Home Renovation

Home Renovation

Author: Francis D. K. Ching

Publisher: Wiley

Published: 1983-06-15

Total Pages: 352

ISBN-13: 9780471288695


Home Renovation Frank Ching & Dale E. Miller How to transform your home into a more functional, comfortable, and pleasing environment is fully explained here and illustrated by Frank Ching's delightful graphics. Far more than a "project" book, this guide melds useful construction information with important planning and design ideas that should precede any decision to renovate or remodel your home. Practical steps are given for: * documenting one's present home and evaluating current and future needs. * improving existing space through use of light, color, window and door modifications, wall rearrangement, and furnishings * converting attics, basements, garages and porches into livable rooms * adding space to various rooms by altering foundations, floors, walls and roof * remodeling or adding kitchens and bathrooms Home Renovation is unique in its coverage of both the planning and construction of any home alteration. It is hand lettered throughout in Frank Ching's inimitable style.

Structural Renovation of Buildings: Methods, Details, & Design Examples

Structural Renovation of Buildings: Methods, Details, & Design Examples

Author: Alexander Newman

Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional

Published: 2001

Total Pages: 884

ISBN-13: 9780070471627


Make any renovation job go smoother. Building renovation, conservation and reuse represents more than half of all construction work - and is projected to increase to 80% by 2004. Structural Renovation of Buildings, by Alexander Newman, puts a single, convenient source of information about all aspects of structural renovation and strengthening of buildings at your fingertips. While its focus is largely on low and midrise buildings, you can apply the principles it clarifies to buildings of any size - steel-framed, masonry, or wood. Whether you're repairing deteriorated concrete...rehabilitating slabs on grade...strengthening lateral-load resisting systems...renovating a building facade...handling seismic upgrades or fire damage, you'll find this time-and-trouble-saving guide loaded with practical tips, methods, and design examples. It's also heavily illustrated with autoCAD generated details, supplier illustrations of materials, procedural techniques, and much, much more.

Green Building and Remodeling For Dummies

Green Building and Remodeling For Dummies

Author: Eric Corey Freed

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Published: 2011-02-09

Total Pages: 392

ISBN-13: 1118051866


Want to build responsibly, reduce waste, and help preserve the environment? Green Building & Remodeling For Dummies is your friendly, step-by-step guide to every facet of this Earth-friendly method of construction. Building a home—even a green home—uses plenty of resources and energy. This practical, hands-on book shows you how to build or remodel conscientiously, whether your dream home is a simple remodel or a brand-new multimillion-dollar mansion. You’ll start by identifying green materials and sizing up potential systems and construction sites. You’ll weigh the pros and cons of popular green building methods and identify opportunities for saving money in the long run. Need to find some green professionals to assist you in your venture? We’ll help you do that, too. This book will also help you discover how to: Understand the lifecycle of building materials Choose the right system for your green building project Put together a green team Work within your budget Use green building methods and sustainable systems Speed construction and reduce energy use and waste Refinish old fixtures and materials Beware of asbestos and lead-paint hazards Avoid costly mistakes Complete with lists of ten green things to do on every project and ten things you can do right now in your home in order to go green, Green Building & Remodeling For Dummies is your one-stop guide to planning and building the home you’ve always wanted.

Building Renovation

Building Renovation

Author: Manuela Grecchi

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2022-01-01

Total Pages: 127

ISBN-13: 3030898369


This book reviews the building renovation process by systematizing the phases of analysis and prior knowledge through a project that not only considers energy savings but also thoroughly examines complex issues, such as defining the correct new functions and answers to new needs. The urgency of climate change and the many problems associated with the excessive use of energy are forcing a reorganization of the renovation process with an interest in reusing existing buildings with a more sustainable approach. The adaptive transformation of old buildings has become a dominant theme in many urban renewal projects. It must necessarily include strategies for energy efficiency, reduced pollutant emissions, improved environmental performance, economic sustainability and cultural identity. The examples selected are intended to provide evidence of good practices in the review and transformation of old buildings.

Academic Library Building Renovation Benchmarks

Academic Library Building Renovation Benchmarks

Author: Primary Research Group

Publisher: Primary Research Group Inc

Published: 2008

Total Pages: 149

ISBN-13: 1574401106


The report presents detailed data from 65 academic libraries about their completed, current, or planned library renovation projects. The study includes detailed data on capital spending, library redesign budgets, and spending on computer labs & infocommons, in-library classrooms, artwork, library furniture, carpeting and other flooring, and other elements of academic library renovations or new construction. Details construction preferences for architectural features such as atriums, landscaping, better access to restrooms and building entrances/exits, installation or expansion of library cafes, development of group work areas, better use of natural light, better soundproofing and other design features often sought in new academic library construction or renovation. Also explores the use of various renovation and building features designed to save energy. Other areas covered include student satisfaction with the library redesign, its impact on the use of library services, and governance issues over what campus groups guide and control the redesign. Data is broken out by size and type of library, and by libraries that have experienced recent renovation projects vs those that have not.

