Application of Integrated Reservoir Management and Reservoir Characterization to Optimize Infill Drilling. Quarterly Technical Progress Report, September 13--December 12, 1996

Application of Integrated Reservoir Management and Reservoir Characterization to Optimize Infill Drilling. Quarterly Technical Progress Report, September 13--December 12, 1996



Published: 1996

Total Pages: 15



Eighteen 10-acre infill wells have been drilled and completed as part of the Field Demonstration phase of the project at the North Robertson (Clearfork) Unit (NRU). The fourteen producing wells are pumped-off and producing at stable rates. The four injection wells are completed and have been on injection for three to four weeks. Current Unit production is approximately 3,400 STBO/D, of which approximately 900 STBO/D is being produced from the 10-acre infill wells. A change in the Statement of Work has been approved so that additional 10-acre infill wells can be drilled and/or 20-acre producing wells can be converted to injection during the next quarter as budget constraints and rig availability allow. Technical progress is described for the quarter in many related areas: implementation of the field demonstration; reservoir characterization; reservoir management activities and performance analysis; reservoir simulation; and technology transfer.

Application of Integrated Reservoir Management and Reservoir Characterization to Optimize Infill Drilling. Quarterly Technical Progress Report, December 13, 1995--March 12, 1996

Application of Integrated Reservoir Management and Reservoir Characterization to Optimize Infill Drilling. Quarterly Technical Progress Report, December 13, 1995--March 12, 1996



Published: 1996

Total Pages: 9



This project has used a multi-disciplinary approach employing geology, geophysics, and engineering to conduct advanced reservoir characterization and management activities to design and implement an optimized infill drilling program at the North Robertson Unit. The activities during the first Budget Period, which is now complete, consisted of developing an integrated reservoir description from geological, engineering, and geostatistical studies, and using this description for reservoir flow simulation. Specific reservoir management activities have been identified and tested. The geologically targeted infill drilling program to be implemented during Budget Period II is a result of this work.

Application of Integrated Reservoir Management and Reservoir Characterization to Optimize Infill Drilling. Quarterly Technical Progress Report, September 13, 1995--December 12, 1995

Application of Integrated Reservoir Management and Reservoir Characterization to Optimize Infill Drilling. Quarterly Technical Progress Report, September 13, 1995--December 12, 1995



Published: 1995

Total Pages: 13



The main emphasis this quarter was on the geostatistics and reservoir simulation. Assimilation of data with the geostatistics was conducted to determine the specific well locations for the demonstration program. Reservoir characterization and performance information is also included.

Application of Integrated Reservoir Management and Reservoir Characterization to Optimize Infill Drilling. Quarterly Technical Progress Report, March 13, 1996--June 12, 1996

Application of Integrated Reservoir Management and Reservoir Characterization to Optimize Infill Drilling. Quarterly Technical Progress Report, March 13, 1996--June 12, 1996



Published: 1996

Total Pages: 18



At this stage, the main emphasis is on the Field Demonstration phase of the project. The drilling portion of the Field Demonstration has been divided into two separate phases. We are currently proceeding with the drilling and completion of the first eleven Phase I wells. Locations for the additional seven Phase III wells were chosen at a Technical Committee meeting during the first week of June. Preliminary results have been very encouraging as all the wells are producing at or above their forecasted rates. Phase I includes the drilling of four producers and one injection well (10-acre nominal spacing) in both the Section 329 study area and the Section 326/327 study area, as well as one producing well in Section 362. Phase I will be completed during the first week of July. Phase II drilling will involve the completion of the waterflood patterns to the west of the Phase I areas in Sections 329 and 327, consisting of two producers and one injection well in each area. The final Phase II well will be located near the southwest corner of Section 324, in an area of the Unit that remains relatively undrained. Producer-injection well conversions will be performed in this area, as well as other peripheral areas of the Unit to add needed water injection.

Application of Integrated Reservoir Management and Reservoir Characterization to Optimize Infill Drilling. Quarterly Technical Progress Report, March 13--June 12, 1997

Application of Integrated Reservoir Management and Reservoir Characterization to Optimize Infill Drilling. Quarterly Technical Progress Report, March 13--June 12, 1997



Published: 1997

Total Pages: 10



The eighteen 10-acre infill wells which were drilled as part of the field demonstration portion of the project are all currently in service with no operational problems. These wells consist of fourteen producing wells and four injection wells. The producing wells are currently producing a total of approximately 650 bopd, down from a peak rate of 900 bopd. Unit production is currently averaging approximately 3,000 bopd, 12,000 bwpd and 18,000 bwipd. The paper describes progress in core analysis, reservoir surveillance, well stimulation, validation of reservoir characterization (includes thin section analyses, depositional environments, and paleontologic analysis), material balance decline curve analysis, and validation of reservoir simulation (includes geostatistical and deterministic).