Since their discovery a mere thirty years ago, solitons have been invoked to explain such diverse phenomena as: The long lived 'giant red spot' in the highly turbulent Jovian atmosphere. The famous Fermi-Pasta-Ulam paradox wherein a nonlinearly coupled lattice of particles does not display the 'expected equipartition of energy among available modes. It covers: Ion-acoustic waves in a plasma; Energy storage and transfer in proteins via the Davydov soliton; and The propagation of short laser pulses in optical fibres over long distances with negligible shape change. This volume presents important research from around the globe.
In the last ten to fifteen years there have been many important developments in the theory of integrable equations. This period is marked in particular by the strong impact of soliton theory in many diverse areas of mathematics and physics; for example, algebraic geometry (the solution of the Schottky problem), group theory (the discovery of quantum groups), topology (the connection of Jones polynomials with integrable models), and quantum gravity (the connection of the KdV with matrix models). This is the first book to present a comprehensive overview of these developments. Numbered among the authors are many of the most prominent researchers in the field.
This book highlights recent advances of optical spatial solitons in photorefractive materials ranging broadly from the coupling, modulation instability, effect of pyroelectricity, and the stability of photorefractive solitons, among other topics. Photorefractive solitons have been at the forefront of research because of their formation at low laser powers and unique saturable nonlinearity present in photorefractive materials which supports solitons in (2+1) D. There has been a spurt in research on photorefractive solitons recently, which has contributed to a greater understanding of the theoretical foundation of photorefractive solitons as also of their various interesting and practical applications. The book elucidates the diversity of photorefractive solitons and provides a good resource for students, researchers, and professionals in the area of nonlinear optics.
Despite remarkable developments in the field, a detailed treatment of non-Kerr law media has not been published. Introduction to non-Kerr Law Optical Solitons is the first book devoted exclusively to optical soliton propagation in media that possesses non-Kerr law nonlinearities. After an introduction to the basic features of fiber-optic com
Advances in Bionanotechnology Research and Application / 2012 Edition is a ScholarlyEditions™ eBook that delivers timely, authoritative, and comprehensive information about Bionanotechnology. The editors have built Advances in Bionanotechnology Research and Application / 2012 Edition on the vast information databases of ScholarlyNews.™ You can expect the information about Bionanotechnology in this eBook to be deeper than what you can access anywhere else, as well as consistently reliable, authoritative, informed, and relevant. The content of Advances in Bionanotechnology Research and Application / 2012 Edition has been produced by the world’s leading scientists, engineers, analysts, research institutions, and companies. All of the content is from peer-reviewed sources, and all of it is written, assembled, and edited by the editors at ScholarlyEditions™ and available exclusively from us. You now have a source you can cite with authority, confidence, and credibility. More information is available at
In mathematics and physics, a soliton is a self-reinforcing solitary wave (a wave packet or pulse) that maintains its shape while it travels at constant speed. Solitons are caused by a cancellation of non-linear and dispersive effects in the medium. In this book, the authors discuss the interactions and theoretical and experimental challenges of solitons. Topics include soliton motion of electrons and its physical properties in coupled electron-phonon systems and ionic crystals; soliton excitations and its experimental evidence in molecular crystals; shapes and dynamics of semi-discrete solitons in arrayed and stacked waveguiding systems; and more.
This text is devoted to important research results in high energy physics which includes the following areas of theoretical and experimental physics: collider physics, underground and large array physics, astroparticles, gauge field theories, and general relativity and gravitation.
The Advanced Study Institute on "Advances in Superconductivity" was held at the Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture in Erice, Sicily, during July 3 to July 15, 1982. This Institute was the third course of the International School of Low Tempera ture Physics, which was established at the Centre in 1977 with the guidance and inspiration of T. Regge and A. Zichichi. The 1982 Course was centered on a topic which brought together fundamental basic research and the most recent promising technological applications. Accordingly, the participants represented a wide spectrum of industrial and government laboratories, as well as universities from various countries. The program of topics and speakers was developed with the advice of the Organizing Committee, composed of H. Frohlich, T. Regge, B. Stritzker, and L. Testardi. This Institute emphasized recent developments in the science and technology of superconductivity. A historical perspective was provided by H. Frohlich, whose lectures recall the earliest discoveries and theoretical attempts to understand superconductivity. Ironically, his early suggestion of the electron-phonon coupling as a key to superconductivity was met with initial widespread skepticism. Later, the development of field theory methods for solid state physics problems, and the evolution of the BCS theory has led to a seemingly unanimous concensus regarding the e1ectron phonon mechanism as the predominant source of superconductivity in known materials. Experimental studies of superconductivity exemplify the strong interplay of science and technology in many ways.