Theoretical Calculations of the Effects of Finite Sideslip at Supersonic Speeds on the Span Loading and Rolling Moment for Families of Thin Sweptback Tapered Wings at an Angle of Attack

Theoretical Calculations of the Effects of Finite Sideslip at Supersonic Speeds on the Span Loading and Rolling Moment for Families of Thin Sweptback Tapered Wings at an Angle of Attack

Author: Edmund E. Callaghan


Published: 1953

Total Pages: 53



The material given in this report completes the presentation of results obtained from a general investigation of the effects of sideslip on the aerodynamic characteristics of thin sweptback tapered wings with side edges parallel to the axis of wing symmetry, the major phase of which was reported in NACA Technical Note 2898. By means of expressions derived therein, span load distriibutions have been calculated for several families of wings sideslipping at an angle of attack. Three basic combinations of Mach number and plan form have been investigated, each being subject to the conditions that the wing tips are parallel to the axis of wing symmetryand the trailing edge is supersonic, and to one of the following leading-edge conditions: (a) both leading edges subsonic, (b) one leading edge subsonic and one leading edge supersonic, and (c) both leading edges supersonic. In addition the the usual limitations of linear theory and the Mach number restriction imposed by the supersonic-trailing-edge condition, the restriction that the Mach line from the leading edge of the wing tip may not intersect the opposite half-wing has been imposed. The rolling-moment coefficient and the corresponding stability derivative have also been determined for wings with type (b) and (c) leading edges.

Some Theoretical Low-speed Span Loading Characteristics of Swept Wings in Roll and Sideslip

Some Theoretical Low-speed Span Loading Characteristics of Swept Wings in Roll and Sideslip

Author: John D. Bird


Published: 1949

Total Pages: 44



The 7-point method of Weissinger is used to calculate the span loading in roll, lateral center of pressure, and damping in roll for wings having various aspect ratios, sweep angles, and taper ratios. The applicability of the method to the determination of certain other aerodynamic derivatives is investigated, and corrections for the first-order effects of compressibility are indicated.

Theoretical Loading at Supersonic Speeds of Flat Swept-back Wings with Interacting Trailing and Leading Edges

Theoretical Loading at Supersonic Speeds of Flat Swept-back Wings with Interacting Trailing and Leading Edges

Author: Doris Cohen


Published: 1949

Total Pages: 64



By the method of superposition of conical flows, the load distribution is calculated for regions of a long swept-back wing behind the points at which the Mach lines from the trailing-edge apex intersect the leading edge. It is found that a good approximation on the load can be obtained by the application of a fairly simple correction factor to the two-dimensional subsonic distribution. The similarity of two-dimensional flow is used to derive expressions for the loss of lift behind the Mach lines from the tips of the wing.

Some Notes on the Aerodynamic Loads Associated with External-store Installations

Some Notes on the Aerodynamic Loads Associated with External-store Installations

Author: H. Norman Silvers


Published: 1953

Total Pages: 22



The results presented in this paper indicate that the effects of stores on wing load distribution at subsonic speeds may be predicted by available methods at the lower angles of attack where wing flow separation is negligible. At the higher angles of attack where wing flow separation exists, a store located inboard on a swept wing may act much like various devices designed to delay wing pitch-up by reducing the loss in load at the wing tip due to flow separation. Furthermore, the results indicate that the normal force and pitching moment of a store located at the wing tip can be calculated quite well by available methods. On the other hand, no theoretical procedure is available to calculate the severe lateral forces and moments encountered at zero sideslip on an inboard arrangement of stores on a swept wing.