Aspects of wage dynamics in Germany

Aspects of wage dynamics in Germany

Author: Jens Stephani

Publisher: wbv Media GmbH & Company KG

Published: 2014-11-04

Total Pages: 146

ISBN-13: 376394088X


Dieses Buch thematisiert verschiedene Aspekte der Lohndynamik in Deutschland. Während der Hauptteil des Buches sich mit dem Lohnwachstum und der Aufstiegsmobilität von Geringverdienern beschäftigt, analysiert ein kleinerer Teil die Entwicklung der Lohneffekte der Tarifbindung für alle Beschäftigten. Unter anderem wird gezeigt, dass die Aufstiegsmobilität von Geringverdienern in besser bezahlte Jobs kein lediglich temporäres Phänomen ist, sondern für diese Beschäftigten zu längerfristig höheren Lohnniveaus führen kann. Das Lohnwachstum von Geringverdienern hängt allerdings von anderen betrieblichen Einflussfaktoren ab als das Lohnwachstum von Besserverdienern. Auch Persönlichkeitsmerkmale wie zum Beispiel die individuelle Kontrollüberzeugung beeinflussen die Aufstiegsmobilität von Geringverdienern. Weiterhin zeigen die Analysen, dass trotz des kontinuierlichen Rückgangs des gewerkschaftlichen Organisationsgrads und der Tarifbindung im letzten Jahrzehnt weiterhin eine - wenn auch geringe - positive Lohnprämie der Tarifbindung existiert.

Immigration and Wage Dynamics in Germany

Immigration and Wage Dynamics in Germany

Author: Sabine Klinger

Publisher: International Monetary Fund

Published: 2019-12-27

Total Pages: 34

ISBN-13: 1513525646


German wages have not increased very rapidly in the last decade despite strong employment growth and a 5 percentage point decline in the unemployment rate. Our analysis shows that a large part of the decline in unemployment was structural. Micro-founded Phillips curves fit the German data rather well and suggest that relatively low wage growth can be largely attributed to low inflation expectations and low productivity growth. There is no evidence – from either aggregate or micro-level administrative data – that large immigration flows since 2012 have had dampening effects on aggregate wage growth, as complementarity effects offset composition and competition effects.

Wage bargaining under the new European Economic Governance

Wage bargaining under the new European Economic Governance

Author: Guy Van Gyes

Publisher: ETUI

Published: 2015-09-28

Total Pages: 419

ISBN-13: 2874523739


Within the framework of the new European economic governance, neoliberal views on wages have further increased in prominence and have steered various reforms of collective bargaining rules and practices. As the crisis in Europe came to be largely interpreted as a crisis of competitiveness, wages were seen as the core adjustment variable for ‘internal devaluation’, the claim being that competitiveness could be restored through a reduction of labour costs. This book proposes an alternative view according to which wage developments need to be strengthened through a Europe-wide coordinated reconstruction of collective bargaining as a precondition for more sustainable and more inclusive growth in Europe. It contains major research findings from the CAWIE2 – Collectively Agreed Wages in Europe – project, conducted in 2014–2015 for the purpose of discussing and debating the currently dominant policy perspectives on collectively-bargained wage systems under the new European economic governance.

Adjusting to Globalization

Adjusting to Globalization

Author: David Greenaway

Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

Published: 2005-05-20

Total Pages: 176

ISBN-13: 9781405131698


This volume investigates the ways in which firms and workers are adjusting to globalization. A collection of cutting-edge essays investigating the ways in which firms and workers are adjusting to globalization. Written by leading researchers in the field. Covers such issues as: outsourcing; the productivity effects of entry to export markets; job losses and wage insurance; and the protection of intellectual property. Presents original research on adjusting to globalization. Provides important insights into the microeconomics effects of globalization. Highlights key issues for policy makers.

