In 1999, the IMF and the World Bank adopted a new frame work for supporting economic reform in low-income member countries to achieve the objectives of poverty reduction and economic growth. The frame work consists of two key elements: country-authored Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers, drawing on broad-based consultations with key stake holder groups; and a vehicle for the provision of IMF concessional lending, the Poverty Reduction andGrowth Facility. This evaluation takes stock of progress to date and attempts to identify short comings that may require course corrections in the design and implementation of the initiative.
This paper proposes an approach to making the MTS operational as it relates to the Fund’s work in LICs that would define more precisely the Fund’s responsibility and accountability in the PRSP and donor collaboration processes. The proposed activities are not “new,” but represent an intensification of existing work and its extension to the all LICs as appropriate. This would help clarify expectations as to the Fund’s role, and establish a consistent institutional approach to collaborating with donors and other stakeholders on the ground.
Development’s current focus – poverty reduction and good governance – signals a turn away from the older neoliberal preoccupation with structural adjustment, privatization and downsizing the state. For some, the new emphases on empowering and securing the poor through basic service delivery, local partnership, decentralization and institution building constitute a decisive break with the past and a whole set of new development possibilities beyond neoliberalism. Taking a wider historical perspective, this book charts the emergence of poverty reduction and governance at the centre of development. It shows that the Poverty Reduction paradigm does indeed mark a shift in the wider liberal project that has underpinned development: precisely what is new, and what this means for how the poor are governed, are described here in detail. This book provides a compelling history of development doctrine and practice, and in particular offers the first comprehensive account of the last twenty years, and development’s shift towards a new political economy of institution building, decentralized governance and local partnerships. The story is illustrated with extensive case studies from first hand experience in Vietnam, Uganda, Pakistan and New Zealand.
This book focuses on the provision of basic social services - in particular, access to education, health and water supplies - as the central building blocks of any human development strategy. The authors concentrate on how these basic social services can be financed and delivered more effectively to achieve the internationally agreed Millennium Development Goals. Their analysis, which departs from the dominant macro-economic paradigm, deploys the results of broad-ranging research they led at UNICEF and UNDP, investigating the record on basic social services of some 30 developing countries. In seeking to learn from these new data, they develop an analytical argument around two potential synergies: at the macro level, between poverty reduction, human development and economic growth, and at the micro level, between interventions to provide basic social services. Policymakers, they argue, can integrate macro-economic and social policy. Fiscal, monetary, and other macro-economic policies can be compatible with social sector requirements. They make the case that policymakers have more flexibility than is usually presented by orthodox writers and international financial institutions, and that if policymakers engaged in alternative macro-economic and growth-oriented policies, this could lead to the expansion of human capabilities and the fulfillment of human rights. This book explores some of these policy options. The book also argues that more than just additional aid is needed. Specific strategic shifts in the areas of aid policy, decentralized governance, health and education policy and the private-public mix in service provision are a prerequisite to achieve the goals of human development. The combination of governance reforms and fiscal and macro-economic policies outlined in this book can eliminate human poverty in the span of a generation.
Tant au niveau des revenus que du développement économique, les inégalités n'ont pas diminué dans le monde, en ce début du troisième millénaire ; et cela malgré les interventions des gouvernements, des ONG et des bailleurs de fonds internationaux. On commettrait également une grave erreur de diagnostic si l'on considérait la pauvreté et l'exclusion sociale comme des caractéristiques réservées aux pays en développement. Les inégalités dans la répartition du revenu et dans l'accès aux droits existent également dans les pays les plus riches. Les essais regroupés dans cet ouvrage entendent procéder à une étude aussi exhaustive que possible des rapports entre développement économique, égalité et pauvreté. Cette analyse est conduite dans le cadre de trois grands domaines thématiques. Le premier présente le cadre théorique de référence relatif aux interconnexions entre développement économique et inégalités. Le deuxième est consacré à l'étude de la pauvreté et de l'exclusion sociale dans les régions et pays en développement (Sahel, Maroc, Burkina Faso, Nigeria). Enfin, le troisième thème porte sur l'analyse des inégalités et de la pauvreté dans les pays développés, en particulier dans les zones urbaines de Rome, Naples, Munich, Dublin, aux fins d'une analyse comparative. Dans l'essai introductif Growth and Inegality. Theoretical Issues and Empirical Evidence, sont examinées les interconnections entre croissance économique et inégalités. Les auteurs procèdent ainsi à une revue critique, aussi vaste que minutieuse, de la littérature en la matière. Ils démontrent que l'examen des inégalités ne saurait être limité à la répartition du revenu mais qu'il faut également l'étendre à bien d'autres facteurs pour identifier les dimensions réelles du bien-être et des inégalités.
In December 1999, the World Bank (the Bank) and the International Monetary Fund (the Fund) introduced a new approach to their relations with low-income countries, centered around the development and implementation of poverty reduction strategies (PRS) by the countries as a precondition for access to debt relief and concessional financing from both institutions. These strategies were also expected to serve as a framework for better coordination of development assistance among other development partners.
The Canadian Council on International law was founded in 1972 by a group of Canada's leading and most distinguished scholars and practitioners in international law. The Council supports the development and exchange of ideas amongst a community of persons interested in international law with particular focus on the Canadian perspective on international matters. To this end, one of the major activities of the Council is to hold an annual conference. This years conference proceedings comprise a collection of essays written by leading academics and practitioners on the theme of the effectiveness of international law. A wide range of subject areas are addressed, including international trade law, intervention, private international law, international human rights law, compliance methodology, women and international law, international criminal law, international environmental law, and terrorism. This work will be of value to international lawyers in both the public and private sphere, legal scholars, and those interested in international relations.
This paper describes the functions, policies, and operations of the IMF. The IMF is an independent international organization, and is a cooperative of 185 member countries, whose objective is to promote world economic stability and growth. The member countries are the shareholders of the cooperative, providing the capital of the IMF through quota subscriptions. In return, the IMF provides its members with macroeconomic policy advice, financing in times of balance-of-payments need, and technical assistance and training to improve national economic management.
Despite severe exogenous shocks, the macroeconomic program remained broadly on track, and several social indicators, particularly in the area of basic education, progressed. A variety of measures have been successfully implemented to improve the environment for private sector development, reduce the vulnerability of the rural sector, and strengthen public finance management. A more comprehensive framework for growth-enhancing policies should encompass the rural sector; foster the development of analytical links between budgets and results; and strengthen the role of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) as an integrative framework for sectoral policies.