Aesch Mezareph

Aesch Mezareph

Author: William Wynn Westcott


Published: 2018-10-29

Total Pages: 42

ISBN-13: 0993421083


The ?sch Mezareph or Ash Metzareph, is only known to persons of Western Culture from the Latin Translation found in a fragmentary condition in the work entitled Kabalah Denudata by Knorr von Rosenroth, published at Sulzbach in 1677-84. These volumes have as a sub-title ?The Transcendental, Metaphysical and Theological Doctrines of the Hebrews?, and they enshrine a Latin translation, with part of the Hebrew text and commentaries, of the great Sohar or ZOHAR, ?The Book of Splendour? which is the most famous of all the Hebrew mystical codices of the Kabalah. Sapere Aude?

Aesch Mezareph or Purifying Fire

Aesch Mezareph or Purifying Fire

Author: W. Wynn Westcott

Publisher: Pickle Partners Publishing

Published: 2018-12-02

Total Pages: 52

ISBN-13: 1789127750


The Aesch Mezareph or Ash Metzareph is a Kabbalistic and Alchemical text originally known to persons of Western Culture from the Latin translation found in a fragmentary condition in the work entitled “Kabbala Denudata” by Knorr von Rosenroth, published at Sulzbach in 1677-84. The present volume is the translation into English, which was issued by W. Wynn Westcott in Vol. IV of his Collectanea Hermetica at the end of the 19th century.

The Eastern Mysteries

The Eastern Mysteries

Author: David Allen Hulse

Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide

Published: 2000

Total Pages: 662

ISBN-13: 9781567184280


UNLOCK THE MEANING OF EASTERN MAGICK In scope and clarity, there is no book that can compare to The Eastern Mysteries. This reissue of David Allen Hulse's landmark work is the one book all students of the occult must own. It catalogs and distills, in hundreds of tables of secret symbolism, the true import of each ancient Eastern magickal tradition. Each chapter is a key that unlocks the meaning behind one of the magickal languages. Through painstaking research and analysis, Hulse has accomplished an unprecedented feat -- that of reconstructing the basic underlying systems that form the vast legacy of mystery traditions. The real genius of this accomplishment is that it is presented in a way that is immediately understandable and usable. Although the book deals with many foreign scripts, ancient tongues, and lost symbols, it is designed for the beginning student. Included is a wealth of cross references, excellent introductory material and overviews, an extensive annotated bibliography, and -- new to this edition -- a complete index.

What Painting Is

What Painting Is

Author: James Elkins

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2019-12-24

Total Pages: 234

ISBN-13: 042984350X


In this classic text, James Elkins communicates the experience of painting beyond the traditional vocabulary of art history. Alchemy provides a strange language to explore what it is a painter really does in the studio—the smells, the mess, the struggle to control the uncontrollable, the special knowledge only painters hold of how colors will mix, and how they will look. Written from the perspective of a painter-turned-art historian, this anniversary edition includes a new introduction and preface by Elkins in which he further reflects on the experience of painting and its role in the study of art today.

The Watkins Dictionary of Magic

The Watkins Dictionary of Magic

Author: Nevill Drury

Publisher: Watkins Media Limited

Published: 2012-01-01

Total Pages: 497

ISBN-13: 1780283628


Over 3000 authoritative, cross-referenced entries, covering magical traditions from all around the world.

The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn (Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia)

The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn (Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia)

Author: Neven Paar

Publisher: Winged Shoes Publishing

Published: 2023-10-08

Total Pages: 458

ISBN-13: 1998071146


The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn adalah puncak dari perjalanan Spiritual saya melalui Tradisi Misteri Barat setelah mengalami kebangkitan Kundalini secara penuh dan berkelanjutan. Setelah saya bergabung dengan sekolah rahasia dan esoterik yang disebut Golden Dawn, saya diperkenalkan pada Ceremonial Magick—sebuah praktik Alkimia Spiritual yang ditujukan untuk penyetelan dan pembersihan Cakra—yang tujuan utamanya adalah transformasi pribadi dan Pencerahan. Saya telah menemukan bahwa seni pemanggilan energi yang sakral ini tidak hanya mengurangi rasa takut dan kecemasan yang saya rasakan setelah membangkitkan Kundalini, tetapi juga memajukan perkembangan Spiritual saya sepuluh kali lipat dalam waktu singkat. Oleh karena itu, saya mendedikasikan diri saya untuk menguasai seluruh sistem Golden Dawn. Setelah memimpin sebuah kelompok Golden Dawn di Toronto, Ontario, saya meninggalkan sistem yang terorganisir tetapi terus mengajarkan ilmu ceremonial magick kepada para Pencari Tuhan YME lainnya. Saya menyadari bahwa dunia kehilangan sebuah sistem Magick yang terpadu dan komprehensif yang menggabungkan Spiritualitas Timur dan Misteri Barat, yang presentasinya jelas dan ringkas, tanpa konotasi gaib yang samar-samar. Apa yang muncul adalah The Magus - sebuah ilmu energi Universal yang kita semua ambil bagian sebagai manusia. Anda tidak perlu menjadi bagian dari Ordo Magickal untuk mendapatkan manfaat penuh dari inisiasi ke dalam energi Tata Surya. Segala sesuatu yang dapat diperoleh dari latihan Ceremonial Magick dapat dilakukan dari kenyamanan di rumah Anda. Jika Anda mendedikasikan sepuluh menit sehari untuk latihan ini, Anda dapat maju secara substansial dalam evolusi Spiritual Anda. Latihan Ceremonial Magick di The Magus disajikan sebagai bagian dari program Alkimia Spiritual yang bertujuan untuk membantu Anda terhubung dengan Jiwa Yang Lebih Tinggi dan memanfaatkan potensi tertinggi Anda sebagai manusia Spiritual. Program-program ini berjalan seiring dengan ceramah pengetahuan tentang Qabalah, Lima Elemen, Tujuh Cakra, Astrologi, Tarot, Ramalan, meditasi, Filosofi Hermetik dan Alkimia, Misteri Kristen dan Mesir, Sihir Henokh, dan banyak lagi. The Magus juga berisi banyak pengetahuan mengenai Kundalini dari perspektif Timur dan Barat. Ketika hubungan Anda dengan Sang Pencipta semakin kuat melalui karya-karya di dalam The Magus, kekuatan pribadi Anda akan meningkat, memungkinkan Anda untuk mewujudkan kehidupan yang selalu Anda inginkan. Dengan menjadi versi terbaik dari diri Anda, Anda dapat menjadi pahlawan dalam kisah Anda sendiri dan mengalami kegembiraan dan kegembiraan dalam hidup. Akhir dari permainan The Magus adalah penyelesaian Pekerjaan Agung dan perluasan serta penyatuan kesadaran individu dengan Kesadaran Kosmik.