Immigration and Wage Dynamics in Germany

Immigration and Wage Dynamics in Germany

Author: Sabine Klinger

Publisher: International Monetary Fund

Published: 2019-12-27

Total Pages: 34

ISBN-13: 1513521144


German wages have not increased very rapidly in the last decade despite strong employment growth and a 5 percentage point decline in the unemployment rate. Our analysis shows that a large part of the decline in unemployment was structural. Micro-founded Phillips curves fit the German data rather well and suggest that relatively low wage growth can be largely attributed to low inflation expectations and low productivity growth. There is no evidence – from either aggregate or micro-level administrative data – that large immigration flows since 2012 have had dampening effects on aggregate wage growth, as complementarity effects offset composition and competition effects.

Intra-regional economic integration

Intra-regional economic integration

Author: Nicole Litzel

Publisher: wbv Media GmbH & Company KG

Published: 2015-02-17

Total Pages: 185

ISBN-13: 3763940901


Die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Betrieben hängt aufgrund ihrer möglichen Einbettung in die regionalen Wirtschaftsstrukturen auch von den lokalen Bedingungen ab. Deswegen stehen Wirtschaftscluster bereits seit geraumer Zeit im Fokus der regionalökonomischen Forschung und der regionalen Wirtschaftspolitik. Wie können regionale Cluster identifiziert werden? Welche Rolle spielen Cluster im internationalen Standortwettbewerb? Von welchen Faktoren hängt die Kooperation zwischen Betrieben innerhalb eines Clusters ab? Und welche Auswirkungen auf Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit und Beschäftigtenwachstum hat es, wenn sich Betriebe in Clustern positionieren? Diesen und anderen Fragen geht Nicole Litzel - gestützt auf Daten aus dem regionalen Informationssystem CORIS - am Beispiel der Wirtschaftsregionen Nürnberg und Ostbayern nach.

What Does the Minimum Wage Do?

What Does the Minimum Wage Do?

Author: Dale Belman

Publisher: W.E. Upjohn Institute

Published: 2014-07-07

Total Pages: 489

ISBN-13: 0880994568


Belman and Wolfson perform a meta-analysis on scores of published studies on the effects of the minimum wage to determine its impacts on employment, wages, poverty, and more.

The Wage Curve

The Wage Curve

Author: David G. Blanchflower

Publisher: MIT Press

Published: 1994

Total Pages: 504

ISBN-13: 9780262023757


The Wage Curve casts doubt on some of the most important ideas in macroeconomics, labor economics, and regional economics. According to macroeconomic orthodoxy, there is a relationship between unemployment and the rate of change of wages. According to orthodoxy in labor economics and regional economics an area's wage is positively related to the amount of joblessness in the area. The Wage Curve suggests that both these beliefs are incorrect. Blanchflower and Oswald argue that the stable relationship is a downward-sloping convex curve linking local unemployment and the level of pay. Their study, one of the most intensive in the history of social science, is based on random samples that provide computerized information on nearly four million people from sixteen countries. Throughout, the authors systematically present evidence and possible explanations for their empirical law of economics.

The Structure of Wages

The Structure of Wages

Author: Edward P. Lazear

Publisher: University of Chicago Press

Published: 2009-05-15

Total Pages: 473

ISBN-13: 0226470512


The distribution of income, the rate of pay raises, and the mobility of employees is crucial to understanding labor economics. Although research abounds on the distribution of wages across individuals in the economy, wage differentials within firms remain a mystery to economists. The first effort to examine linked employer-employee data across countries, The Structure of Wages:An International Comparison analyzes labor trends and their institutional background in the United States and eight European countries. A distinguished team of contributors reveal how a rising wage variance rewards star employees at a higher rate than ever before, how talent becomes concentrated in a few firms over time, and how outside market conditions affect wages in the twenty-first century. From a comparative perspective that examines wage and income differences within and between countries such as Denmark, Italy, and the Netherlands, this volume will be required reading for economists and those working in industrial organization.