This publication contains an in-depth socioeconomic study conducted by the center for development research (ZEF). It is an analysis of preliminary benefits and impacts that could be brought about by the dissemination of tissue culture banana plantlets to resource-poorfamers in Kenya. We believe it is an important example of the contribution biotechnology can make to developing country agricultural and food sectors.
This report assesses the impact on smallholder farmers of technology options developed by Uganda's National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) to improve the productivity of the East African highland banana, a major crop in Uganda and Tanzania. The contributors survey an array of options either currently practiced or under development, including improved soil fertility management practices, conventional banana improvement, and transgenic banana cultivars. Their survey produces a number of findings with important implications for banana production: a recently developed banana hybrid adopted in Tanzania reduced the vulnerability of Tanzanian households to yield losses from pests and disease; a strong network of social ties among farmers facilitates the spread of best soil fertility management practices through farmer-to-farmer exchange; and transgenic bananas currently being developed could have pro-poor impact. Drawing on simulations of the economic benefits of these and other technology options, the contributors conclude that the current strategy endorsed by NARO, of combining conventional and transgenic approaches to mitigate the biotic pressures that cause major economic losses, is essential for sustaining banana production systems. The report serves as a valuable baseline for researchers and others interested in measuring the effectiveness of crop improvement programs.
In this book, Florence Wambugu and Daniel Kamanga of Africa Harvest Biotech Foundation International bring together expert African authorities to critique various biotechnology initiatives and project future developments in the field in Africa. For the first time, African voices from multidisciplinary fields as diverse as economics, agriculture, biotechnology, law, politics and academia, demand to be allowed to set the continent’s biotech development agenda. This book argues that there is a great future for biotechnology in Africa which sidesteps western interests that do not match those of the local populace. In these diverse chapters, Africa’s political and scientific leaders demand a greater say in how research and development funds are allocated and spent. They argue that Africa’s political leaders must see both clear benefits and have elbow-room to drive the change required. This is the way that African governments can employ workable policies, suitable biosafety legislation and regulation and respond effectively to public-private partnerships. Wambugu and Kamanga show that biotechnology has the potential to improve food security and standard of living as well as mitigate the detrimental effects of climate change on the African continent.
This book offers a comprehensive analysis of the application level for various agricultural biotechnologies across Sub-Saharan Africa. The authors examine the capacity available as well as the enabling environment, including policy and investments, for facilitating agricultural biotechnology development and use in the region. For each Sub-Saharan country, the status of biotechnology application is assessed in four major sectors; Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Aquaculture. Examples such as the number and requisite skill levels of trained personnel, biosafety frameworks and public awareness are surfaced in these chapters. This work also discusses the impact of push-pull factors on research, training and food security and identifies opportunities for investment in biotechnology and local agribusiness. Development partners, policy makers, agricultural consultants as well as scientists and private sector investors with an interest in biotechnology initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa will find this collection an important account to identify key gaps in capacity and policy, as well as priority areas going forward. The volume highlights ways to develop technology and increase agricultural production capacity through international cooperation and inclusive economic growth, making it a valuable practice guide in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG 2 Zero Hunger and SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth. Clear case studies round off the reading experience.
Genetically modified (GM) food crops have inspired increasing controversy over the past decade. By the mid-1990s they were widely grown in the U.S., Canada, and Argentina, but precautionary regulations continue to limit their use elsewhere. The restrictive policies of Europe and Japan toward GM crops have been much discussed. Less attention has been paid to the policies affecting the adoption of GM crops in the developing world, where their potential impact on the availability and quality of food is even greater. In this book Robert Paarlberg looks at the policy choices regarding GM food made by four important developing countries: Kenya, Brazil, India, and China. Of these, so far only China has approved the planting of GM crops. Paarlberg identifies five policy areas in which governments of developing countries can either support or discourage GM crops: intellectual property rights, biosafety, trade, food safety, and public research and investment. He notes that highly cautious biosafety policies have so far been the key reason that Kenya, Brazil, and India have hesitated to plant GM crops. These cautious policies have been strongly reinforced by international market forces and international diplomatic and NGO pressures. China has been less cautious toward GM crops, in part because there is less opportunity in China for international organizations or independent critics of GM crops to challenge official policy.
Here, the world's top experts impart their knowledge and experience, many in print for the first time. By considering developing country markets, this book is the first truly global guide to technology transfer, helping companies all around the world to avoid costly mistakes in product development and to recover investments quickly. Individual sections treat trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights, technology transfer in health and healthcare as well as in agriculture and the environment.
Using tissue-cultured technology is a potentially important way for smallholder banana farmers to improve their yields and income. In the situation of the impoverishing effects of high HIV/AIDS-prevalence in a rural banana-farming community, this applies even more. The research documented in this book examines the balance between required inputs and potential benefits of applying the tissue-cultured technology among HIV/AIDS-affected and non-affected households in Maragua district, Central Kenya, using a livelihood approach. The results show that adoption of the technology and its continued use differs according to the resources endowment of the farming households. Lack of financial and physical capital, notably a water tank, inhibits adoption, irrespective of HIV/AIDS-status. However, households headed by elderly females dominate among the poor households and the HIV/AIDS-affected households. This illustrates how HIV/AIDS interfaces with poverty and, thereby, indirectly with the feasibility of sustainable technology adoption. The research also shows that livelihood decisions and strategies of farming households are influenced by land tenure status (having title deeds or not) and labour constraints at the household level. The latter arise as a consequence of HIV/AIDS-related morbidity and mortality.
This book provides up-to-date information on the state of the art in applications of biotechnological and microbiological tools for protecting the environment. Written by leading international experts, it discusses potential applications of biotechnological and microbiological techniques in solid waste management, wastewater treatment, agriculture, energy and environmental health. This first volume of the book “Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology,” covers three main topics: Solid waste management, Agriculture utilization and Water treatment technology, exploring the latest developments from around the globe regarding applications of biotechnology and microbiology for converting wastes into valuable products and at the same time reducing the environmental pollution resulting from disposal. Wherever possible it also includes real-world examples. Further, it offers advice on which procedures should be followed to achieve satisfactory results, and provides insights that will promote the transition to the sustainable utilization of various waste products.
Understand sustainable development from economic, ecological, and social perspectives As world population continues to increase, the need grows for a safe, sustainable supply of food. Agricultural and Environmental Sustainability: Considerations for the Future provides the latest research results and vital information on the process of p
Covering more than the conventional 'food-only' role of agriculture, the international contributors to this volume detail how the solution to agricultural problems can lead to general socioeconomic and political development in impoverished countries.