Energy renovation of multi-family buildings in Sweden

Energy renovation of multi-family buildings in Sweden

Author: Lina La Fleur

Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press

Published: 2019-09-18

Total Pages: 97

ISBN-13: 9176850072


Residential buildings account for 27% of the final energy use in the European Union. In cold climates, space heating represents the largest proportion of the energy demand in residential buildings. By implementing energy efficiency measures (EEMs) in existing buildings, energy use can be significantly reduced. The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive states that renovations of buildings offer an opportunity to improve energy efficiency. Renovations that include measures implemented with the specific purpose of reducing energy use are referred to as energy renovations. In addition to improving energy efficiency, an energy renovation can also improve the indoor environment. Sweden, like many other European countries, faces the challenge of renovating an ageing building stock with poor energy performance. Improving energy efficiency and performing energy renovations in a cost-effective manner is central, and optimization approaches are often used to identify suitable EEMs and energy renovation approaches. New buildings usually feature better energy performance compared to older buildings, and one approach for reducing energy use in the building sector could be to demolish old buildings with poor thermal performance and build new buildings with better thermal performance. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate energy renovations of multi-family buildings with regard to space heating demand, life cycle costs, indoor environment and primary energy use. The choice between energy renovation of a multi-family building and the demolition and construction of a new one is also investigated with regard to life cycle costs (LCCs). A Swedish multi-family building in which energy renovation has been carried out is used as a case study. The building was originally constructed in 1961 and has a lightweight concrete construction. The renovation included improving the thermal performance of the building envelope and replacing the exhaust air ventilation system with a mechanical supply and exhaust air ventilation system with heat recovery. The methods used in the studies include dynamic whole building energy simulation, life cycle cost analysis and optimizations, and a questionnaire on indoor environment perception. Extensive field measurements have been performed in the building prior to and after renovation to provide input data and to validate numerical predictions. In addition to the studied building, the analysis of the choice between energy renovation and the demolition and construction of a new building includes three other building construction types, representing common Swedish building types from the 1940s, 1950s and 1970s. The analysis shows that the energy renovation led to a 44% reduction in space heating demand and an improved indoor environment. The indoor temperature was higher after the renovation and the perception of the indoor temperature, air quality and noise in the building improved. The EEMs implemented as part of the energy renovation have a slightly higher LCC than the optimal combinations of EEMs identified in the LCC optimization. It is not cost-optimal to implement any EEMs in the building if the lowest possible LCC is the objective function. Attic insulation has a low cost of implementation but has limited potential in the studied building with its relatively good thermal properties. Insulation of the façade is an expensive measure, but has a great potential to reduce heat demand because of the large façade area. Façade insulation is thus required to achieve significant energy savings. Heat recovery in the ventilation system is cost-effective with an energy saving target above 40% in the studied building. The primary energy factors in the Swedish Building Code favor ground source heat pumps as a heat supply system in the studied building. The LCC of renovation is lower compared to demolishing and constructing a new building. A large proportion of the LCC of demolition and new construction relates to the demolition of the existing building. In a building with a high internal volume to floor area ratio, it is not always possible to renovate to the same energy performance level as when constructing a new building. A more ambitious renovation approach is also needed compared to a building with a smaller volume to floor area ratio. Nära 27 % av den totala energianvändningen i den Europeiska Unionen sker i bostäder. I länder med kallt klimat används den största delen till uppvärmning. Genom att implementera energieffektiviseringsåtgärder i befintliga byggnaden kan energiprestandan signifikant förbättras. Europeiska Unionens direktiv om byggnaders energiprestanda framhåller att ett tillfälle att förbättra byggnaders energieffektivitet finns då byggnader ska renoveras. Byggnadsrenoveringar som innehåller åtgärder som implementeras med det primära syftet att minska energianvändningen kallas ofta energirenoveringar. Utöver energieffektivisering kan energirenoveringar ofta förbättra inomhusmiljön i byggnaden. Som många andra Europeiska länder står Sverige inför utmaningen att renovera ett åldrande byggnadsbestånd med låg energiprestanda. Kostnadseffektivitet är centralt vid energirenoveringar och energieffektivisering och optimeringsansatser är vanliga för att identifiera vilka energieffektiviseringsåtgärder som bör implementeras. Nya byggnader har som regel bättre energiprestanda jämfört med äldre byggnader, och en ansats till ett minska energianvändningen i byggnadssektorn överlag är således att riva äldre byggnader med låg energiprestanda och konstruera nya byggnader med bättre energiprestanda. Syftet med denna avhandling är att utvärdera energirenoveringar av flerfamiljshus avseende effekterna på uppvärmningsbehov, livscykelkostnader, inomhusmiljö och primärenergianvändning. Valet mellan energirenovering kontra att riva och bygga en ny byggnad analyseras också utifrån ett livscykelkostnadsperspektiv. För att studera detta har en svensk flerfamiljsbyggnad som genomgått energirenovering studerats. Byggnaden konstruerades 1961 och har en lättbetongstomme. När byggnaden renoverades förbättrades prestandan hos byggnadens klimatskal och frånluftsventilationssystemet byttes ut mot ett balanserat mekanisk ventilationssystem med värmeåtervinning. Metoderna som använts i studierna i denna avhandling är dynamisk byggandssimulering, beräkning och optimering av livscykelkostnader, samt en enkätstudie om hur de boende uppfattar sin inomhusmiljö. Omfattande mätningar har utförts i byggnaden och har använts som indata och för att validera resultaten. Utöver den studerade byggnaden har tre andra byggnadstyper inkluderats i analysen av valet mellan energirenovering och att riva och konstruera en ny byggnads. Dessa byggnadstyper representerar vanliga svenska byggnadstyper från 1940-, 1950- och 1970-talet. Analyserna visar att den renovering som genomfördes i byggnaden ledde till en minskning av uppvärmningsbehovet med 44 % och en förbättring av inomhusmiljön. Inomhustemperaturen var högre efter renoveringen, och de boende uppfattade temperaturförhållanden, luftkvalitet och bullersituationen som bättre efter renoveringen. De energieffektiviserande åtgärder som implementerades vid renoveringen gav en något högre livscykelkostnad än de åtgärder som identifierades som optimala genom livscykelkostnadsoptimering. Det är inte kostnadseffektivt att implementera några energieffektiviseringsåtgärder som del av renoveringen om den lägsta livscykelkostnaden är målsättningen. Vindsisolering är en förhållandevis billigt åtgärd att genomföra, men har begränsad potential i den studerade byggnaden vars vind redan har relativt god termisk prestanda. Fasadisolering kräver en större investering, men har större potential att minska energianvändning på grund av den stora fasadytan. Detta innebär att det är nödvändigt att isolera fasaden för att uppnå hög energibesparing. Värmeåtervinning i ventilationssystemet är kostnadsoptimalt om ett energisbesparingsmål på mer än 40 % ställs på energirenoveringen. Primärenergifaktorerna i den svenska byggnadskoden gynnar bergvärmepump som energitillförselsystem i de studerade byggnaden. Kostnaden för att energirenovera är lägre än att riva och bygga en ny byggnad. En stor andel av kostnaderna vid rivning och nybyggnation är kopplad till rivning och bortforsling av rivningsmassa. I byggnadstyper med stor inre volym i förhållande till uppvärmd golvyta är det inte alltid möjlig att energirenovera till en energiprestanda som är lika god som en ny byggnad. Det krävs också en mer ambitiös renovering för att uppnå samma energiprestanda som en byggnad med mindre inre volym i förhållande till uppvärmd golvyta.

