Method for Fabricating .sup. 99 Mo Production Targets Using Low Enriched Uranium, .sup. 99 Mo Production Targets Comprising Low Enriched Uranium

Method for Fabricating .sup. 99 Mo Production Targets Using Low Enriched Uranium, .sup. 99 Mo Production Targets Comprising Low Enriched Uranium



Published: 1997

Total Pages:



A radioisotope production target and a method for fabricating a radioisotope production target is provided, wherein the target comprises an inner cylinder, a foil of fissionable material circumferentially contacting the outer surface of the inner cylinder, and an outer hollow cylinder adapted to receive the substantially foil-covered inner cylinder and compress tightly against the foil to provide good mechanical contact therewith. The method for fabricating a primary target for the production of fission products comprises preparing a first substrate to receive a foil of fissionable material so as to allow for later removal of the foil from the first substrate, preparing a second substrate to receive the foil so as to allow for later removal of the foil from the second substrate; attaching the first substrate to the second substrate such that the foil is sandwiched between the first substrate and second substrate to prevent foil exposure to ambient atmosphere, and compressing the exposed surfaces of the first and second substrate to assure snug mechanical contact between the foil, the first substrate and the second substrate.

Full-scale Demonstration of the Cintichem Process for the Production of Mo-99 Using a Low-enriched Target

Full-scale Demonstration of the Cintichem Process for the Production of Mo-99 Using a Low-enriched Target



Published: 1998

Total Pages: 10



The irradiation, disassembly, and processing of two full-scale low-enriched uranium (LEU) targets were recently demonstrated by personnel in the BATAN PUSPIPTEK Facilities (Serpong, Indonesia). Targets were fabricated at Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne, IL, U.S.A.) and shipped to PUSPIPTEK. The processing was done by nearly the same procedure used for the production of 99Mo from high-enriched uranium (HEU) targets. The BATAN Radioisotope Production Centre produces 99Mo using the Cintichem process by first dissolving the uranium in an acid cocktail; three proprietary separation steps recover the 99Mo and purify it from other components of the irradiated uranium. Processing of LEU-metal targets is nearly identical to that used for HEU-oxide targets except (1) a separate dissolver is required and (2) the dissolution cocktail is nitric acid alone rather than a nitric/sulfuric acid mixture. The demonstrations went smoothly except for problems with sampling and gamma analysis to assess product purity. Foils could be removed from targets fabricated from zirconium and/or 304 stainless steel, and processing produced an equivalent yield of 99Mo/235U to that of the HEU target.

A Nuclear Reactor and Chemical Processing Design for Production of Molybdenum-99 with Crystalline Uranyl Nitrate Hexahydrate Fuel

A Nuclear Reactor and Chemical Processing Design for Production of Molybdenum-99 with Crystalline Uranyl Nitrate Hexahydrate Fuel

Author: Gary Michael Stange


Published: 2016

Total Pages: 264



Medical radioisotopes are used in tens of millions of procedures every year to detect and image a wide variety of maladies and conditions in the human body. The most widely-used diagnostic radioisotope is technetium-99m, a metastable isomer of technetium-99 that is generated by the radioactive decay of molybdenum-99. For a number of reasons, the supply of molybdenum-99 has become unreliable and the techniques used to produce it have become unattractive. This has spurred the investigation of new technologies that avoid the use of highly enriched uranium to produce molybdenum-99 in the United States, where approximately half of the demand originates. The first goal of this research is to develop a critical nuclear reactor design powered by solid, discrete pins of low enriched uranium. Analyses of single-pin heat transfer and whole-core neutronics are performed to determine the required specifications. Molybdenum-99 is produced directly in the fuel of this reactor and then extracted through a series of chemical processing steps. After this extraction, the fuel is left in an aqueous state. The second goal of this research is to describe a process by which the uranium may be recovered from this spent fuel solution and reconstituted into the original fuel form. Fuel recovery is achieved through a crystallization step that generates solid uranyl nitrate hexahydrate while leaving the majority of fission products and transuranic isotopes in solution. This report provides background information on molybdenum-99 production and crystallization chemistry. The previously unknown thermal conductivity of the fuel material is measured. Following this is a description of the modeling and calculations used to develop a reactor concept. The operational characteristics of the reactor core model are analyzed and reported. Uranyl nitrate crystallization experiments have also been conducted, and the results of this work are presented here. Finally, a process flow scheme for uranium recovery is examined, in part qualitatively and in part quantitatively, based upon the preceding data garnered through literature review, modeling, and experimentation. The sum of this research is meant to allow for a complete understanding of the process flow, from the beginning of one production cycle to the beginning of another.

