Set primarily in the lonesome southwest desert lands of the 1920s, this previously unpublished novella is a powerful story in which landscape reflects and defines character. In this beautifully written tale, a promising young politician, Grant Arliss, flees from his complicated and pressure-ridden life in New York City to the serenity of the desert's open spaces, finding a love and a landscape that will change his life.
Dew on the Thorn seeks to recreate the life of Texas Mexicans as Anglo culture was gradually encroaching upon them. Gonzalez provides us with a richly detailed portrait of South Texas, focusing on the cultural traditions of Texas Mexicans at a time when the divisions of class and race were pressing on the established way of life.
Examines the health benefits of the prickly pear cactus, summarizing the literature and research on its use in treating diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, and other ailments, and including information about application and dosage.
From "Mother Earth" to "Mother Nature," women have for centuries been associated with nature. Feminists, troubled by the way in which such representations show women controlled by powerful natural forces and confined to domestic space, have sought to distance themselves from nature. In Undomesticated Ground, Stacy Alaimo issues a bold call to reclaim nature as feminist space. Her analysis of a remarkable range of feminist writings—as well as of popular journalism, visual arts, television, and film—powerfully demonstrates that nature has been and continues to be an essential concept for feminist theory and practice.Alaimo urges feminist theorists to rethink the concept of nature by probing the vastly different meanings that it carries. She discusses its significance for Americans engaged in social and political struggles from, for example, the "Indian Wars" of the early nineteenth century, to the birth control movement in the 1920s, to contemporary battles against racism and heterosexism. Reading works by Catherine Sedgwick, Mary Austin, Emma Goldman, Nella Larson, Donna Haraway, Toni Morrison, and others, Alaimo finds that some of these writers strategically invoke nature for feminist purposes while others cast nature as a postmodern agent of resistance in the service of both environmentalism and the women's movement.By examining the importance of nature within literary and political texts, this book greatly expands the parameters of the nature writing genre and establishes nature as a crucial site for the cultural work of feminism.
Advocates and demonstrates women's path to personal wholeness and self-healing through an eco-feminist, reader-response analysis of four fictional narratives.
“There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a tri?ing investment of fact. ” Mark Twain, Life on the Mississippi The challenges in succeeding with computational science are numerous and deeply a?ect all disciplines. NSF’s 2006 Blue Ribbon Panel of Simulation-Based 1 Engineering Science (SBES) states ‘researchers and educators [agree]: com- tational and simulation engineering sciences are fundamental to the security and welfare of the United States. . . We must overcome di?culties inherent in multiscale modeling, the development of next-generation algorithms, and the design. . . of dynamic data-driven application systems. . . We must determine better ways to integrate data-intensive computing, visualization, and simulation. - portantly,wemustoverhauloureducationalsystemtofostertheinterdisciplinary study. . . The payo?sformeeting these challengesareprofound. ’The International Conference on Computational Science 2009 (ICCS 2009) explored how com- tational sciences are not only advancing the traditional hard science disciplines, but also stretching beyond, with applications in the arts, humanities, media and all aspects of research. This interdisciplinary conference drew academic and industry leaders from a variety of ?elds, including physics, astronomy, mat- matics,music,digitalmedia,biologyandengineering. Theconferencealsohosted computer and computational scientists who are designing and building the - ber infrastructure necessary for next-generation computing. Discussions focused on innovative ways to collaborate and how computational science is changing the future of research. ICCS 2009: ‘Compute. Discover. Innovate. ’ was hosted by the Center for Computation and Technology at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.
War has entered the cities. Since September 11, 2001 at the latest, it has become apparent that this is the case not only in Jerusalem and the Middle East, but also in Western metropolises. This book presents a thorough investigation of the current situation in Jerusalem from a trilateral perspective: Israeli, Palestinian, and international experts air their views. The discussion centers on the production and use of urban space under the conditions created by the conflict, including, for example, the so-called security fence, urban enclaves, exclaves, the approach to monuments and no-man’s-land, and the instrumentalization of infrastructures, which leads to the crass juxtaposition of highly developed and impoverished urban spaces. The conflict, however, does not bring with it destruction and violence alone, but also exhibits ambivalent effects and, along with them, new cultural and urban realities. Jerusalem has become a prototype in the age of new urban violence. Der Krieg hat Einzug in die Städte gehalten. Spätestens seit dem 11. September 2001 ist deutlich geworden, dass nicht mehr nur Jerusalem und der Nahen Osten betroffen sind, sondern auch westliche Metropolen. Das Buch stellt eine umfassende urbanistische Untersuchung der aktuellen Situation in Jerusalem aus trilateraler Perspektive vor: israelische, palästinensische und internationale Fachleute kommen zu Wort. Diskutiert werden Produktion und Nutzung von städtischem Raum unter den Bedingungen des Konflikts, wie z.B. der sog. Sicherheitszaun, urbane Enklaven, Exklaven, der Umgang mit Monumenten und Niemandsland oder die Instrumentalisierung von Infrastrukturen, die zu einem krassen Nebeneinander von hoch entwickelten oder verarmten städtischen Räumen führen. Der Konflikt bringt jedoch nicht nur Destruktion und Gewalt mit sich, sondern zeigt vielmehr auch ambivalente Wirkungen und mit ihnen neue kulturelle und urbane Realitäten. Jerusalem ist zu einem Prototyp im Zeitalter neuer städtischer Gewalt geworden.
A collection of writings on the ecology, evolution, and conservation of columnar cacti and their vertebrate mutualists, demonstrating that the survival of these cacti depends on animals who pollinate them and disperse their seeds.