In The Politics of Religion and the Rise of Social Catholicism in Peru (1884-1935) Ricardo Cubas Ramacciotti provides a lucid synthesis of the Catholic Church’s responses to the secularisation of the State and society whilst offering a fresh appraisal of the emergence of Social Catholicism and its contribution to social thought and development of civil society in post-independence Peru. Making use of diverse historical sources, Cubas provides a comprehensive view of a reformist yet anti-revolutionary trend within the Peruvian Church that, decades before the emergence of Liberation Theology and under divergent intellectual paradigms, developed an active agenda that addressed the new social problems of the country, including those of urban workers, and of indigenous populations.
El autor es Carlo Emanuele Ruspoli. Roma, 1949. Es doctor arquitecto y autor de numerosos títulos técnicos y catálogos, así como de proyectos de edificación e industriales. Ensayista de artículos de índole técnica y cultural en varias revistas, asimismo colabora con la Real Academia Matritense de Heráldica y Genealogía. En mayo de 2011 editó con dicha Real Academia su primer libro de historia Retratos, anécdotas y secretos de los linajes Borja, Téllez-Girón, Marescotti y Ruspoli. Ha escrito además libros de historia, antropología, anécdotas de vida profesional y genealogía. Además ha publicado varias novelas históricas como: El Confaloniero, El Profeso, Asesinato en el Letrán, Muerte de Profesos, El Profeso en Tíbet y está preparando una nueva novela de la serie que se titulará El Profeso y el diablo. Su larga trayectoria profesional y su inquietud como viajador le ha permitido viajar a casi todos los lugares mencionados en este libro.
This is the first detailed scholarly study of culture and sociability in Colombia during the period c. 1850 and 1930. Patricia Londoño-Vega gives a vivid picture of some of the factors that reduced social distances in the province of Antioquia during this period of relative harmony and prosperity. She examines hundreds of the groups and voluntary associations which flourished at this time and which brought a growing number of Antioqueños of different social backgrounds together around religious practices and societies, the exercising of charity, a concern for education, and the pursuit of cultural progress. The book describes the crucial role played by religion and the Catholic Church, which underwent considerable growth after the turbulent period of mid-nineteenth century liberal reforms until the end of the conservative era in 1930, and traces the progress of parishes, devotional associations, religious communities, private and public religiosity, and numeros pilanthropic societies, all of which brought about the bonds between the classes. The author examines achievements in education and the emergence of a thriving gamut of literary groups, public libraries, social clubs, and other assciations created to promote public instuction, pedagogy, manners, temperance, 'cultivated' music, and moral improvement. These cultural associations strove towards the longed-for civilisation, as percieved in its prevalent Western connotations. The social intermingling brought about by all these forms of sociability did not of course abolish class distinctions, but did generate a complex and closely integrated society, with an optimistic and constructive view of itself. The description of social and cultural dynamism, set against the background of growing religiiosity, challenges the seldom-discussed assumption that religion slowed down social and cultural modernisation. Primary evidence, drawn from extensive researh in proceedings and reports by groups, associations, periodical publications, statistics, diaries and memoirs, travellers' accounts, books of etiquette, genre literature and other contemporary publications, as well as visual images, particulary photographs, document important topics which have in the past attracted little attention from scholars.
The global phenomenon of Pentecostal growth continues to interest scholars, particularly its local manifestations. Although previous explanations may have noted the connections between the cultural substrata and local Pentecostal practices, this book concentrates on seeking out the connections. Using both extensive field research and reflection on Latin American scholarship, the author proposes that a major link exists at the level of worldview assumptions, particularly in understandings of spiritual power. The book concludes with a reflection on the implications a conversion based on the search for spiritual power has for the future of the evangelical church in Latin America.
Presents entries A to L of a two-volume encyclopedia discussing religion around the globe, including biographies, concepts and theories, places, social issues, movements, texts, and traditions.
Sociologies of Religion: National Traditions presents fourteen histories of the sociological study of religion in a diverse set of nations. Each of the histories is newly written by author who are uniquely situated to tell narrate the story of the field in their countries. They give us the stories behind major personages, theoretical traditions, seminal works, research institutes, and professional associations. The histories trace the various ways the field was established in different academic and religious contexts and the trajectories it took in emerging as a scientific specialty.
This landmark work constitutes a complete historical, sociological, and political view of religion as a cultural expression in Latin America. Parker shows how, beginning with the arrival of the conquistadors, religion has played a transcendent role in shaping the national cultures of the region, particularly its popular cultures, and continues to do so. Parker argues that while capitalistic modernization and urbanization do lead to secularization, this process is not linear or progressive. Secularization in Latin America does not destroy its religious fabric but rather transforms it, accentuating its pluralistic character. Christianity, and particularly Roman Catholicism, has influenced Latin American identity and culture most profoundly. But it has by no means been the sole influence, nor has Christianity itself remained unchanged in the process. As a product of history and capitalistic modernization, the trait of religion that emerges most clearly is that of cultural and religious pluralism.
Este libro te ayudará a: * Conocer y vivir mejor la Palabra de Dios que leemos los domingos * Conversar con Jesús sobre aspectos importantes de tu vida * Enriquecer tu Eucaristía dominical al comprender mejor la liturgia * Fortalecer tu espiritualidad, vocación y misión cristianas 34 Sesiones para jóvenes: * Centradas en las lecturas dominicales * Organizadas en momentos de oración, reflexión y acción * Animadas con el mismo espíritu que La Biblia Católica para Jóvenes * Diseñadas con un proceso de Lectio Divina apropiado para jóvenes Contienen: * Oraciones y pautas para orar personal y comunitariamente * Comentarios bíblicos y litúrgicos * Actividades comunitarias y celebraciones de fe * Reflexiones sobre la vida diaria y situaciones especiales Útiles para: * Planear retiros y sesiones de pastoral juvenil * Preparar homilías y sesiones catequéticas * Enriquecer la espiritualidad de la juventud
This volume explores several notable themes related to social, political, and religious movements in Latin America and offers insightful historical perspectives to understand national, regional, and global issues from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day. This volume’s collected chapters focus on the Latin American society and are divided into three sections. The first section, Social, presents some cultural, demographic, and urban changes that have occurred with increasing frequency in Latin America from the early twentieth century onward. The second section, Political, shows migratory, political, and identity movements that in recent decades have re-emerged with force. Finally, the third section, Religious, analyzes various Latin American religious visions with their particular characteristics. From the religious hegemony of Catholicism, a change in the religious panorama in the last decades can be seen intermingled with politics, history, and society.