This research evaluated the low temperature creep compliance and tensile strength properties of Wisconsin mixtures. Creep compliance and tensile strength data were collected for 16 Wisconsin mixtures representing commonly used aggregate sources and binder grades. Engineering and statistical analyses were performed on the data to provide recommendations for using measured mechanical properties in thermal cracking analyses with the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG), and to evaluate the thermal fracture resistance of Wisconsin mixtures.
The Second International Symposium on Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials: Advances and New Applications (IS-Model 2012), is to be held in Beijing, China, during October 15-16, 2012. The symposium is organized by Tsinghua University, the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG), the Committee of Numerical and Physical Modeling of Rock Mass, Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering, and the Committee of Constitutive Relations and Strength Theory, China Institution of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, China Civil Engineering Society. This Symposium follows the first successful International Workshop on Constitutive Modeling held in Hong Kong, which was organized by Prof. JH Yin in 2007. Constitutive modeling of geomaterials has been an active research area for a long period of time. Different approaches have been used in the development of various constitutive models. A number of models have been implemented in the numerical analyses of geotechnical structures. The objective of the symposium is to provide a forum for researchers and engineers working or interested in the area of constitutive modeling to meet together and share new ideas, achievements and experiences through presentations and discussions. Emphasis is placed on recent advances of constitutive modeling and its applications in both theoretic and experimental aspects. Six famous scholars have been invited for the plenary speeches of the symposiums. Some prominent scholars have been invited to organize four specialized workshops on hot topics, including “Time-dependent stress-strain behavior of geomaterials”, “Constitutive modeling within critical state soil mechanics”, “Multiscale and multiphysics in geomaterials”, and “Damage to failure in rock structures”. A total of 49 papers are included in the above topics. In addition, 51 papers are grouped under three topics covering “Behaviour of geomaterials”, “Constitutive model”, and “Applications”. The editors expect that the book can be helpful as a reference to all those in the field of constitutive modeling of geomaterials.
Design related project level pavement management - Economic evaluation of alternative pavement design strategies - Reliability / - Pavement design procedures for new construction or reconstruction : Design requirements - Highway pavement structural design - Low-volume road design / - Pavement design procedures for rehabilitation of existing pavements : Rehabilitation concepts - Guides for field data collection - Rehabilitation methods other than overlay - Rehabilitation methods with overlays / - Mechanistic-empirical design procedures.