COLECCIÓN DE CUENTOS INFANTILES surge por la necesidad de contar historias interesantes a los niños, ayudarles en su día a día respondiendo a sus dudas, miedos, sentimientos, alegrías y preguntas sobre todo lo que los rodea de una manera fácil y entretenida que los lleve al mundo mágico de la lectura. Está encaminado a niños y niñas desde 3 años.
Este libro contiene 350 cuentos de 50 autores clásicos, premiados y notables. Elegida sabiamente por el crítico literario August Nemo para la serie de libros 7 Mejores Cuentos, esta antología contiene los cuentos de los siguientes escritores: - Abraham Valdelomar - Antón Chéjov - Antonio de Trueba - Arturo Reyes - Baldomero Lillo - César Vallejo - Charles Perrault - Edgar Allan Poe - Emilia Pardo Bazán - Fray Mocho - Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer - Horacio Quiroga - Joaquín Díaz Garcés - Joaquín Dicenta - José Martí - José Ortega Munilla - Juan Valera - Julia de Asensi - Leonid Andréiev - Leopoldo Alas - Leopoldo Lugones - Oscar Wilde - Ricardo Güiraldes - Roberto Arlt - Roberto Payró - Rubén Darío - Soledad Acosta de Samper - Teodoro Baró - Vicente Blasco Ibáñez - Washington Irving - Alfred de Musset - Marqués de Sade - Saki - Marcel Schwob - Iván Turguéniev - Julio Verne - Émile Zola - Villiers de L'Isle Adam - Mark Twain - León Tolstoi - Ryunosuke Akutagawa - Ambrose Bierce - Mijaíl Bulgákov - Lewis Carroll - Arthur Conan Doyle - James Joyce - Franz Kafka - H. P. Lovecraft - Machado de Assis - Guy de Maupassant
Lebanese author Wafa' Tarnowska opens a window into the Arab world with her magnificent new translation of eight stories from 'A Thousand and One Nights'. With bright, lush, stylized acrylic illustrations, this collection of eight stories from 'A Thousand and One Nights' is designed for reading aloud, but in contrast to many watered-down versions, these tales may find their best audience with older elementary students and middle-schoolers. The long introductory story, Shahriyar Meets Shahrazade, tells of the shah's discovery of his beloved wife's betrayal and his shocking decision to marry a new bride every day and then order her death. Then he meets and marries Shahrazade, who persuades Shahriyar to keep her alive by telling him a riveting story each night. This edition is notable for combining favourites such as Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp with less familiar tales such as The Diamond Anklet and The Speaking Bird and the Singing Tree Throughout, the spacious paintings capture the sense of the supernatural in daily life, including magical images of people taking flight above city, trees, and desert. A chapter book AGES: 9-12 Colour illustrations