Outreach and engagement initiatives are crucial in promoting community development. This can be achieved through a number of methods, including avenues in the fine arts. The Handbook of Research on the Facilitation of Civic Engagement through Community Art is a comprehensive reference source for emerging perspectives on the incorporation of artistic works to facilitate improved civic engagement and social justice. Featuring innovative coverage across relevant topics, such as art education, service learning, and student engagement, this handbook is ideally designed for practitioners, artists, professionals, academics, and students interested in active citizen participation via artistic channels.
Starting Up is a collection of first-person accounts by some of the best-known founders of new schools in America. Providing the kind of knowledge that only experience can teach, it is an invaluable resource for anyone in the process of or thinking about opening a new school, as well as those interested in the politics of today’s era of new school development. The authors share how they worked to make their educational aspirations a reality while wrestling with social and economic obstacles, such as the distressed state of the communities in which these schools operated and the constant competition for resources. Starting Up tells real stories that capture the rich sense of possibility that currently exists for urban education. Book Features: Behind the scenes accounts from the founders of innovative K–12 schools created to better serve primarily poor communities across the country. Lessons learned from school leaders, including both the rewards and challenges associated with starting a new school. An introduction by Pedro Noguera that situates start ups within current economic and political realities. Lisa Arrastía is the middle school principal at United Nations International School in New York. Her work in the classroom is the focus of the Emmy-nominated PBS documentary Making the Grade. Marvin Hoffman is the founding director of The University of Chicago Charter School, North Kenwood/Oakland campus and the associate director of the University’s Urban Teacher Education Program. “These are educators who recognize that although urban public schools are often deeply flawed and dysfunctional, they don’t have to be, and they are educators who act on the belief that it is possible to create schools that nurture and support the hopes and aspirations of those they serve.” —From the Foreword by Pedro Noguera, New York University “How might we reimagine our schools? This book offers a guide from those who have experienced firsthand the trials and tribulations of trying to create a school from the bottom up. It asks all the right questions, both the practical and the pedagogical. It feels like essential reading as we reconsider how our urban schools should look and function.” —Alex Kotlowitz, bestselling author of There Are No Children Here and The Other Side of the River
A groundbreaking collection of writings that place queer ritual at the center of the theological conversation. In this collection of essays, leading scholars in queer theology and liturgical studies explore the ways in which the distinctive theological voices of LGBTQIA+ Christians challenge and expand thinking and practice around worship in new directions. This challenge has expanded in the past decades, as obstacles to the full participation of queer Christians—particularly in marriage and ordination—have fallen. Organized into three main parts, the volume begins with an introduction to queer engagement with ritual practices, continues with a series of case studies that examine queer texts and contexts, and concludes with an examination of the horizons of queer liturgical theology and practice. Throughout the volume, Queering Christian Worship provides new imagination and tools to those who study and curate Christian worship across traditions.
Un libro es como la amante ideal. Te seduce, te desnuda el alma, te impregna de su esencia, se deja tocar, acariciar, abrazar. Te dice cosas que despiertan tus emociones, te hace vibrar con sus relatos y te deja una huella para siempre. (Alessandro Di Masi) Libro del Año y libro más vendido en España 2011 y 2012. Este libro no trata de religión ni es un tratado de medicina. Sin embargo contiene alucinantes experiencias de consultorio que asombraron el mundo científico. Las palabras del autor parecen activar un milagroso proceso de rápida recuperación y de curación a personas con trastornos y enfermedades consideradas mortales. Ningún miembro de tu familia debería padecer cáncer si lee atentamente la información contenida en este ameno e inteligente libro de auto crecimiento. Contiene extraordinarios puntos de vista sobre enfermedades que ayudan a muchos terapeutas a solucionar los problemas más graves de salud de sus clientes. La vida es una gran fiesta. Este libro es un divertido conjunto de cortos relatos y buenas noticias, accesible a todas las edades, culturas y formaciones. Está redactado con la máxima sencillez. Las enseñanzas de Di Masi fascinan incluso a los más jóvenes, llegando a descubrir un nuevo mundo sin pastillas, un mundo en el cual tendrán todos los poderes del Mago Merlín. El autor es el fundador de la Sanergía y director del Centro de Investigación Bioenergética (Girona, España). Desde el 2007 viaja para enseñar La Conexión a través de las energías y el futuro del trabajo con energías con divertidos monólogos sobre la