CNN 互動英語 2023 年 7 月號 No.274 【有聲版】

CNN 互動英語 2023 年 7 月號 No.274 【有聲版】

Author: LiveABC編輯群

Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司

Published: 2023-07-01

Total Pages: 77



社會 Long Live the King 英國國王查爾斯三世正式加冕 The United Kingdom Celebrates a Once-In-A-Lifetime Coronation 5月6日,英國國王查爾斯三世在倫敦西敏寺正式加冕。查爾斯當王儲70年,是英國史上等候即位最久的王位繼承人。本文回顧加冕典禮的精彩亮點。 科技 Uncanny Algorithm 抖音演算法到底讓青少年看了什麼? What Kind of Content Does TikTok Actually Show Teens? CNN記者實測一個14歲青少年的抖音帳號,發現該程式會推薦或在搜尋時顯示一些不恰當的影片。除了要求抖音建立保護青少年的機制外,專家也建議家長多關心孩子的上網狀況。 社會 A Population Problem 印度成為世界人口第一大國是喜是憂? India’s Lack of Opportunity Overshadows Growing Workforce 印度今年正式超越中國,成為世界第一人口大國,不過該國就業機會遠不足以支持廣大勞動人口,使得原本的經濟契機恐成危機。 環境 Drought or Drown 年度全球氣候報告出爐 氣象專家大解析 Extremes of Climate Change Had Global Impacts in 2022 世界氣象組織的最新年度全球氣候報告顯示,全球極端天氣事件愈來愈頻繁,某些地方發生熱浪和大範圍乾旱,某些地方則因爆量降雨而受洪害之苦。 科技 Realer than Real 當AI人工智慧被惡意誤用! AI-Generated Images in a Political Ad Stoke Fears about Misinformation 強大又便利的人工智慧科技已漸漸進入你我的生活,政治圈也不例外,日前就有政黨廣告利用AI工具用假想內容生成仿新聞報導的影片,令人難辨真假! 商業 Time for Luxury 精品錶市場年輕化 新創品牌嶄頭角 Asia’s Youth Establish Themselves as Major Players in the Wristwatch Market 亞洲近年出現許多精品錶新創品牌,主打極簡風格和手工製作。此外,二手鐘錶交易網站的營業額也節節高升,顯示精品業走向年輕化、線上化。 科學 A Romantic Addiction 愛情讓人上癮 都是大腦惹的禍 A Biological Anthropologist Breaks Down Why We Love 生物人類學家發現,浪漫的愛情和成癮物質一樣,會刺激大腦中特定的區塊,而當人失戀時,與身體疼痛相關的大腦區塊會變得活躍,使人痛苦不已。 人物 Linsanity and Beyond 林書豪在台掀林來瘋2.0 場上場下都精彩 Basketball Legend Jeremy Lin Discusses Sports and Social Change 林書豪今年轉戰台灣職籃P. LEAGUE+的高雄17直播鋼鐵人隊,打出亮眼表現。他在場下也關注公益,以其基金會幫助亞太裔美國人。 藝文 Demystifying the Past 羅馬競技場展出珍藏文物 揭露古代生活樣貌 Visitors to the Colosseum Get Up Close and Personal with Ancient Roman Artifacts 近日羅馬競技場搭建臨時展館,讓眾多長年收藏在倉庫裡的古文物重見天日,並由考古學家親自導覽解說,帶遊客近距離看看古代生活樣貌。 旅遊 The K-Spa Experience 體驗不一樣的韓式三溫暖──汗蒸幕 Journey into the Furnace of Korea’s Traditional Sauna 韓式三溫暖稱作汗蒸幕,包含熱水泡澡池、火窯三溫暖和社交廳等設施。跟著CNN記者一同體驗爆汗淋漓後的抒壓暢快。 焦點話題 CNN 全球瞭望 Thailand’s Election Ushers in Youth-Driven Change 泰國前進黨贏得大選 青年世代崛起 Researcher Breaks Record for Time Spent Living Underwater 在海底生活74天 研究人員創紀錄 WHO Declares COVID Is No Longer a Global Health Emergency 世衛組織宣布終止新冠疫情全球衛生緊急狀況 全方位理解CNN Shows Are Delayed as Writers Strike for Better Working Conditions 好萊塢編劇大罷工 抗議薪酬不公 新聞片語通 CNN主編教你唸 名錶品牌 單字聯想地圖 精品店

Black Lightning

Black Lightning

Author: Tony Isabella

Publisher: DC

Published: 2016-04-12

Total Pages: 234

ISBN-13: 1401269540


Black LightningÍs first solo series and origin story! With the power to generate electricity from within, Jefferson Pierce has donned a colorful costume and the secret identity of Black Lightning! However, it will take all of his abilities to protect his Metropolis neighborhood of Suicide Slum from those who seek to destroy it. With guest appearances by Superman and some familiar villains, Black Lightning makes DC Comics history. Collecting for the first time BLACK LIGHTNING #1-11 and WORLDÍS FINEST #260, featuring work by creators Tony Isabella and Trevor Von Eeden, along with veteran inkers Frank Springer and Vince Colletta!



