Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Annual Grasslands

Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Annual Grasslands

Author: Rebecca Ryals


Published: 2012

Total Pages: 248



Ecosystem management practices that sequester carbon (C) may play an important role in mitigating climate change. Grasslands managed for livestock (e.g., rangelands) constitute the largest land-use area globally. Critical components of the long-term sustainability of rangelands are the maintenance of net primary production (NPP) and soil organic carbon (C) pools. However, overgrazing, plant invasions, and climate change have led to significant C losses from many rangeland ecosystems. Thus, management practices may have considerable potential to restore or increase grassland C storage and help mitigate climate change. Practices that promote C sequestration may have valuable co-benefits, including increased forage production and improved soil water holding capacity. Despite the potential for C sequestration through management interventions, the question remains largely unexplored in grassland ecosystems. I used a combination of laboratory experiments, field manipulations, and modeling simulations to examine the effects of rangeland management practices on C sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions. The specific goals of this research were to 1) assess the immediate and carry-over effects of management practices on the net C balance and greenhouse gas emissions in grasslands amended with compost, 2) measure changes to soil C and N stocks following amendment, 3) investigate the long-term fate of compost C and net climate change mitigation potential, and 4) explore the extent of tradeoffs between C sequestration strategies and vegetation characteristics. In the first chapter, I conducted a three-year field manipulation replicated within and across valley and coastal grassland sites to determine the effects of a single application of composted organic matter amendment on net ecosystem C balance. Amendments increased C losses through soil respiration, and estimates of net C storage were sensitive to models of respiration partitioning of autotrophic and heterotrophic components. Over the three-year study, amendments increased C inputs by stimulating net primary production by 2.1 ± 0.8 at the coastal grassland and 4.7 ± 0.7 Mg C ha-1 at the valley grassland. Carbon gains through above- and belowground NPP significantly outweighed C losses, with the exception of a sandy textured soil at the coastal grasslands. Treatment effects persisted over the course of the study. Net ecosystem C storage increased by 25 to 70 % over three years, not including direct C inputs from the amendment. The purpose of chapter two was to further investigate changes to rangeland soil C and N stocks three years after a one-time application of composted organic material. Increases in bulk soil C, though often difficult to detect over short timeframes, were significant at the valley grassland study site. Physical fractionation of soil revealed greater amounts of C and N in the free and occluded light fractions by 3.31 ± 1.64 and 3.11 ± 1.08 Mg C/ha in the valley and coastal grassland, respectively. Analysis of the chemical composition of soil fractions by diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) showed chemical protection and inclusion of compost C into the light fractions. The combination of physical and chemical analyses suggests that the newly incorporated C was physically protected and less available for decomposition. In the third chapter, I employed the ecosystem biogeochemical model, DAYCENT, to investigate the short (10 yr), medium (30 yr), and long-term (100 yr) climate change mitigation potential of compost amendments to grasslands. Climate change mitigation potential was estimated as the balance of total ecosystem C sequestration minus soil greenhouse gas emissions and indirect emissions of N2O via nitrate leaching. The model was parameterized using site-specific characteristics and validated with data from the three-year field manipulation. Model simulations included variations in the applications rate and C:N ratio of the composted material. Above- and belowground NPP and soil C pools increased under all amendment scenarios. The greatest increase of soil C occurred in the slow pool. Ecosystem C sequestration rates were highest under low C:N scenarios, but these scenarios also resulted in greater N2O fluxes. Single or short-term applications of compost resulted in positive climate change mitigation potential over 10 and 30-year time frames, despite slight offsets from increased greenhouse gas emissions. Finally, chapter four examined important tradeoffs between rangeland C sequestration activities and vegetation characteristics. I measured aboveground biomass, plant N content, vegetation communities, and the abundance of noxious weed species for four years following single management events of compost amendment, keyling plowing, and a combination of amendment and plowing. During the first year, plant N content and aboveground biomass was significantly higher in the amended plots and lower in the plowed plots. In the amended plots, forage quantity and quality increases were sustained over the four-year study. During spring grazing events, cows consumed more forage from amended plots without adversely increasing grazing impacts on residual biomass. Plant communities at both grasslands were relatively resistant to management events, however there were short-term declines in the abundance of a noxious annual grass at the valley grassland and increases in a noxious forb at the coastal grassland. Grassland management practices, such as the application of composted organic matter, have considerable potential to mitigate climate change while improving plant production, soil fertility, and diverting organic wastes from landfills. This research illustrates the potential for grassland management to sequester while explicitly considering impacts on greenhouse gas emissions, plant production, and vegetation communities over multiple time frames. Overall, my dissertation contributes toward a better understanding of the role of ecosystem management interventions in climate change mitigation.

