One challenge is dimorphism for body size in this species; males grow at a much slower rate (30%) and have a shorter life span than females. Another challenge is that the onset of sexual maturity begins before male Yellow perch reach marketable size (100-150g). The combination of dimorphic growth and the early onset of male sexual maturity results in a more rapid growth rate in female Yellow perch than in males. Therefore, traditional mixed-sex stocks of Yellow perch exhibit large size variation, with half of the stock (females) reaching market size significantly earlier than the other half (males). A possible solution to the challenge that Yellow perch sexual dimorphism presents to culture operations is the production of monosex female populations, as all-female stocks would reach market size faster than mixed sex stocks, with lower overall costs. There are several potential methods to produce all-female Yellow perch. This work focused on the development of gynogenesis methods, as well as the evaluation of the efficacy for temperature exposure. Production of Yellow perch gyngoens will directly result in all-female progeny. However, induction of gynogenesis requires application of physical shocks to newly fertilized embryos, which can negatively impact survival and cause deformities. There is the potential for gyngoens to be sex-reversed to phenotypic males (genetic (XX) females capable of producing sperm), which could then be used to produce an all-female generations that has not been exposed to physical shocks. Application of sex hormones has traditionally been used; however, temperature exposure has also shown to have the potential to produce phenotypic males, which can then be used to produce all-female Yellow perch in the next generation. Access to cryopreserved Yellow perch sperm will be crucial to the application of these methods to industry; therefore, we first improved the effectiveness of simple cryopreservation techniques of Yellow perch sperm by examining different cryoprotectants (dimethylsulfoxide [DMSO] versus methanol [MetOH]) utilizing two simple cryopreservation methods, the effect of absence versus presence of seminal plasma, and the effects of UV irradiation on sperm physiology following cryopreservation. Cryopreservation and cryoprotectants were evaluated based on post-thaw motility as well as on fertilization rate, embryonic survival, and hatching rate. We determined that both simple methods with either cryoprotectant in the presence of seminal plasma are efficient to cryopreserve Yellow perch sperm. We also determined based on survival and growth results from the larval rearing experiment that progeny derived from cryopreserved sperm do not experience growth suppression or higher mortality than progeny obtained from fresh control sperm. Results from the cryopreservation of UV irradiated sperm suggests that the combination of UV-irradiation and cryopreservation does not result in lower sperm motility than is expected after UV-irradiation alone, a promising result for future work with cryobanks for female monosex production. We then successfully produced triploid Yellow perch utilizing heat shocks and raised triploid individuals until sexual maturation in order to evaluate their reproductive ability, as well as the viability and performance of resulting progeny. Successful induction of triploidy was an important first step for determining conditions to achieve gynogenesis in Yellow perch. Further, results demonstrate that triploid Yellow perch females possess well-developed ovaries with no reduction, that are highly capable of being fertilized. However, triploid females are sterile, as majority of progeny produced were aneuploids and mass to total mortality was observed before progeny reached juvenile stage. We then utilized this experience with triploidy to begin developing methods of producing Yellow perch gyngoens. Methods of UV-irradiating sperm of Yellow perch and heterologous sperm were also evaluated. Various heat and pressure shock conditions were determined to be effective in restoring diploidy, including a pressure shock of 9,000 psi applied at 5 minutes post fertilization (mpf) for a 10 minute duration and a heat shock of 28-30°C applied at 5 mpf for a 12 minute duration. Unreliable availability of heterologous sperm from wild sources resulted in majority of gynogenesis trials to be conducted utilizing UV-irradiated sperm of Yellow perch. We found high variability in the required doses for full irradiation of sperm from different Yellow perch males, likely due to high and variable sperm concentration and inadequate dilution. As a result, majority of gynogen groups produced by irradiated perch sperm contained normal, diploid individuals produced by non-irradiated sperm fertilizing an egg. However, when heterologous Walleye sperm was used, the resulting gynogen group contained 100% gynogenetic individuals, as hybrids of Walleye and Yellow perch are nonviable. Based on our results, we suggest use of Walleye sperm (diluted 1:10 with extender and UV-irradiated at 7,000-9,000 J/m2) for production of Yellow perch gynogens. We also produced a series of progenies that included all-female, female-biased, male-biased, and mixed-sex cohorts in order to compare the growth and survival between these groups and further define the benefits of mono-sex culture of Yellow perch. We determined that all-female groups grew significantly better than all other groups, and there were no impacts on survival. Therefore, we can conclude that all-female Yellow perch stocks will increase the profitability and efficiency of aquaculture operations. Finally, we conducted an investigation into the influence of temperature on gonad differentiation in Yellow perch. Research has shown that exposure to high temperature during the labile sex determination phase can lead to the masculinization and production of phenotypic males in fishes. Such a mechanism in Yellow perch would provide an alternative, cost-effective method for farmers and industry personnel to produce their own stocks of neomales, which could then be used to produce all-female Yellow perch. We evaluated the effect of high temperature exposure from the time of first exogenous feeding, to the end of sex determination, in two generations of Yellow perch and observed masculinization effect in 6 of the 11 progenies produced in the first generation. The second generation has not yet reached sexual maturation, therefore, sex ratio results for the F2 will be reported in future studies. This collection of studies provides an integrated, comprehensive approach to the production of all-female Yellow perch stocks for increasing Yellow perch aquaculture production and provides highly valuable and novel information to the industry, which will open new avenues for increasing the production of Yellow perch through intensive culture.

