The story is about Christine, the sweetest lass in the entire village, and is set in a small, quaint Scottish fishing village nestled among the rocky crags of Coleraine. She grows up in a morally upright family, and her struggles, pleasures, heartache, and happiness are all documented in this wonderful story.
Originally published in 1918, with the memories of the war still harsh and fresh, Captain Belton and Lieutenant Odell's book of the war will be read with deep and sustained interest by everyone who wants to understand "the real thing." For myself I confess to being thrilled by the simple, direct, conversational style of the chapters describing the preparations for the attack on and ultimate capture of Vimy Ridge. The story is told with the terseness of a despatch. You see the battalion gathering for its deadly work after the training is done; you plod with it in Indian file along the Aux Reitz communication trench; you sprawl with the officers and men in the "jumping off" trench; you wonder whether the missing jar of rum will turn up in time, and, finally, you go "over the top" with what amounts to a sigh of relief that the ghastly period of waiting has ended and that the "Zero Hour" will mark either the end or the beginning of a strangely heroic experience. Here is the truth, and nothing but the truth, so you accept every word for what it is worth.