Animas-La Plata Project: Blue Mesa excavations

Animas-La Plata Project: Blue Mesa excavations

Author: James M. Potter

Publisher: Animas-La Plata Project

Published: 2006

Total Pages: 270



This volume of the Animas-La Plata series describes the results of excavations on Blue Mesa, a borrow area just south of Durango, Colorado, as part of the Animas-La Plata (ALP) Project. In 2002 and 2003, SWCA excavated seven sites, all of which dated to the early Pueblo I period (AD 750-850): four habitations and three limited activity sites. One of the limited activity sites also contained a small Basketmaker II component and a Paleoindian component. The authors use these limited excavation data in conjunction with previous survey data to address issues of chronology, population, and settlement on the mesa and to make comparisons with nearby Ridges Basin, the location of the ALP reservoir.

Animas-La Plata Project: Blue Mesa excavations

Animas-La Plata Project: Blue Mesa excavations

Author: James M. Potter

Publisher: Swca Environmental Consultants

Published: 2006

Total Pages: 270

ISBN-13: 9781931901178


This volume of the Animas-La Plata series describes the results of excavations on Blue Mesa, a borrow area just south of Durango, Colorado, as part of the Animas-La Plata (ALP) Project. In 2002 and 2003, SWCA excavated seven sites, all of which dated to the early Pueblo I period (AD 750-850): four habitations and three limited activity sites. One of the limited activity sites also contained a small Basketmaker II component and a Paleoindian component. The authors use these limited excavation data in conjunction with previous survey data to address issues of chronology, population, and settlement on the mesa and to make comparisons with nearby Ridges Basin, the location of the ALP reservoir.

Animas-La Plata Project: Cultural resources research and sampling design

Animas-La Plata Project: Cultural resources research and sampling design

Author: James M. Potter

Publisher: Swca Environmental Consultants

Published: 2006

Total Pages: 100



The ancient birthplace of some of the world's major religions and now a modern nuclear power, India is experiencing spectacular economic growth. In twenty-five years its population will overtake that of China, making it one of the most populous and rapidly-developing countries in the world. We all need to know more about this intriguing country. John Farndon explores the changing face of modern-day India and its fundamental contradictions. The country is leading the world in cutting edge technology and research, but it is also home to 40 per cent of the world's malnourished children. It is a liberal democracy, yet its political processes are influenced by some of the most conservative religious ideas in the world. The booming economy is at times both global and archaic. Getting to the heart of these inconsistencies, Farndon gives a fascinating insight into the country as it is now and as it will be in the future, and reveals how the changes in India will affect us all.

Animas-La Plata Project

Animas-La Plata Project


Publisher: Swca Environmental Consultants

Published: 2006

Total Pages: 402



This volume of the Animas-La Plata series (SWCA Anthropological Research Paper No. 10) describes the results of excavations at the largest and most complex site in the Animas-La Plata project area, the Sacred Ridge site (5lp245). Located in Ridges Basin approximately 8 km (4.8 miles) southwest of Durango, Colorado, Sacred Ridge was a multiple habitation site containing 22 pit structures and dating to the early Pueblo I period (A.D. 750-850). The volume concludes with a discussion of chronology, architecture, material culture, population, subsistence, and settlement at the site and in comparison with nearby sites.

Animas-La Plata Project

Animas-La Plata Project

Author: Alexander L. Wesson

Publisher: Swca Anthropological Research

Published: 2006

Total Pages: 272



This volume of the Animas-La Plata series (SWCA Anthropological Research Paper No. 10) presents flaked stone and ground stone assemblage data and analysis methods and results. Patterning in Archaic, Basketmaker II, and Pueblo I assemblages through time and across space are addressed, and regional comparisons are made.

Animas-La Plata Project: Environmental studies

Animas-La Plata Project: Environmental studies

Author: James M. Potter

Publisher: Swca Environmental Consultants

Published: 2006

Total Pages: 322



This volume of the Animas-La Plata series (SWCA Anthropological Research Paper No. 10) contains three sections: geomorphological studies, archaeobotanical studies, and vertebrate faunal studies. The first section comprises studies of landscape change and stability, soil fertility, and paleoclimate in Ridges Basin. The second section comprises six chapters describing and interpreting modern environmental, macrobotanical, and pollen analyses conducted as part of the project. The final section describes and interprets the vertebrate faunal data recovered during project excavations.

Animas-La Plata Project: Historic site descriptions

Animas-La Plata Project: Historic site descriptions

Author: James M. Potter

Publisher: Swca Environmental Consultants

Published: 2006

Total Pages: 106



This volume of the Animas-La Plata series summarizes archaeological investigations of eight historic period sites. The volume is heavily illustrated with photographs, site and feature maps, and architectural drawings. Volume V provides the historic context for the sites excavated. Together Volumes V and VI provide a comprehensive history of the Ridges Basin and Wildcat Canyon areas.

Animas-La Plata Project: Special studies

Animas-La Plata Project: Special studies

Author: James M. Potter

Publisher: Swca Research Paper

Published: 2006

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781931901284


At first glance it might seem as if this volume of the series is merely a collection of errant chapters that did not quite fit into any of the other volumes. Indeed, this volume provides a home for extra artifact reports, but it also houses synthetic pieces that are organized around topics rather than artifact classes per se, making it much more than a series of unrelated chapters on items of unusual media. As a result, this volume is large in scorpe and provides some of the best data regarding what transpired in the eighth and ninth centuries AD across the northern Southwest. As such, it is essential reading for anyone interested in Pueblo I research.

Animas-La Plata Project: Ceramic studies

Animas-La Plata Project: Ceramic studies


Publisher: Swca Environmental Consultants

Published: 2006

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781931901291


Between 2002 and 2005, SWCA Environmental Consultants excaved 73 prehistoric archaeological sites in Ridges Basin and on Blue Mesa near Durango, Colorado. This volume reports the analysis of ceramic artifacts recoverd during these excavations, which yielded almost 100,000 potsherds and more than 200 whole or reconstructible vessels. These ceramics, cumulatively weighing nearly a ton, were recovered from 66 of the sites, nearly all of which were associated with the extensive early Pueblo I occupation in the late AD 700s and early AD 800s. Plain gray were composes approximately 85 percent of the assemblage. Another 11 percent of the assemblage consists of white ware sherds. The remaining Pueblo I ceramics are red ware and small quantities of brown ware and mud ware.