The Book on Estimating Rehab Costs

The Book on Estimating Rehab Costs

Author: J. Scott

Publisher: Biggerpockets Publishing, LLC

Published: 2019-01-17

Total Pages: 195

ISBN-13: 9781947200128


ENTIRELY REVISED AND UPDATED! Over 40,000 first edition copies sold. How much does it really cost to renovate your investment property? Learn detailed tips, tricks, and tactics to accurately budget nearly any house flipping project and investment property renovation from expert real estate investor and fix-and-flipper J Scott. Discover the tried-and-tested steps of his professional framework and methodology for precisely evaluating renovation costs in hundreds of his own successful rehab projects. Determine how to accurately estimate all the costs you are likely to face during renovation--and get all of your rehab questions answered in a single place! Whether you are preparing to walk through your very first rehab project or you're an experienced home flipper, this handbook will be your guide to identifying renovation projects, creating a scope of work, and staying on budget to ensure a timely profit! Inside, you will learn how to: -Inspect every aspect of a property to create your renovation scope -Decide which upgrade options provide the biggest bang for your buck -Identify the 150+ most common renovations you'll likely encounter -See big problems (like mold and termites!) and quickly fix them -Assign accurate prices to every rehab task to build a detailed budget -Determine which contractors are best for certain repairs or projects -Break down the top 25 basic components of a renovation -And so much more! You don't need to be a contractor to flip houses, but you do need to know the fundamentals of budgeting and pricing your renovation--including everything from cosmetic renovations to complex installations and upgrades. This book gives you the estimation tools needed to produce the income you desire on your first--or next--investment deal!