Improvement of Yellow Perch Larvae Culture Via Live Food Enrichment with Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids

Improvement of Yellow Perch Larvae Culture Via Live Food Enrichment with Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids

Author: John David Grayson


Published: 2014

Total Pages:



Limited experience with live food regimes and fragmentary knowledge of nutritional requirements have been inhibitors for the indoor-intensive production of Yellow Perch Perca flavescens larvae. Live food enrichment with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) is a proven means of increasing the growth and survival of larval fish, but no studies to date have tested this method on Yellow Perch. This thesis consists of two live food enrichment experiments carried out in May/June of 2013 and 2014, as well as lipid analysis of live food and fish samples from both years. The 2013 study examined the effect of live food enrichment with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; C22:6[n-3]) and arachidonic acid (ARA; C20:4[n-6]) on the growth, survival, and swim bladder inflation of larval Yellow Perch. The 2014 experiment was similar in design, but compared PUFA enrichments in ethyl ester (EE) and triglyceride (TG) forms. Both experiments were conducted in two phases. The first phase was carried out in a recirculating system with nine 50 L conical tanks, initially stocked at 50-70 larvae/L. Live rotifers Brachionus plicatilis were provided to larvae for the first two days of exogenous feeding, before transitioning to Artemia franciscana nauplii for the remaining eight days of this phase. The second phase was carried out in nine 60 L cylindrical flow-through tanks, initially stocked with 10 larvae/L. During this phase, fish were fed Artemia nauplii for 3 days, then gradually transitioned to a formulated starter diet (Otohime A®) over a 7 day period. At the end of the first phase the ARA and DHA enriched groups had significantly (p=0.05) improved swim bladder inflation rates when compared to the control group. For the second phase, enriched groups had significantly larger mean weights and growth rates than the control. The EE-TG experiment was similar in design to the DHA-ARA experiment, except that the second phase was concluded after seven days of feeding. At the end of the first phase, the EE group had a significantly improved average weight and growth rate than the TG group. No significant trends were seen in the second phase. Following enrichment experiments, the fatty acid composition of live feeds and experimental fish were analyzed using the gas chromatography method. Fatty acid composition of zooplankton was heavily influenced by enrichments, and composition of larvae/juveniles generally reflects that of their live prey. Arachidonic acid was assimilated poorly in ARA enriched Artemia, but DHA was found in abundance. Also, rotifers tended to assimilate PUFA better in EE form, while Artemia achieved higher PUFA contents with TG enrichments. The data support that PUFA enrichment of live food can be utilized to increase the success of Yellow Perch culture by increasing growth and swim bladder inflation rates during the critical period of larval development.