Topics covered include an overview of legislation on termination of employment, the different approaches taken to the subject in various national systems, an introductory summary of the legislation on termination.
This new edition to the series will provide an up-to-date textbook covering a wide-range of employment and labour law issues which affect the Commonwealth Caribbean. Initially the book will embark on a comparative analysis of employment and labour law in Jamaica, Trinidad and Barbados, as a reference point for distinguishing the laws of other Commonwealth Caribbean jurisdictions. The book will continue to examine how the law operates within the legal systems of the Caribbean, taking into account the umbilical link to British jurisprudence and the persuasive precedent of other Commonwealth jurisdictions, and the impact this has had on the growth and development of the area. Commonwealth Caribbean Employment and Labour Law will be essential reading for students enrolled on Employment Law, Discrimination and Dismissal Law courses in the Caribbean.
Reader intended to stimulate thinking about the future direction of national and regional labour policies, with a view to good governance in terms of participation, transparency, credibility and accountability. Includes case studies from a number of Caribbean countries as well as ILO contributions by S.J. Goolsarran on labour administration and social dialogue, and an extract from "Labour inspection: a guide to the profession", by W. von Richthofen.
Violence at work, ranging from bullying and mobbing, to threats by psychologically unstable co-workers, sexual harassment and homicide, is increasing worldwide and has reached epidemic levels in some countries. This updated and revised edition looks at the full range of aggressive acts, offers new information on their occurrence and identifies occupations and situations at particular risk. It is organised in three sections: understanding violence at work; responding to violence at work; future action.
This report provides a picture of where we stand and what we have learned so far about maternity and paternity rights across the world. It offers a rich international comparative analysis of law and practice relating to maternity protection at work in 185 countries and territories, comprising leave, cash benefits, employment protection and non-discrimination, health protection, breastfeeding arrangements at work and childcare. Expanding on previous editions, it is based on an extensive set of new legal and statistical indicators, including coverage in law and in practice of paid maternity leave as well as statutory provision of paternity and parental leave and their evolution over the last 20 years. The report also takes account of the recent economic crisis and austerity measures. It shows how well national laws and practice conform to the ILO Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No. 183), its accompanying Recommendation (No. 191) and the Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention, 1981 (No. 156), and offers guidance on policy design and implementation. This report shows that a majority of countries have established legislation to protect and support maternity and paternity at work, even if those provisions do not always meet the ILO standards. One of the persistent challenges is the effective implementation of legislation, to ensure that all workers are able to benefit from these essential labour rights.
Locate federal cases decided in the U.S. Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, district courts, Claims Court, bankruptcy courts, Court of Military Appeals, the Courts of Military Review, and other federal courts. This Key Number Digest contains all headnotes, classified according to West's® Key Number System, for federal court decisions reported from 1984 to the present. The topics are listed in alphabetical order. The Key Numbers within those topics are listed in numerical order. Each topic begins with scope notes about subjects included and subjects excluded and covered by other topics. Also, there is an outline of the topic, which includes a list of all Key Numbers in that topic. Headnotes are collected by jurisdiction or court and filed according to the West Key Number System®.
This publication sheds light on the magnitude of domestic work, a sector often "invisible" behind the doors of private households and unprotected by national legislation.The adoption of new international labour standards on domestic work (Convention No. 189 and its accompanying Recommendation No. 201) by the ILO at its 100th International Labour Conference in June 2011 represents a key milestone on the path to the realisation of decent work for domestic workers. This volume presents national statistics and new global and regional estimates on the number of domestic workers. It shows that domestic workers represent a significant share of the labour force worldwide and that domestic work is an important source of wage employment for women, especially in Latin America and Asia. It also examines the extent of inclusion or exclusion of domestic workers from key working conditions laws. In particular, it analyses how many domestic workers are covered by working time provisions, minimum wage legislation and maternity protection. The results demonstrate that under current national laws, substantial gaps in protection still remain. The volume concludes with a summary of the main findings and a reflection on the relevance of the newly adopted international standards to extend legal protection to domestic workers.
A stimulating, authoritative account of international employment law written by a leading figure who for many years has shaped global policy, striving to implement fairer working conditions worldwide. We are expertly guided though the context and development of labour law, making this book ideal for study or research.