The American Convention on Human Rights, also known as the Pact of San José, is an international human rights instrument. You will learn many significant facts about this Costa Rican document pact by countries throughout the Western Hemisphere.
Withdrawal from Multilateral Treaties is the first comprehensive and systematic legal analysis of withdrawal. It examines the political and legal framework around treaty making to explain how withdrawal evolved over time and suggests ways to improve conditions for orderly withdrawal.
General obligations -- Civil and political rights -- Economic, social, and political rights -- Suspension of guarantees, interpretaion, and application -- Personal responsibilities -- Inter-American Commission on human rights responsibilities -- Inter-American Court of Human rights -- Common provisions -- Signature, ratification, reservations, amendments, protocols, and denunciation -- Transitory provisions.
This book, which can be used as a text for teaching purposes, gives a fascinating, and authoritative treatment both the rights protected by the Inter-American system and of the way in which its institutions work. An important part of the book is a thorough, article by article account of the guarantee in the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man and in the American Convention on Human Rights of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights in the light of the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and of the Commission's many country reports on the human rights situation in particular states. There are also chapters on the rights of indigenous peoples, amnesty laws and states of emergencies. The evolution and current methods of work of the Commission and the Court are set out at length and their achievements are critically assessed. The role of non-governmental organisations is also examined in this context. The book will be invaluable to all those interested in the protection of human rights in the Americas and international human rights law generally.
The best country-by-country assessment of human rights. The human rights records of more than ninety countries and territories are put into perspective in Human Rights Watch's signature yearly report. Reflecting extensive investigative work undertaken by Human Rights Watch staff, in close partnership with domestic human rights activists, the annual World Report is an invaluable resource for journalists, diplomats, and citizens, and is a must-read for anyone interested in the fight to protect human rights in every corner of the globe.
The international human rights system remains as dynamic as ever. If at the end of the last century there was a sense that the normative and institutional development of the system had been completed and that the emphasis should shift to issues of implementation, nothing of the sort occurred. Even over the last few years significant changes happened, as this book amply demonstrates. We hope that this Manual makes a contribution to the development of International Human Rights Law and is of interest for those working in the field of promotion and protection of human rights. The book is the result of a joint project under the auspices of HumanitarianNet, a Thematic Network led by the University of Deusto, and the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC, Venice).
This book contains the final version of the 2018 Report of the International Law Association (ILA) Committee on International Law and Sea Level Rise, as well as the related ILA Resolutions 5/2018 and 6/2018, both as adopted by the ILA at its 78th Biennial Conference, held in Sydney, Australia, 19–24 August 2018. In Part I of the Report, key information about the establishment of the Committee, its mandate and its work so far is presented. Part II of the Report addresses key law of the sea issues through a study of possible impacts of sea level rise and their implications under international law regarding maritime limits lawfully determined by the coastal States, and the agreed or adjudicated maritime boundaries. Part III of the Report addresses international law provisions, principles and frameworks for the protection of persons displaced in the context of sea level rise.
Zbirka mednarodnih pravnih instrumentov o človekovih pravicah je namenjena izobraževanju in usposabljanju policistov ter drugih uradnih oseb s policijskimi pooblastili. Vsebuje 36 mednarodnih sporazumov v treh delih: 1. Univerzalna deklaracija o človekovih pravicah in mednarodne pogodbe, 2. regionalne mednarodne pogodbe (afriške, ameriške in evropske listine oziroma konvencije) ter 3. nepogodbene pravne instrumente, kot so načela, priporočila, pravila, deklaracije, kodeksi policijske etike in drugo.
This thoroughly revised and updated edition is the most comprehensive and detailed reference ever published on United Nations. The book demystifies the complex workings of the world's most important and influential international body.