Evolución y complejidad

Evolución y complejidad

Author: Jordi Bascompte Sacrets

Publisher: Universitat de València

Published: 2012-07

Total Pages: 199

ISBN-13: 8437089409


Les espècies evolucionen, canvien amb el pas del temps i així ho va constatar i argumentar Charles Darwin. El que té entre les mans és una obra que intenta integrar dues grans visions de l?evolució que sovint es presenten enfrontades. D?una banda, la visió que emfatitza la contingència, els accidents congelats i la irreversibilitat, i determina una ciència eminentment històrica. De l?altra, la visió més racio¬nal, basada en la comprensió dels processos d?auto¬organització semblants als d?altres sistemes físics allunyats de l?equilibri termodinàmic, i que determina una ciència estructuralista. El resultat és una visió més rica i plural del fenomen evolutiu, en la qual es posen en evidència els paradigmes clàssics. Una revisió acurada de la visió més ortodoxa de l?evolució a la recerca d?explicacions teòriques que van més enllà dels límits de la biologia.

The Secrets of Hidden Knowledge

The Secrets of Hidden Knowledge

Author: Ayub V. O. Ofulla

Publisher: Abbott Press

Published: 2013-08-01

Total Pages: 546

ISBN-13: 145820930X


In The Secrets of Hidden Knowledge, author Prof. Ayub V. O. Ofulla presents the basic physics of life as it relates to molecular physical realities of life itself or social life as it relates to the individual. Grounded on physical, biological, and social sciences intertwined with information from ancient writings and scriptures, The Secrets of Hidden Knowledge provides the foundation to help you maintain order in your life, avoid or tackle situations that are chaotic and act as stumbling blocks, and embrace unavoidable chaotic situations and use them for innovative survival and faster progress. You can also come to understand how the basic nature of the physical universe is part and parcel of your life and realize the part of nature your life occupies and how it shapes you and your progress or failure in the world. You can successfully exist and change your attitude to live a peaceful, harmonious, and progressive life. Provocative and informative, The Secrets of Hidden Knowledge shows that ever-prevalent chaos brings failure. Thus, it is imperative to create a balance to only allow a bit of chaos to help us embrace change, conduct research, and innovate to help us progress and live more harmonious lives. This book demonstrates how we can learn from Mother Nature whose creative genius consists in nothing but perpetual ordering of chaos The book will both inform and inspire - Oliver Okoth Achila, JKUAT Scholar



Author: Jacob Lorenzo-Morales

Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand

Published: 2012-04-04

Total Pages: 451

ISBN-13: 9535104799


Zoonotic diseases are mainly caused by bacterial, viral or parasitic agents although "unconventional agents" such as prions could also be involved in causing zoonotic diseases. Many of the zoonotic diseases are a public health concern but also affect the production of food of animal origin thus they could cause problems in international trade of animal-origin goods. A major factor contributing to the emergence of new zoonotic pathogens in human populations is increased contact between humans and animals. This book provides an insight on zoonosis and both authors and the editor hope that the work compiled in it would help to raise awareness and interest in this field. It should also help researchers, clinicians and other readers in their research and clinical usage.

Computational and Decision Methods in Economics and Business

Computational and Decision Methods in Economics and Business

Author: Anna Maria Gil-Lafuente

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2022-01-27

Total Pages: 314

ISBN-13: 3030937879


This book presents different topics related to innovation, complexity, uncertainty, modeling and simulation, fuzzy logic, decision-making, aggregation operators, business and economic applications, among others. The chapters are the results of research presented at the International Workshop "Innovation, Complexity and Uncertainty in Economics and Business", held in Barcelona, in November 2019, by The Ibero-American Network for Competitiveness, Innovation and Development (REDCID in Spanish) and the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (RACEF in Spanish). These papers are useful for junior and senior researchers in the area of economics and business.

