CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) is a key digital integrated circuit technology that is widely used throughout the wireless communications industry. This resource offers guidance on designing CMOS RF integrated circuits. It provides design details on elemental and advanced CMOS RF circuits.
After a review of PLL essentials, this uniquely comprehensive workbench guide takes you step-by-step through operation principles, design procedures, phase noise analysis, layout considerations, and CMOS realizations for each PLL building block. You get full details on LC tank oscillators including modeling and optimization techniques, followed by design options for CMOS frequency dividers covering flip-flop implementation, the divider by 2 component, and other key factors. The book includes design alternatives for phase detectors that feature methods to minimize jitter caused by the dead zone effect. You also find a sample design of a fully integrated PLL for WLAN applications that demonstrates every step and detail right down to the circuit schematics and layout diagrams. Supported by over 150 diagrams and photos, this one-stop toolkit helps you produce superior PLL designs faster, and deliver more effective solutions for low-cost integrated circuits in all RF applications.
Low Power Consumption is one of the critical issues in the performance of small battery-powered handheld devices. Mobile terminals feature an ever increasing number of wireless communication alternatives including GPS, Bluetooth, GSM, 3G, WiFi or DVB-H. Considering that the total power available for each terminal is limited by the relatively slow increase in battery performance expected in the near future, the need for efficient circuits is now critical. This book presents the basic techniques available to design low power RF CMOS analogue circuits. It gives circuit designers a complete guide of alternatives to optimize power consumption and explains the application of these rules in the most common RF building blocks: LNA, mixers and PLLs. It is set out using practical examples and offers a unique perspective as it targets designers working within the standard CMOS process and all the limitations inherent in these technologies.
This book fills an information gap on cognitive radios, since the discussion focuses on the implementation issues that are unique to cognitive radios and how to solve them at both the architecture and circuit levels. This is the first book to describe in detail cognitive radio systems, as well as the circuit implementation and architectures required to implement such systems. Throughout the book, requirements and constraints imposed by cognitive radio systems are emphasized when discussing the circuit implementation details. This is a valuable reference for anybody with background in analog and radio frequency (RF) integrated circuit design, needing to learn more about integrated circuits requirements and implementation for cognitive radio systems.
This book provides the most comprehensive and in-depth coverage of the latest circuit design developments in RF CMOS technology. It is a practical and cutting-edge guide, packed with proven circuit techniques and innovative design methodologies for solving challenging problems associated with RF integrated circuits and systems. This invaluable resource features a collection of the finest design practices that may soon drive the system-on-chip revolution. Using this book's state-of-the-art design techniques, one can apply existing technologies in novel ways and to create new circuit designs for the future.
This newly revised and expanded edition of the 2003 Artech House classic, Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design, serves as an up-to-date, practical reference for complete RFIC know-how. The second edition includes numerous updates, including greater coverage of CMOS PA design, RFIC design with on-chip components, and more worked examples with simulation results. By emphasizing working designs, this book practically transports you into the authors' own RFIC lab so you can fully understand the function of each design detailed in this book. Among the RFIC designs examined are RF integrated LC-based filters, VCO automatic amplitude control loops, and fully integrated transformer-based circuits, as well as image reject mixers and power amplifiers. If you are new to RFIC design, you can benefit from the introduction to basic theory so you can quickly come up to speed on how RFICs perform and work together in a communications device. A thorough examination of RFIC technology guides you in knowing when RFICs are the right choice for designing a communication device. This leading-edge resource is packed with over 1,000 equations and more than 435 illustrations that support key topics.
This comprehensive new resource presents a detailed look at the modeling and simulation of microwave semiconductor control devices and circuits. Fundamental PIN, MOSFET, and MESFET nonlinear device modeling are discussed, including the analysis of transient and harmonic behavior. Considering various control circuit topologies, the book analyzes a wide range of models, from simple approximations, to sophisticated analytical approaches. Readers find clear examples that provide guidance in how to use specific modeling techniques for their challenging projects in the field. Numerous illustrations help practitioners better understand important device and circuit behavior, revealing the relationship between key parameters and results. This authoritative volume covers basic and complex mathematical models for the most common semiconductor control elements used in today’s microwave and RF circuits and systems.
This book presents the design of ultra-wideband (UWB) impulse-based transmitter and receiver frontends, operating within the 3.1-10.6 GHz frequency band, using CMOS radio-frequency integrated-circuits (RFICs). CMOS RFICs are small, cheap, low power devices, better suited for direct integration with digital ICs as compared to those using III-V compound semiconductor devices. CMOS RFICs are thus very attractive for RF systems and, in fact, the principal choice for commercial wireless markets. The book comprises seven chapters. The first chapter gives an introduction to UWB technology and outlines its suitability for high resolution sensing and high-rate, short-range ad-hoc networking and communications. The second chapter provides the basics of CMOS RFICs needed for the design of the UWB RFIC transmitter and receiver presented in this book. It includes the design fundamentals, lumped and distributed elements for RFIC, layout, post-layout simulation, and measurement. The third chapter discusses the basics of UWB systems including UWB advantages and applications, signals, basic modulations, transmitter and receiver frontends, and antennas. The fourth chapter addresses the design of UWB transmitters including an overview of basic components, design of pulse generator, BPSK modulator design, and design of a UWB tunable transmitter. Chapter 5 presents the design of UWB receivers including the design of UWB low-noise amplifiers, correlators, and a UWB 1 receiver. Chapter 6 covers the design of a UWB uniplanar antenna. Finally, a summary and conclusion is given in Chapter 7.
Supported with over 280 illustrations and over 160 equations, the book offers cutting-edge guidance on designing integrated circuits for wireless biosensing, body implants, biosensing interfaces, and molecular biology. You discover innovative design techniques and novel materials to help you achieve higher levels circuit and system performance.