Of interest to scholars both within and outside the U.S., this volume reports how curriculum studies scholars in Mexico understand their field's intellectual history, its present circumstances, and the relations among these intersecting domains with globalization.
Desde 2008, el Simposio Las Sociedades ante el Reto Digital, se ha venido desarrollando en el marco de la Cátedra Europa, organizado por la Universidad del Norte en Barranquilla, Colombia. En sus seis ediciones, se ha consolidado como un espacio de encuentro académico interesado en el abordaje interdisciplinar de las TIC desde tres grandes áreas, las ciencias sociales, las comunicaciones y la educación.
The book is based on the exchange of professional experiences which featured in an IUCN CEC workshop in August 2002. Practitioners from around the world shared their models of good practice and explored the challenges involved in engaging people in sustainability. The difficulties facing practitioners vary between country and context but some challenges are universal: A lack of clarity in communicating what is meant by sustainable development; An ambition to educate everyone to bring about a global citizenship; Social, organisational or institutional factors constrain change to sustainable development, yet there is an emphasis on formal education, and community educators do not receive the same support; A lack of balance in addressing the integration of environmental, social and economic dimensions leading to an interpretation that ESD is mainly about environment and conservation issues; New learning (rather than teaching) approaches are called for to promote more debate in society. Yet, few are trained or experienced in these new approaches. Practitioners need support to explore new ways of promoting learning. [Foreword, ed].
This is the first in-depth guide to global community psychology research and practice, history and development, theories and innovations, presented in one field-defining volume. This book will serve to promote international collaboration, enhance theory utilization and development, identify biases and barriers in the field, accrue critical mass for a discipline that is often marginalized, and to minimize the pervasive US-centric view of the field.
Advocates have positioned service-learning as a real-world, real-time opportunity for students to encounter academic knowledge in a meaningful and relevant manner. Service-learning in higher education settings offers a powerful alternative to traditional models of teaching and learning. Students are encouraged to develop links to local institutions, volunteer their time, and create a special bond between the university and the community in which they live. Service-learning has become a very popular alternative to standard courses in higher education and is gaining significant popularity. This book takes a serious look at the unintended consequences and alternative conceptualizations of this mode of learning and explores what it could offer us in the future.
The SPELIT POWER MATRIX is a leadership tool for untangling the organizational environment from a social, political, economic, legal, intercultural and technical view. The SPELIT analysis method was developed for adult learners to have a framework for determining and formulating the answer to the question: What is? There is a need to analyze the environment in all organizations, whether you are entering a new organization or to benchmark the existing organization. The purpose of this text is to show how perceptive leaders can analyze environments in preparation for possible future action. We demonstrate how the methodology aligns with previous theories regarding environmental scanning and produces a workable framework for the perceptive leader. The SPELIT POWER MATRIX is intended for practitioners doing a market analysis or diagnosis prior to implementing transitions, benchmarking in anticipation of an intervention, and can be used by undergraduate students and seasoned practitioners.