Philosophico-Methodological Analysis of Prediction and its Role in Economics

Philosophico-Methodological Analysis of Prediction and its Role in Economics

Author: Wenceslao J. Gonzalez

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2015-02-19

Total Pages: 375

ISBN-13: 3319088858


This book develops a philosophico-methodological analysis of prediction and its role in economics. Prediction plays a key role in economics in various ways. It can be seen as a basic science, as an applied science and in the application of this science. First, it is used by economic theory in order to test the available knowledge. In this regard, prediction has been presented as the scientific test for economics as a science. Second, prediction provides a content regarding the possible future that can be used for prescription in applied economics. Thus, it can be used as a guide for economic policy, i.e., as knowledge concerning the future to be employed for the resolution of specific problems. Third, prediction also has a role in the application of this science in the public arena. This is through the decision-making of the agents — individuals or organizations — in quite different settings, both in the realm of microeconomics and macroeconomics. Within this context, the research is organized in five parts, which discuss relevant aspects of the role of prediction in economics: I) The problem of prediction as a test for a science; II) The general orientation in methodology of science and the problem of prediction as a scientific test; III) The methodological framework of social sciences and economics: Incidence for prediction as a test; IV) Epistemology and methodology of economic prediction: Rationality and empirical approaches and V) Methodological aspects of economic prediction: From description to prescription. Thus, the book is of interest for philosophers and economists as well as policy-makers seeking to ascertain the roots of their performance. The style used lends itself to a wide audience.

Armonia Y Materia

Armonia Y Materia

Author: Federico Reyk

Publisher: Xlibris Corporation

Published: 2008-02-18

Total Pages: 115

ISBN-13: 146910220X


Esta es una aproximacin no-religiosa a temas dominados ampliamente por todas las religiones y credos y que, por lo tanto, nos concierne a todos por igual. En ARMONIA Y MATERIA, se logra redondear un enfoque en el que se trata de dar respuestas a las preguntas fundamentales que nos hacemos todos desde que empezamos a tener uso de razn. Este es el resultado de todo una vida de exploracin en los misterios e interioridades del alma y los diversos aspectos de la vida humana y de nuestra relacin con el universo que nos aloja y nos rodea. Esta nueva visin de los problemas de la existencia, basada en diferentes enfoques desarrollados a lo largo de la existencia del hombre, puede ser muy til como marco de referencia para todos aquellos que se encuentran en las mismas bsquedas. Este enfoque puede ser muy til, tambin, para ayudar a mejorar nuestra calidad de vida y nuestra relacin con nuestro entorno inmediato y no tan inmediato. For more information please go to: www.federicoreyk.com Email the author at [email protected]

Sunset Over the Islands

Sunset Over the Islands

Author: NA NA

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2016-04-30

Total Pages: 155

ISBN-13: 134961808X


No region of the world has been so affected as the Caribbean by the geopolitical and economic changes caused by the end of the Cold War and the impact of globalization. This book analyzes the problems of regionalization, integration and identity and the wide range of political, social and economic challenges facing the region. A masterpiece of concise and comprehensive analysis, rich in theoretical insights, this is required for all concerned with these issues in the Caribbean and the wider world.



Author: Mario Viché González

Publisher: Lulu.com

Published: 2013-07-10

Total Pages: 188

ISBN-13: 1291518703


El texto recoge la tesis doctoral que con el título de Ciberanimación. La animación sociocultural en la Sociedad Digital, el autor defendió en la UNED. El texto define y claririfica esta práctica social propia de las representaciones identitarias de la Sociedad Digital.

Selecciones de Matematicas Aplicadas

Selecciones de Matematicas Aplicadas

Author: Max H. Lombardi

Publisher: Page Publishing Inc

Published: 2021-09-21

Total Pages: 231

ISBN-13: 1662438265


Selecciones de matemáticas aplicadas es un puente entre las matemáticas básicas y las matemáticas superiores. El libro comienza con una revisión de las matemáticas básicas: la numerología, la aritmética, el álgebra, la geometría euclidiana, la trigonometría, y los logaritmos. En las lecciones intermedias, se estudian las funciones lineales, cuadradas, cubicas, exponenciales e hiperbólicas. En las lecciones finales, se examinan el cálculo diferencial e integral, la teoría de las probabilidades, la teoría cuántica, las teorías de la relatividad, y las teorías de caos y la complejidad. Entre las aplicaciones más destacadas, citamos algunos ejemplos: El crecimiento exponencial de las bacterias en los medios de cultivo, el crecimiento de los capitales en el interés compuesto, el crecimiento exponencial de los números de transistores en los últimos 30 años de la tecnología moderna, la reducción exponencial de los virus del SIDA en los pacientes tratados con cocteles de drogas antivirales, y las probabilidades en los juegos del “craps”, y del póker.