The Commercial Pilot—Airplane Practical Test Standards (PTS) book has been published by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to establish the standards for commercial pilot certification practical tests for the airplane category, single-engine land and sea; and multiengine land and sea classes. FAA inspectors and designated pilot examiners shall conduct practical tests in compliance with these standards. Flight instructors and applicants should find these standards helpful during training and when preparing for the practical test.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has published the Private Pilot - Airplane Airman Certification Standards (ACS) document to communicate the aeronautical knowledge, risk management, and flight proficiency standards for the private pilot certification in the airplane category, single-engine land and sea; and multiengine land and sea classes. This ACS incorporates and supersedes the previous Private Pilot Practical Test Standards for Airplane, FAA-S-8081-14. The FAA views the ACS as the foundation of its transition to a more integrated and systematic approach to airman certification. The ACS is part of the safety management system (SMS) framework that the FAA uses to mitigate risks associated with airman certification training and testing. Specifically, the ACS, associated guidance, and test question components of the airman certification system are constructed around the four functional components of an SMS: Safety Policy that defines and describes aeronautical knowledge, flight proficiency, and risk management as integrated components of the airman certification system; Safety Risk Management processes through which internal and external stakeholders identify and evaluate regulatory changes, safety recommendations and other factors that require modification of airman testing and training materials; Safety Assurance processes to ensure the prompt and appropriate incorporation of changes arising from new regulations and safety recommendations; and Safety Promotion in the form of ongoing engagement with both external stakeholders (e.g., the aviation training industry) and FAA policy divisions. The FAA has developed this ACS and its associated guidance in collaboration with a diverse group of aviation training experts. The goal is to drive a systematic approach to all components of the airman certification system, including knowledge test question development and conduct of the practical test. The FAA acknowledges and appreciates the many hours that these aviation experts have contributed toward this goal. This level of collaboration, a hallmark of a robust safety culture, strengthens and enhances aviation safety at every level of the airman certification system.
EFFECTIVE JUNE 28, 2019 The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has published the Commercial Pilot - Airplane Airman Certification Standards (ACS) document to communicate the aeronautical knowledge, risk management, and flight proficiency standards for the commercial pilot certification in the airplane category, single-engine land and sea; and multiengine land and sea classes. This ACS incorporates and supersedes FAA-S-ACS-7, Commercial Pilot - Airplane Airman Certification Standards.
The Private Pilot—Airplane Practical Test Standards (PTS) book has been published by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to establish the standards for private pilot certification practical tests for the airplane category, single-engine land and sea; and multiengine land and sea classes. FAA inspectors and designated pilot examiners shall conduct practical tests in compliance with these standards. Flight instructors and applicants should find these standards helpful during training and when preparing for the practical test.
A comprehensive guide to scenario-based instruction that features guidelines and tips that help flight instructors expand their practices to go beyond the FAA practical test standards. It covers such topics as systematic risk reduction, critical thinking, effective grading and evaluation, and tailoring programs to reach specific goals.
EFFECTIVE JUNE 28, 2019 The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has published the Commercial Pilot - Airplane Airman Certification Standards (ACS) document to communicate the aeronautical knowledge, risk management, and flight proficiency standards for the commercial pilot certification in the airplane category, single-engine land and sea; and multiengine land and sea classes. This ACS incorporates and supersedes FAA-S-ACS-7, Commercial Pilot - Airplane Airman Certification Standards.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) administers oral as well as written exams for pilot certification and flight review. These exam guides teach applicants not only what to expect, but also how to exhibit subject mastery and confidence under scrutiny. In this series, the most consistent questions asked in each exam are provided in a question-and-answer format, with information sources for further study. Applicants facing the oral exams will benefit from the topics discussed and the further study materials provided, which have been updated to reflect important FAA regulatory, procedural, and training changes, including fundamentals of instruction, technical subject areas, an appendix with the latest version of the FAA's advisory circular 61-65, and a new chapter on emergency operations.