The Dictionary is divided into two sections. The main sequence of the book consists of some 4,000 terms given in English, in alphabetical order, with their translations. The remainder of the book consists of alphabetical indexes for the other eleven languages covered: French, German, Italian, Danish, Finnish, Dutch, Spanish, Swedish, Hungarian, Polish and Russian. Each alphabetical index is keyed to serial numbers which refer the user to the correct item in the main sequence.
The world has witnessed transformational changes in recent years, not the least in technical parlance. With the massive amount of new and interdisciplinary concepts, the need has emerged to standardize and communicate emerging technical terms in languages other than English. The language Services Division of the IMF’s Corporate Services and Facilities Department prepared this thematic bulletin as a contribution to the international effort of linguists and translation experts, for the benefit of topical experts, member countries, professional translators and interpreters, and the general public. It is produced on the occasion of the 2023 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund in Marrakesh, Morocco.
The construction industry is a vibrant and active industry. The building sector is responsible for creating, modifying and improving the living environment of humanity. This volume presents solutions that facilitate and promote the adoption of policies, methods and tools to accelerate the movement towards a global sustainable built environment.
This book gathers papers presented at the International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development (AI2SD-2018), which was held in Tangiers, Morocco on 12–14 July 2018. In addition to the latest research in the field of energy, it offers new solutions, tools and effective techniques, and provides essential information on smart grids, renewable and economical energy. Further, it addresses modeling, storage management and decision support in the field of energy, offering a valuable guide for researchers, professionals and all those who are interested in the development of advanced intelligent systems in the energy sector.
Industrial Uses of Biomass Energy demonstrates that energy-rich vegetation, biomass, is a key renewable energy resource for the future. Brazil, uniquely, has a recent history of large-scale biomass industrial uses that makes it a specially important test-bed both for the development of biomass technology and its utilisation, and for understanding h
Côte d'Ivoire, or the Ivory Coast, is a country located in West Africa that borders the Gulf of Guinea. It is known for being the world's largest producer of cocoa beans, as well as for its vibrant cultural heritage. The country is home to over 25 million people, with the majority of the population being of African descent. The official language of Côte d'Ivoire is French, although local languages such as Baoulé, Dioula, and Anyin are also spoken. Côte d'Ivoire has a rich history that dates back to pre-colonial times. The country was first colonized by the French in the late 19th century and gained independence in 1960. Since then, it has experienced periods of political instability, including a civil war that lasted from 2002 to 2011. Despite these challenges, Côte d'Ivoire has continued to develop its economy, which is largely driven by agriculture, including the production of coffee, cocoa, and palm oil. The country has also made progress in areas such as education and healthcare, although poverty and inequality persist in many parts of the country.
Desde Detroit hasta Lahore, la mayoría de las ciudades del mundo enfrentan problemas financieros, y aun así se espera que lleven a cabo sus funciones cada vez más complejas. Finanzas municipales - Manual para los gobiernos locales toma partido. Se pone del lado de los alcaldes y de los responsables de los asuntos municipales. Son escasas las publicaciones sobre este tema dirigidas tan directa y pragmáticamente a las autoridades decisorias y al personal financiero a nivel local. El contenido y los mensajes principales procuran responder a las inquietudes y a las cuestiones que enfrentan diariamente las ciudades y los municipios en la administración de sus finanzas. Finanzas municipales - Manual para los gobiernos locales asume una posición. En ocho capítulos, en esta obra se pasa revista a las lecciones aprendidas sobre relaciones intergubernamentales; finanzas de las áreas metropolitanas; gestión financiera, de los ingresos, de los gastos y de los activos públicos; financiamiento externo, y medición del desempeño de las finanzas municipales. Abarca temas tales como la descentralización, la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas, y aborda temas menos explorados como la gestión de activos, la capacidad crediticia, la respuesta frente a crisis financieras y los mecanismos de presentación de informes a los diversos niveles de gobierno y a la ciudadanía. Finanzas municipales - Manual para los gobiernos locales hace un llamado a la acción. No solo aporta conocimientos de avanzada en muchas cuestiones técnicas, sino que también guía a los gobiernos locales en el laberinto de los instrumentos existentes. En particular, la autoevaluación de las finanzas municipales que se propone en el capítulo 8 debería ayudar a los municipios a evaluar su propia situación y a avanzar en la senda de las reformas.
The 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering creates an international forum where scientific and industrial contributions of computer-aided techniques are presented with applications in process modeling and simulation, process synthesis and design, operation, and process optimization. The organizers have broadened the boundaries of Process Systems Engineering by inviting contributions at different scales of modeling and demonstrating vertical and horizontal integration. Contributions range from applications at the molecular level to the strategic level of the supply chain and sustainable development. They cover major classical themes, at the same time exploring a new range of applications that address the production of renewable forms of energy, environmental footprints and sustainable use of resources and water.