Kita sering terpana atas rezeki yang tidak terduga. Kehadirannya tidak bisa dinalar. Tahu-tahu kita mendapat rezeki begitu saja. Mengapa bisa demikian? Bagaimana sebetulnya cara kerjanya? Lalu bagaimana kita bisa mendapatkan keajaiban rezeki tak terduga itu? Allah Swt. telah mengajari kita tentang amalan-amalan yang perlu kita lakukan agar pintu-pintu rezeki itu selalu terbuka lebar. Buku ini mengungkap semua itu. Tidak hanya itu, buku ini juga basah dengan kisah-kisah inspiratif dari para pelaku amal saleh yang dapat membuka pintu rezeki. [Mizan, Bentang Pustaka, Bunyan, Islam, Ibadah, Indonesia]
Kita semua sudah dijatah rezekinya oleh Allah Ta’ala. Tapi, apakah hanya dengan berpangku tangan rezeki itu akan turun kepada kita? Adakah cara agar rezeki kita mengalir seperti air sungai yang tak terbendung? Melalui buku ini, kita diajak untuk meningkatkan ibadah dan amaliah agar pintu-pintu rezeki kita senantiasa terbuka. Berikut rincian isinya. -Apa saja yang mudah mempercepat datangnya rezeki? -Apa saja yang bisa menghalangi datangnya rezeki? -Amalan-amalan penarik rezeki saat pagi, siang, dan malam hari. -Doa-doa untuk memperlancar pekerjaan dan datangnya rezeki. -Doa-doa agar terbebas dari hutang dan kemiskinan. Buku Persembahan Penerbit QultumMedia penerbitqultummedia
Real Ghost Stories of Borneo 4 is the fourth book in the popular Real Ghost Stories of Borneo. This book is a compilation of ghost and supernatural encounter stories, written by a family physician working in Borneo. The supernatural tales are actual accounts revealed to him by his patients and other members of the local population. The stories offer a unique insight into the local population and what ails them.
It is 2025, and A’jon Emir is honored to be the first Bruneian to travel to outer space. Selected by NASA to assist in a project to build a space station on the moon, A’jon has been tasked to install software with the potential to unlock the secrets of reading ancient languages and help its users observe the planet for potential threats. Although he must leave his fiancée behind, A’jon knows a life-changing opportunity awaits as he boards a plane bound for America. But little does he know that the world he is leaving behind is about to change—possibly forever. After he completes intense training in Houston, A’jon and the crew rocket into orbit on the shuttle. But after the flight commander manages to avoid a missile fired to destroy the ship, the violent maneuver causes a survival knife to break free from a compartment, stabbing A’jon and rendering him vulnerable to a bacterial infection. Unfortunately, that is not all the bad news: a war has broken out on Earth, leaving the astronauts unable to return home. With the mission now aborted, the crew must do everything in their power to avoid potential enemies. In this science fiction thriller, a Bruneian astronaut is unwittingly propelled into a dangerous adventure in space, where he may be forced to hide longer than he ever imagined.
This fascinating volume delves into the history of witchcraft and demonology. Witchcraft and Black Magic gives an extensive history of what Montague Summers deems to be Satanic practises. First published in 1946, this handbook gathers vivid detail from a wealth of sources and references that enhance its overview of black magic. Montague Summers’ research explores numerous court records, personal accounts, and classic works of literature, as well as taking evidence from the Bible. A devout Catholic, Summers writes about witchcraft in great detail, examining historic events, such as the Salem witch trials, with a close eye. The chapters in this chilling volume include: - What is Witchcraft? How Does One Become a Witch? - The Familiar, in Human Shape and Animal - Witchcraft at Cambridge and Oxford - The Origins of Witchcraft - The Library of Witches - The Magus (1801) of Francis Barrett - Sympathetic Magic Complete with an introduction to the folklore and history of witchcraft, Read & Co. Books has republished this classic guide to black magic in a brand new edition. A must-read for conspiracy theorists and those with an interest in the historical background of witchcraft.
"Alif had never set foot outside of West Sumatra. He passed his childhood days searching for fallen durian fruit in the jungle, playing soccer on rice paddies, and swimming in the blue waters of Lake Maninjau. His mother wants him to attend an Islamic boarding school, a pesantren, while he dreams of public high school. Halfheartedly, he follows his mother’s wishes. He finds himself on a grueling three-day bus ride from Sumatra to Madani Pesantren (MP) in a remote village on Java. On his first day at MP, Alif is captivated by the powerful phrase man jadda wajada. He who gives his all will surely succeed. United by punishment, he quickly becomes friends with five boys from across the archipelago, and together they become known as the Fellowship of the Manara. Beneath the mosque’s minaret, the boys gaze at the clouds on the horizon, seeing in them their individual dreams of far-away lands, like America and Europe. Where would these dreams take them? They didn’t know. What they did know was: never underestimate dreams, no matter how high they may be. God truly is The Listener. The Land of Five Towers is the first book in a trilogy written by A. Fuadi—a former TEMPO & VOA reporter, photography buff, and a social entrepreneur. He went to George Washington University and Royal Holloway, University of London for his masters. A portion of the royalties from the trilogy are intended to build Komunitas Menara, a volunteer-based social organization which aims to provide free schools, libraries, clinics and soup kitchens for the less fortunate. To learn more about Komunitas Menara and their activities, check out"
This book aims to describe aspects of the Indonesian language as spoken by educated Jakartans in everyday interactions. This style of language is in many ways significantly different from the formal language of government and education, to the extent that it deserves separate consideration. While formal Indonesian has been the subject of a considerable amount of description very little attention has been paid to informal styles of the language. The variety described here, Colloquial Jakartan Indonesian, is the prestige variety of colloquial Indonesian and is becoming the standard informal style. The description and texts in following chapters are drawn from recordings of natural speech of educated people living in Jakarta . While the book aims to inform those with a background in linguistics the needs of teachers and learners with little or no knowledge of linguistics is always borne in mind. The work thus does not consider theoretical linguistic issues nor use technical terms which would not be readily understood by most readers.