After resolving the incident at the peace memorial, Theo and Eleven have officially become investigative partners. Soon, the special investigation unit receives a tip about a suspicious medical company that claims to be able to “restore the human body.” Suspecting the involvement of Amalgams, Theo and his team infiltrate a luxury cruise ship where the target is believed to be hiding. But beneath the water’s surface, there’s trouble stirring...
Theo, a young investigator, crosses paths with Eleven, an amalgam perfectly mimicking the form of a girl. In a strange twist of fate, the two become partners on a special mission to track down other amalgams on the run after the war. However, Eleven only looks like a young girl. She’s a living weapon who doesn't understand what it means to be human. Theo has no love for amalgams, but he'll have to deal with it because a terrorist attack has rocked the nation to its core and someone needs to get to the bottom of it!
"Theo, a young investigator, crosses paths with Eleven, an amalgam perfectly mimicking the form of a girl. In a strange twist of fate, the two become partners on a special mission to track down other amalgams on the run after the war. However, Eleven only looks like a young girl. She's a living weapon who doesn't understand what it means to be human. Theo has no love for amalgams, but he'll have to deal with it because a terrorist attack has rocked the nation to its core and someone needs to get to the bottom of it"--
IT'S NOT ABOUT THE DESTINATION... No matter what corner of the world Elaina seems to find herself in, her journey shows no signs of slowing down. During this particularly magical string of adventures, she encounters a mysterious woman who runs a used bookstore, a renowned witch tasked with eliminating a group of bandits, a man and woman who find common ground within their checkered pasts, a land of witches obsessed with statues, a village populated only by beautiful women, a dragon emerging from its four-hundred-year slumber inside a boulder, and the witch who sealed it there. Many of these tales seem almost quaint, though, in comparison to the legendary account of two young witches and their discovery of a time-reversing pocket watch...
A FRUSTRATINGLY SWEET, ZERO-STRESS ROMANTIC COMEDY! As children, Ryou Takamori and Hina Fushimi were thick as thieves—but while Hina grew more beautiful and popular, Ryou faded into the background as a loner, and the two drifted apart. That is, until the morning Ryou saves Hina from a groper on a train and unwittingly reminds her how close they used to be. Now Hina is smitten—if only Ryou weren’t so oblivious!
This title was first published in 2000. Published in two volumes, "Work and the Image" addresses a critical theme in contemporary social and cultural debates whose place in visual representation has been neglected. Ranging from Greek pottery to contemporary performance, and exploring a breadth of geo-national perspectives including those of France, Britain, Hungary, Soviet Russia, the Ukraine, Siberia and Germany, the essays provide a challenging reconsideration of the image of work, the meaning of the work process, and the complex issues around artistic activity as itself a form of work even as it offers a representation of labour. With a shared focus on the 20th century, the era of modernity and its postmodern aftermath, the essays in this volume examine the diverse ways in which the social relations of work in industrial societies from both capitalist and socialist regimes were publicly and privately mediated by changing forms of visual representation. The authors discuss traditional analyses of the image of the worker in the light of contemporary critical theories that address the question of the subjectivity of the worker in relation to class, gender, nationhood and the concept of modernity.