An Investigative Approach to Explore Optimum Assembly Process Design for Annular Targets Carrying Leu Foil

An Investigative Approach to Explore Optimum Assembly Process Design for Annular Targets Carrying Leu Foil

Author: Annemarie Hoyer


Published: 2013

Total Pages: 206



Technetium-99m is the most widely used nuclear isotope in the medical field, with nearly 80 to 85% of all diagnostic imaging procedures. The daughter isotope of molybdenum-99 is currently produced using weapons-grade uranium. A suggested design for aluminum targets carrying low-enriched uranium (LEU) foil is presented for the fulfillment of eliminating highly enriched uranium (HEU) for medical isotope production. The assembly process that this research focuses on is the conventional draw-plug process which is currently used and lastly the sealing process. The research is unique in that it is a systematic approach to explore the optimal target assembly process to produce those targets with the required quality and integrity. Conducting 9 parametric experiments, aluminum tubes with a nickel foil fission-barrier and a surrogate stainless steel foil are assembled, welded and then examined to find defects, to determine residual stresses, and to find the best cost-effective target dimensions. The experimental design consists of 9 assembly combinations that were found through orthogonal arrays in order to explore the significance of each factor. Using probabilistic modeling, the parametric study is investigated using the Taguchi method of robust analysis. Depending on the situation, optimal conditions may be a nominal, a minimized or occasionally a maximized condition. The results will provide the best target design and will give optimal quality with little or no assembly defects.

Experimental Activities Supporting Commercial U.S. Accelerator Production of 99-Mo

Experimental Activities Supporting Commercial U.S. Accelerator Production of 99-Mo



Published: 2010

Total Pages:



{Sup 99m}Tc, the daughter product of 99Mo, is the most commonly used radioisotope for nuclear medicine in the U.S. Experiments are being performed at Los Alamos National Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory to demonstrate production of 99Mo using accelerators. The 1°°Mo([gamma], n)99Mo reaction in an enriched 1°°Mo target is currently under investigation. Three scaled low-power production experiments using a 20-MeV electron linac at Argonne have been performed to date. Two of these experiments used natural Mo targets and produced a total of 613 [mu]C of 99Mo. The third experiment used an enriched 1°°Mo target and produced 10.5 mCi of 99Mo. Following irradiation the targets were dissolved and the low specific activity solution was processed through an ARSII generator from NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes. Yields of {sup 99m}Tc>95% have been observed.

Progress in Developing Processes for Converting 99Mo Production from High- to Low-enriched Uranium--1998

Progress in Developing Processes for Converting 99Mo Production from High- to Low-enriched Uranium--1998



Published: 1998

Total Pages: 13



During 1998, the emphasis of our activities was focused mainly on target fabrication. Successful conversion requires a reliable irradiation target; the target being developed uses thin foils of uranium metal, which can be removed from the target hardware for dissolution and processing. This paper describes successes in (1) improving our method for heat-treating the uranium foil to produce a random-small grain structure, (2) improving electrodeposition of zinc and nickel fission-fragment barriers onto the foil, and (3) showing that these fission fragment barriers should be stable during transport of the targets following irradiation. A method was also developed for quantitatively electrodepositing uranium and plutonium contaminants in the 99Mo. Progress was also made in broadening international cooperation in our development activities.