A Textbook of Automobile Engineering is a comprehensive treatise which provides clear explanation of vehicle components and basic working principles of systems with simple, unique and easy-to-understand illustrations. The textbook also describes the latest and upcoming technologies and developments in automobiles. This edition has been completely updated covering the complete syllabi of most Indian Universities with the aim to be useful for both the students and faculty members. The textbook will also be a valuable source of information and reference for vocational courses, competitive exams, interviews and working professionals.
The automotive industry is one of the largest and most important industries in the world. Cars, buses, and other engine-based vehicles abound in every country on the planet, and it is continually evolving, with electric cars, hybrids, self-driving vehicles, and so on. Technologies that were once thought to be decades away are now on our roads right now. Engineers, technicians, and managers are constantly needed in the industry, and, often, they come from other areas of engineering, such as electrical engineering, process engineering, or chemical engineering. Introductory books like this one are very useful for engineers who are new to the industry and need a tutorial. Also valuable as a textbook for students, this introductory volume not only covers the basics of automotive engineering, but also the latest trends, such as self-driving vehicles, hybrids, and electric cars. Not only useful as an introduction to the science or a textbook, it can also serve as a valuable reference for technicians and engineers alike. The volume also goes into other subjects, such as maintenance and performance. Data has always been used in every company irrespective of its domain to improve the operational efficiency and performance of engines. This work deals with details of various automotive systems with focus on designing various components of these system to suit the working conditions on roads. Whether a textbook for the student, an introduction to the industry for the newly hired engineer, or a reference for the technician or veteran engineer, this volume is the perfect introduction to the science of automotive engineering.
In the introduction of Automotive Engineering Fundamentals, Richard Stone and Jeffrey K. Ball provide a fascinating and often amusing history of the passenger vehicle, showcasing the various highs and lows of this now-indispensable component of civilized societies. The authors then provide an overview of the publication, which is designed to give the student of automotive engineering a basic understanding of the principles involved with designing a vehicle. From engines and transmissions to vehicle aerodynamics and computer modeling, the intelligent, interesting presentation of core concepts in Automotive Engineering Fundamentals is sure to make this an indispensable resource for engineering students and professionals alike.
Deals with the basic principles on which modern automobiles function. The book provides minute details of the components, their working principles and their importance in the automobile industry. The language of the book is kept simple so that any student/automobile enthusiast can easily understand the basic concepts of the components utilized in the manufacturing of vehicles.
A comprehensive, illustrated dictionary covering all aspects of automobile engineering. Throughout the text quotations are given from English magazines and newspapers to show how the terms are used in real life". The main words and derived terms are clearly identified."
Dictionary of Automotive Engineering provides a definition of terms used in automotive engineering. The coverage of the dictionary includes words, terms, and slangs that have an automotive connotation. The book also provides illustrations to help clarify some meaning. The text will be of great use to both novice and experienced automotive engineers.
This book is designed for students undertaking a subjects 'Automobile Engineering' in Mechanical Engineering Degree as per the latest revised syllabus of all Indian Universities.
Erstmals eine umfassende und einheitliche Wissensbasis und Grundlage für weiterführende Studien und Forschung im Bereich der Automobiltechnik. Die Encyclopedia of Automotive Engineering ist die erste umfassende und einheitliche Wissensbasis dieses Fachgebiets und legt den Grundstein für weitere Studien und tiefgreifende Forschung. Weitreichende Querverweise und Suchfunktionen ermöglichen erstmals den zentralen Zugriff auf Detailinformationen zu bewährten Branchenstandards und -verfahren. Zusammenhängende Konzepte und Techniken aus Spezialbereichen lassen sich so einfacher verstehen. Neben traditionellen Themen des Fachgebiets beschäftigt sich diese Enzyklopädie auch mit "grünen" Technologien, dem Übergang von der Mechanik zur Elektronik und den Möglichkeiten zur Herstellung sicherer, effizienterer Fahrzeuge unter weltweit unterschiedlichen wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen. Das Referenzwerk behandelt neun Hauptbereiche: (1) Motoren: Grundlagen; (2) Motoren: Design; (3) Hybrid- und Elektroantriebe; (4) Getriebe- und Antriebssysteme; (5) Chassis-Systeme; (6) Elektrische und elektronische Systeme; (7) Karosserie-Design; (8) Materialien und Fertigung; (9) Telematik. - Zuverlässige Darstellung einer Vielzahl von Spezialthemen aus dem Bereich der Automobiltechnik. - Zugängliches Nachschlagewerk für Jungingenieure und Studenten, die die technologischen Grundlagen besser verstehen und ihre Kenntnisse erweitern möchten. - Wertvolle Verweise auf Detailinformationen und Forschungsergebnisse aus der technischen Literatur. - Entwickelt in Zusammenarbeit mit der FISITA, der Dachorganisation nationaler Automobil-Ingenieur-Verbände aus 37 Ländern und Vertretung von über 185.000 Ingenieuren aus der Branche. - Erhältlich als stets aktuelle Online-Ressource mit umfassenden Suchfunktionen oder als Print-Ausgabe in sechs Bänden mit über 4.000 Seiten. Ein wichtiges Nachschlagewerk für Bibliotheken und Informationszentren in der Industrie, bei Forschungs- und Schulungseinrichtungen, Fachgesellschaften, Regierungsbehörden und allen Ingenieurstudiengängen. Richtet sich an Fachingenieure und Techniker aus der Industrie, Studenten höherer Semester und Studienabsolventen, Forscher, Dozenten und Ausbilder, Branchenanalysen und Forscher.
Automobile or Automotive Engineering has gained recognition and importance ever since motor vehicles capable for transporting passengers has been in vogue. Now due to the rapid growth of auto component manufacturers and automobile industries, there is a great demand for Automobile Engineers. Automobile Engineering alias Automotive Engineering or Vehicle Engineering is one of the most challenging careers in the field of engineering with a wide scope. This branch deals with the designing, developing, manufacturing, testing and repairing and servicing automobiles such as cars, trucks, motorcycles, scooters etc & the related sub Engineering systems. For the perfect blend of manufacturing and designing automobiles, Automobile Engineering uses the features of different elements of Engineering such as mechanical, electrical, electronic, software and safety engineering. To become a proficient automobile engineer, specialized training is essential and it is a profession, which requires a lot of hard work, dedication, determination and commitment. The major task of an Automobile Engineer is the designing, developing, manufacturing and testing of vehicles from the concept stage to the production stage The automotive industry is one of the largest and most important industries in the world. Cars, buses, and other engine-based vehicles abound in every country on the planet, and it is continually evolving, with electric cars, hybrids, self-driving vehicles, and so on. Technologies that were once thought to be decades away are now on our roads right now. Engineers, technicians, and managers are constantly needed in the industry, and, often, they come from other areas of engineering, such as electrical engineering, process engineering, or chemical engineering. Introductory books like this one are very useful for engineers who are new to the industry and need a tutorial. Also valuable as a textbook for students, this introductory volume not only covers the basics of automotive engineering, but also the latest trends, such as self-driving vehicles, hybrids, and electric cars. Not only useful as an introduction to the science or a textbook, it can also serve as a valuable reference for technicians and engineers alike. The volume also goes into other subjects, such as maintenance and performance. Data has always been used in every company irrespective of its domain to improve the operational efficiency and performance of engines. This work deals with details of various automotive systems with focus on designing various components of these system to suit the working conditions on roads. Whether a textbook for the student, an introduction to the industry for the newly hired engineer, or a reference for the technician or veteran engineer, this volume is the perfect introduction to the science of automotive engineering.