For introductory courses in physical geology. Encouraging students to observe, discover, and visualize, How Does Earth Work? Second Edition engages students with an inquiry-based learning method that develops a solid interpretation of introductory geology. Like geology detectives, students learn to think through the scientific process and uncover evidence that explains earth's mysteries.
For 2-semester A&P lab course and 1-semester human anatomy lab course A Photographic Atlas for Anatomy & Physiology is a new visual lab study tool that helps students learn and identify key anatomical structures. Featuring photos from Practice Anatomy Lab (TM) 3.1 and other sources, the Atlas includes over 250 cadaver dissection photos, histology photomicrographs, and cat dissection photos plus over 50 photos of anatomical models from leading manufacturers such as 3B Scientific(R), SOMSO(R), and Denoyer-Geppert Science Company. Two-page spreads with cadaver and anatomical model photos side-by-side help students to better learn and identify structures. The Atlas is composed of 13 chapters, organized by body system, and includes a final chapter with cat dissection photos. In each chapter, students will first explore gross anatomy, as seen on cadavers and anatomical models, and then conclude with relevant histological images.
Uncivil acts and messages too often color our experience with others. Communication in a Civil Society offers an alternative way to teach and learn about communication. Every chapter focuses on communication based on respect, restraint, and ethical choices.
The Science of Nutrition, Third Edition offers the best combination of text and media to help students master the toughest nutrition concepts in the course, while providing the richest support to save instructors time. This thoroughly current, research-based nutrition text is uniquely organized around the highly regarded applied approach, which organizes vitamins and minerals based on their functions within the body and is easily seen in the organization of the micronutrient (vitamin and mineral) chapters. Rather than requiring rote memorization, the authors present the micronutrients based on their functions (such as fluid and electrolyte balance, antioxidant function, bone health, energy metabolism, and blood health and immunity), so that students can fully understand their effects on the body.
This text provides students with a wonderfully written introduction to art that emphasizes critical thinking and visual literacy.Developing Visual Literacy. The Themes of Art. Seeing the Value in Art. Line. Space. Light and Color. Other Formal Elements. The Principles of Design. Drawing. Printmaking. Painting. The Camera Arts. Sculpture. Other Three-Dimensional Media. Architecture. Design. The Ancient World. The Christian Era. The Renaissance Through the Baroque. The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. The Twentieth Century.For anyone looking to develop an appreciation for a diverse range of art.
For courses in Human Physiology Don't just study-visualize, explore and solve problems in human physiology with Principles of Human Physiology! Principles of Human Physiology, Sixth Edition uses a precise and clear-cut writing style to offer lasting comprehension for Human Physiology students, extending to real-life application in the field. The Sixth Edition provides essential digital resources to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The exceptional art program is consistent, scientifically accurate, and visually appealing. Stanfield's renowned flexible pedagogy allows instructors to choose what is essential to students when mapping out their course. MasteringA&P not included. Students, if MasteringA&P is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MasteringA&P should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. MasteringA&P is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with Principles of Human Physiology to engage students and improve results. Instructors ensure students arrive ready to learn by assigning educationally effective content before class, and encourage critical thinking and retention with in-class resources like Learning Catalytics™.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Learn how American politics affect public policy Government in America : People, Politics and Policy - 2016 Presidential Election(Subscription), 17/e, explores our government’s impact on the daily lives of Americans by focusing on public policy. Authors George Edwards and Martin Wattenberg provide a framework for students to understand the difficult questions that decision makers of both political parties are facing: How should we govern? And, what should government do? In order to boost student engagement with key concepts, the 2016 Elections incorporates coverage of contemporary issues that dominate today’s headlines, as well as the most up-to-date data.