Advances in Carbon Capture and Utilization

Advances in Carbon Capture and Utilization

Author: Deepak Pant

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2021-07-26

Total Pages: 331

ISBN-13: 9811606382


This book focuses on the recent trends in carbon management and up-to-date information on different carbon management strategies that lead to manage increasing concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The growing evidence of climate change resulting from the continued increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration has made it a high profile political–social and trade issue. The mean global average earth temperature rose by 0.6± 2°C during the second half of the century with the rate of 0.17°C/decade. As per GISS data in the year of 2017, it rose 0.9°C (1.62 °F) above the 1951-1980 mean global temperature. Recently World Meteorological Organization analyzes the past record temperature and found the past 10 years were the warmest years about 1.1°C above preindustrial level. Over the past decade, carbon management by various techniques has to come to fore as a way to manage carbon dioxide emissions contributing to climate change. The proposed book addresses the need for an understanding of sustainable carbon dioxide management technologies mainly focused on (a) minimizing carbon dioxide emission from sources; (b) maximizing environmentally sound recuse, reduce and recycling; (c)emerging technology toward carbon dioxide mitigation and d) converting carbon dioxide into valuable products form sustainable use. Other books related to carbon management attempt to cover the carbon capture and sequestration, carbon mineralization, utilization and storage but the topic of CO2 management strategies is not discussed in detail for sustainable development. Furthermore, this book also covers all physical, chemical and biological process for long-term capture, removal and sequestration of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for sustainable management which is not described in other carbon management books. In order to meet CO2 emissions reduction target, a range of technological approaches, including development of clean fuels and clean coal technologies, adopting cleaner and more energy efficiency and conservation, developing renewable energy and implementing CCS technologies, will also be considered for sustainable future.

Utilizing Compost for Carbon Sequestration: A Strategy for Climate Goals and Land Use Management

Utilizing Compost for Carbon Sequestration: A Strategy for Climate Goals and Land Use Management

Author: Sarah R Koplowicz


Published: 2019

Total Pages:



In recent years, research has been developed for the use of compost combined with managed grazing (and manure) on grasslands (DeLonge et al, 2013) or rangelands, resulting in carbon sequestration from the atmosphere back into soil at a relatively high rate . The Marin Carbon Project (MCP) was established as a collaborative effort to analyze the potential effects of this technique for greenhouse gas mitigation. The MCP established that combining compost applications with managed livestock grazing benefits the soil health and native plant community, while simultaneously enabling carbon sequestration through the mechanisms of plant production and microbial activity. Additional recent research from the MCP included modeling of a sizeable greenhouse gas mitigation potential via this method that could contribute to the fight against climate change using natural materials and local resources, while considering offset variables such as emissions produced by transportation or mastication. This type of carbon farming that combines compost with managed grazing could be an important tool for combatting the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change, which means that compost use is no longer just an issue of intelligent waste management design or agricultural use. By considering compost availability, organic waste production and recycling, and where various compost applications should take place, this paper seeks to create a more successful regional based system than what would occur on its own through ad hoc policy implementation. Ultimately, this research analysis will inform a compost and land use management plan that directly supports state climate goals and many other aspects of environmental sustainability. It is therefore the main intent of this project to analyze the techniques proposed by the Marin Carbon Project for carbon sequestration via compost and grazing animals, and the potential benefits this system could have if adopted on a regional scale. By using Geographic Information System (GIS) map layers available from US Geological Survey (USGS), US Census, CalRecycle, and others to identify rangelands, grasslands, and land use management, data on carbon sequestration and global warming potential can be spatially extrapolated to illustrate the benefits this method could have on a larger scale.

Understanding and Analysis: The California Air Resources Board Forest Offset Protocol

Understanding and Analysis: The California Air Resources Board Forest Offset Protocol

Author: Eric Marland

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2017-03-28

Total Pages: 84

ISBN-13: 3319524348


This book is a product of the initial phase of a broader study evaluating the voluntary and regulatory compliance protocols that are used to account for the contributions of forests in U.S.-based greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation programs. The research presented here is particularly concerned with these protocols’ use of the USDA Forest Service’s Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data to describe forest conditions, ownership, and management scenarios, and is oriented towards providing regulators and other interested parties with an objective comparison of the options, uncertainties, and opportunities available to offset GHG emissions through forest management. Chapters focus on the protocols for recognizing forest carbon offsets in the California carbon cap-and-trade program, as described in the Compliance Offset Protocol; U.S. Forest Projects (California Air Resources Board, 2011). Readers will discover the protocols used for quantifying the offset of GHG emissions through forest-related project activity. As such, its scope includes a review of the current methods used in voluntary and compliance forest protocols, an evaluation of the metrics used to assign baselines and determine additionality in the forest offset protocols, an examination of key quantitative and qualitative components and assumptions, and a discussion of opportunities for modifying forest offset protocols, in light of the rapidly changing GHG-related policy and regulatory environment. Finally, the report also discusses accounting and policy issues that create potential barriers to participation in the California cap-and-trade program, and overall programmatic additionality in addressing the needs of a mitigation strategy.