Author: Douglas McTaggart

Publisher: Pearson Higher Education AU

Published: 2015-05-20

Total Pages: 726

ISBN-13: 1442550910


High quality, engaging content for students...ultimate flexibility for educators The seventh edition of this benchmark Australian text continues to offer students a comprehensive and relevant introduction to economics whilst offering educators the ability to customise and deliver content – your way. Economics 7th edition provides a streamlined approach to study and recognises the difficulties some students may face in comprehending key concepts. By leaving the more technical content and application until later, students can enjoy the more exciting policy material from the beginning and engage with the content early. Through compelling examples, clear explanations and the latest instructive on-line resources, the text draws students into the content and reinforces learning through practice and solving problems which are relevant to them. The authors train students to think about issues in the way real economists do, and learn how to explore difficult policy problems and make more informed decisions by offering a clear introduction to theory and applying the concepts to today’s events, news, and research.

Multi-Pitch Estimation

Multi-Pitch Estimation

Author: Mads Christensen

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2022-06-01

Total Pages: 141

ISBN-13: 303102558X


Periodic signals can be decomposed into sets of sinusoids having frequencies that are integer multiples of a fundamental frequency. The problem of finding such fundamental frequencies from noisy observations is important in many speech and audio applications, where it is commonly referred to as pitch estimation. These applications include analysis, compression, separation, enhancement, automatic transcription and many more. In this book, an introduction to pitch estimation is given and a number of statistical methods for pitch estimation are presented. The basic signal models and associated estimation theoretical bounds are introduced, and the properties of speech and audio signals are discussed and illustrated. The presented methods include both single- and multi-pitch estimators based on statistical approaches, like maximum likelihood and maximum a posteriori methods, filtering methods based on both static and optimal adaptive designs, and subspace methods based on the principles of subspace orthogonality and shift-invariance. The application of these methods to analysis of speech and audio signals is demonstrated using both real and synthetic signals, and their performance is assessed under various conditions and their properties discussed. Finally, the estimators are compared in terms of computational and statistical efficiency, generalizability and robustness. Table of Contents: Fundamentals / Statistical Methods / Filtering Methods / Subspace Methods / Amplitude Estimation

Underserved Populations at Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Underserved Populations at Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Author: Cheron H. Davis

Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing

Published: 2018-11-12

Total Pages: 272

ISBN-13: 1787548406


This book focuses on the experiences of underserved student and faculty at historically Black colleges and universities. Encompassing institutional supports, identity development, and socialization patterns, it explores how “outsider” perspectives will impact future research and practice, while also emphasizing issues of diversity and inclusion.

A Despotism of Law

A Despotism of Law

Author: Radhika Singha


Published: 2000

Total Pages: 380



This volume deals with law-making as a cultural enterprise in which the colonial state had to draw upon existing normative codes of rank, status and gender, and re-order them to a new and more exclusive definition of the state's sovereign right.

Heterogeneous Cellular Networks

Heterogeneous Cellular Networks

Author: Xiaoli Chu

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Published: 2013-05-23

Total Pages: 499

ISBN-13: 1107067405


This detailed, up-to-date introduction to heterogeneous cellular networking introduces its characteristic features, the technology underpinning it and the issues surrounding its use. Comprehensive and in-depth coverage of core topics catalogue the most advanced, innovative technologies used in designing and deploying heterogeneous cellular networks, including system-level simulation and evaluation, self-organisation, range expansion, cooperative relaying, network MIMO, network coding and cognitive radio. Practical design considerations and engineering tradeoffs are also discussed in detail, including handover management, energy efficiency and interference management techniques. A range of real-world case studies, provided by industrial partners, illustrate the latest trends in heterogeneous cellular networks development. Written by leading figures from industry and academia, this is an invaluable resource for all researchers and practitioners working in the field of mobile communications.