salud, pero repletos de verdades desconocidas y ocultadas al gran público. ¿Puedes curar con la palabra, los ojos y las energías? ¡Todos podemos! Ya cientos de miles de personas se dieron cuenta -con las demostraciones del maestro Di Masi- de tener estos poderes. En sus cursos Di Masi desvela los secretos. Miles de personas le deben la vida o conocieron un aumento consciente de su calidad de vida y éxito en los negocios. Por fin te darás cuenta de que todos somos El Creador, que todos tenemos derecho a 140 años de vida y que si morimos de una enfermedad, será debido a la ignorancia (al hecho de ignorar algo...). Cada año mueren millones de personas que se hubieran podido recuperar con Sanergía. Hemos conocido el siglo industrial y el siglo económico. Hoy estamos en el siglo de la información y quién tiene la información vive en la tranquilidad, el bienestar, el éxito y la salud. - ¿Tiene el ser humano el don de curar y de autocurarse si es proveído de la justa información? - ¿Es la dinerosis un trastorno? ¿Es causado por lo que pensamos del dinero? - ¿La leucemia es una "vibración" que sirve para reparar un hueso roto o para cicatrizar una herida? ¿El cáncer es un camino consciente hacia la curación? ¿El 90% de la gente tratada con quimioterapia NO tiene cáncer o leucemia? ¿El 95% de la gente tratada con quimioterapia o radioterapia no sobrevive el tratamiento? ¿Por qué se lo prescriben? ¿Los medicamentos no curan, solo palian síntomas engañando el cerebro? - Si aconsejar este libro a un ser querido contribuye a salvarle la vida, ¿tu propia vida habrá tenido sentido? ¿Es verdad que lo que das, recibes? ¿Crees que es una casualidad que estás leyendo este texto'... - Este libro cambió la vida de cientos de miles de personas y cambiará -definitivamente- tu manera de ver las cosas. Ningún lector quedó indiferente. "El Creador" fue escrito con el profundo deseo de mejorar la vida de cada individuo en este planeta. - TE CREASTE con todo lo que te obligaron a creer. Tu pasado se resume en lo que eres hoy, el fruto de tus creencias. ¿Quieres conocer tu futuro? Tu futuro es lo que crees ahora mismo. Lo que crees, creas.
This anthology of 17 professional readings provides effective strategies for serving Latinos in the library. These selected case studies focus on the organization and expansion of Spanish-language collections, meeting the demands of Latino children, eliminating cultural and linguistic barriers, and developments in electronic resources and the World Wide Web, among other topics. This work will help stimulate discussion about some of the pressing professional issues of relevance to Latino librarians, such as leadership development, outreach, recruitment and mentorship.
Conexiones Vitales tiene el propósito de guiar al lector en el mejoramiento de sus relaciones interpersonales. Tiene que ver con las líneas de vida a desarrollar a lo largo de nuestra existencia. Así como hay “líneas de vida” para los trabajadores que laboran en las alturas sobre andamios endebles; o enfermos en hospitales que están “conectados” para seguir viviendo, lo mismo, tú y yo requerimos de conexiones firmes y saludables que nos permitan vivir plena y saludablemente.
It’s been said that prayer is the vocabulary of faith. This book offers a wealth of resources from forgotten places to help us create a new vocabulary for worship and prayer, one that is located amidst the poor and the major issues of violence and destruction around the world today. It is a collection of prayers, songs, rituals, rites of healing, Eucharistic and baptismal prayers, meditations and art from four continents: Asia-Pacific Islands, Africa, Americas, and Europe. Liturgies from Below is the culmination of a project organized by the Council for World Mission (CWM) during 2018-2019. Approximately 100 people from four continents worked with CWM, collaborating to create indigenous prayers and liturgies expressing their own contexts, for sharing with their communities and the rest of the world. The project was called “Re-Imagining Worship as Acts of Defiance and Alternatives in the Context of Empire”. The author and others spent weeks living in each of four communities for several weeks/months, getting to know the people, and then facilitating the people’s own creation of prayers and liturgies. The author, other scholars, pastors, artists, activists and students all came from radically different ethnicities, races, sexualities, churches and Christian theologies. The people in each location were poor, living in very challenging communities, living in oppressive and seemingly hopeless situations. After some time, they wrote prayers and stories of their experience trying to live the Christian faith in utterly abandoned places. What we have here is an immensely rich and varied collection of liturgical sources from various communities dealing with issues of violence, immigration/refugees, drugs, land grabbing, war on the poor, attack on women, militarization, climate change, and so on.
This collection of new essays examines the representation of the female self in recent novels written by Spanish women. The essays explore the myriad ways in which women's struggle with self-definition and self-fulfillment is contemplated in Spain during a time in which democracy has taken hold and women's rights have taken shape. Authors covered include Carmen Martin Gaite, Josefina Aldecoa, Rosa Montero, Dulce Chacon, Clara Sanchez, Lucia Etxebarria, Care Santos, Eugenia Rico, Espido Freire, and others.