Chilton's Maxi-manuals are natural companions to its model-specific repair manuals. These manuals offer more in-depth and specialized automotive information on specific operation systems. Written especially for the do-it-yourselfer, these manuals deal with topics such as air conditioning, automatic transmissions, engine rebuilding, and power accessories. Each system is fully covered for all manufacturers and model years indicated. They serve the needs of the dedicated do-it-your-selfer. For each system, these manuals provide fundamentals, theory, troubleshooting, detailed diagnostics, and overhaul procedures. As always, the Chilton name is your customer's guarantee of comprehensive information and reliability.
This book is designed to present, in one convenient source, comments published in periodicals about 325 automobile models manufactured since 1987 on a model-by-model basis. These periodicals range from general interest to specialized sources as well as repair manuals and other publications related to the individual models.
Provides information on troubleshooting and repairing the self-diagnostic, electronic ignition, and fuel injection systems of American-made cars and trucks