Presents sound, time-tested principles for wood frame house construction, complete with expert advice on selecting suitable building materials. Technical notes, an annotated list of suggestions for additional reading, and a glossary round out the book.
Anyone who wants to learn basic living skills—the kind employed by our forefathers—and adapt them for a better life in the twenty-first century need look no further than this eminently useful, full-color guide. With hundreds of projects, step-by-step sequences, photographs, charts, and illustrations, The Back to Basics Handbook will help you dye your own wool with plant pigments, graft trees, raise chickens, craft a hutch table with hand tools, and make treats such as blueberry peach jam and cheddar cheese. The truly ambitious will find instructions on how to build a log cabin or an adobe brick homestead. More than just practical advice, this is also a book for dreamers— even if you live in a city apartment you will find your imagination sparked, and there’s no reason why you can’t, for example, make a loom and weave a rag rug. Complete with tips for old-fashioned fun (square dancing calls, homemade toys, and kayaking tips), this is the ultimate concise guide to voluntary simplicity.
Anyone who wants to learn basic living skills--and enjoy a healthier, greener, and more self-sufficient lifestyle--need look no further than this eminently useful guide that features hundreds of projects and old-fashioned fun. Full-color and b&w photographs throughout.
The most trustworthy source of information available today on savings and investments, taxes, money management, home ownership and many other personal finance topics.
Easy-to-understand introduction to good design and rehabilitation explains everything from selecting an architect and choosing appropriate materials to restoring interiors from ceiling to floor. 300 illustrations.
Newly revised and updated guide covers all aspects of concrete, masonry, brickwork. Step-by-step illustrated instructions for building patios, retaining walls, porches, brick barbecue, much more. 173 figures. 54 tables.
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