The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn (Srpski Prevod)

The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn (Srpski Prevod)

Author: Neven Paar

Publisher: Winged Shoes Publishing

Published: 2024-05-04

Total Pages: 399

ISBN-13: 1998071251


The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn je kulminacija mog duhovnog putovanja kroz Tradiciju Zapadnih Misterija nakon doživljenog potpunog i trajnog buđenja Kundalini. Jednom kada sam se pridružio tajnoj i ezoterijskoj školi zvanoj Zlatna Zora (Golden Dawn), upoznao sam se sa Ceremonijalnom Magijom — praksom Duhovne Alhemije, koja je usmerena na podešavanje i čišćenje Čakri — čija je krajnja svrha lična transformacija i Prosvetljenje. Otkrio sam da prakticiranje ove svete umetnosti prizivanja energije nije samo umanjilo intenzivan strah i anksioznost koje sam doživeo nakon buđenja Kundalini, već je i deset puta intenzivnije podstaklo moj duhovni napredak u kratkom vremenskom periodu. Zbog toga sam se posvetio savladavanju celokupnog Sistema Zlatne Zore. Nakon što sam vodio grupu Zlatna Zora u Torontu, Ontario, napustio sam organizovani sistem, ali sam nastavio da predajem Ceremonijalnu Magiju drugim tragačima za Svetlošću. Shvatio sam da svetu nedostaje jedinstven i sveobuhvatan sistem Magije koji kombinuje Istočnu duhovnost i Zapadne Misterije, čija je prezentacija jasna i koncizna, bez uobičajenih teško razumljivih okultnih konotacija. Ono što se pojavilo je Magus — univerzalna nauka o energiji u kojoj svi učestvujemo kao ljudska bića. Ne morate da budete deo Magijskog reda da biste dobili punu korist od iniciranja u energije našeg Sunčevog sistema. Sve što se može steći vežbanjem Ceremonijalne Magije, može se uraditi iz udobnosti Vašeg doma. Ako posvetite deset minuta dnevno ovoj praksi, možete značajno napredovati u svojoj duhovnoj evoluciji. Vežbe Ceremonijalne Magije u Magusu, predstavljene su kao deo programa Duhovne Alhemije čiji je cilj da vam pomognu da se povežete sa svojim „Višim Ja“ i iskoristite svoj najveći potencijal kao duhovnog ljudskog bića. Ovi programi idu ruku pod ruku sa predavanjima znanja o Kabali, Pet Elemenata, Sedam Čakri, Astrologiji, Tarotu, Gatanju, Meditaciji, Hermetičkoj Filozofiji i Alhemiji, Hrišćanskim i Egipatskim Misterijama, Enohijanskoj Magiji i još mnogo toga. Magus takođe sadrži bogato znanje o Kundalini iz istočne i zapadne perspektive. Kroz rad u Magusu, Vaša veza sa Stvoriteljem jača, što rezultira povećanjem Vaše lične moći i sposobnošću da manifestujete život kakav oduvek želite. Kada postanete najbolja verzija sebe, možete postati heroj svoje priče i doživeti radost i uzbuđenje života. Krajnji cilj Magusa je završetak Velikog Dela, što podrazumeva proširenje i ujedinjenje individualne svesti sa Kosmičkom Svešću.

The Dictionary of the Esoteric

The Dictionary of the Esoteric

Author: Nevill Drury

Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Publ.

Published: 2004

Total Pages: 356

ISBN-13: 9788120819894


With ovear 3000 cross-referenced entries this is an invaluable reference to the mystical and esoteric traditions. It gives succinct definitions in the fields of magic hermeticism, alchemy, spiritualism, parapsychology, eastern and western mysticism, mind and consciousness research divination, tarot, and a variety of less welll-known subjects. It also features biographies of leading figures in the field with details of their lives, philosophies and writings- from astrologer Evangeline Adams to the prophet Zarathustra.

The Collected Works

The Collected Works

Author: William Wynn Westcott

Publisher: Good Press

Published: 2023-12-22

Total Pages: 466



This meticulously edited collection has been formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. The works of William Wynn Westcott will reveal you the secrets Theosophy and Hermetic writings. This collection is an excellent source of information for everyone interested in Hermeticism, Alchemy, Kabalah and western esotericism in general. Contents: Hermetic Arcanum The Divine Pymander The Hermetic Art Aesch Mezareph Somnium Scipionis The Chaldaean Oracles Euphrates Egyptian Magic Sepher Yetzirah Numbers The Magical Ritual of the Sanctum Regnum Suicide The Isiac Tablet of Cardinal Bembo