This book provides a broad coverage of computational fluid dynamics that will interest engineers, astrophysicists, mathematicians, oceanographers and ecologists.
The modeling and simulation of fluids, solids and other materials with significant coupling and thermal effects is becoming an increasingly important area of study in applied mathematics and engineering. Necessary for such studies is a fundamental understanding of the basic principles of continuum mechanics and thermodynamics. This book is a clear introduction to these principles. It is designed for a one- or two-quarter course for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in the mathematical and engineering sciences, and is based on over nine years of teaching experience. It is also sufficiently self-contained for use outside a classroom environment. Prerequisites include a basic knowledge of linear algebra, multivariable calculus, differential equations and physics. The authors begin by explaining tensor algebra and calculus in three-dimensional Euclidean space. Using both index and coordinate-free notation, they introduce the basic axioms of continuum mechanics pertaining to mass, force, motion, temperature, energy and entropy, and the concepts of frame-indifference and material constraints. They devote four chapters to different theories of fluids and solids, and, unusually at this level, they consider both isothermal and thermal theories in detail. The book contains a wealth of exercises that support the theory and illustrate various applications. Full solutions to odd-numbered exercises are given at the end of each chapter and a complete solutions manual for all exercises is available to instructors upon request. Each chapter also contains a bibliography with references covering different presentations, further applications and numerical aspects of the theory. Book jacket.
Geared toward advanced undergraduate and graduate students in applied mathematics, engineering, and the physical sciences, this introductory text covers kinematics, momentum principle, Newtonian fluid, compressibility, and other subjects. 1971 edition.
Fluid mechanics embraces engineering, science, and medicine. This book’s logical organization begins with an introductory chapter summarizing the history of fluid mechanics and then moves on to the essential mathematics and physics needed to understand and work in fluid mechanics. Analytical treatments are based on the Navier-Stokes equations. The book also fully addresses the numerical and experimental methods applied to flows. This text is specifically written to meet the needs of students in engineering and science. Overall, readers get a sound introduction to fluid mechanics.
This is the first book specifically designed to offer the student a smooth transitionary course between elementary fluid dynamics (which gives only last-minute attention to turbulence) and the professional literature on turbulent flow, where an advanced viewpoint is assumed. The subject of turbulence, the most forbidding in fluid dynamics, has usually proved treacherous to the beginner, caught in the whirls and eddies of its nonlinearities and statistical imponderables. This is the first book specifically designed to offer the student a smooth transitionary course between elementary fluid dynamics (which gives only last-minute attention to turbulence) and the professional literature on turbulent flow, where an advanced viewpoint is assumed. Moreover, the text has been developed for students, engineers, and scientists with different technical backgrounds and interests. Almost all flows, natural and man-made, are turbulent. Thus the subject is the concern of geophysical and environmental scientists (in dealing with atmospheric jet streams, ocean currents, and the flow of rivers, for example), of astrophysicists (in studying the photospheres of the sun and stars or mapping gaseous nebulae), and of engineers (in calculating pipe flows, jets, or wakes). Many such examples are discussed in the book. The approach taken avoids the difficulties of advanced mathematical development on the one side and the morass of experimental detail and empirical data on the other. As a result of following its midstream course, the text gives the student a physical understanding of the subject and deepens his intuitive insight into those problems that cannot now be rigorously solved. In particular, dimensional analysis is used extensively in dealing with those problems whose exact solution is mathematically elusive. Dimensional reasoning, scale arguments, and similarity rules are introduced at the beginning and are applied throughout. A discussion of Reynolds stress and the kinetic theory of gases provides the contrast needed to put mixing-length theory into proper perspective: the authors present a thorough comparison between the mixing-length models and dimensional analysis of shear flows. This is followed by an extensive treatment of vorticity dynamics, including vortex stretching and vorticity budgets. Two chapters are devoted to boundary-free shear flows and well-bounded turbulent shear flows. The examples presented include wakes, jets, shear layers, thermal plumes, atmospheric boundary layers, pipe and channel flow, and boundary layers in pressure gradients. The spatial structure of turbulent flow has been the subject of analysis in the book up to this point, at which a compact but thorough introduction to statistical methods is given. This prepares the reader to understand the stochastic and spectral structure of turbulence. The remainder of the book consists of applications of the statistical approach to the study of turbulent transport (including diffusion and mixing) and turbulent spectra.
It is over three hundred and fifty years since Torricelli discovered the law obeyed by fountains, yet fluid dynamics remains an active and important branch of physics. This book provides an accessible and comprehensive account of the subject, emphasising throughout the fundamental physical principles, and stressing the connections with other branches of physics. Beginning with a gentle introduction, the book goes on to cover Bernouilli's theorem, compressible flow, potential flow, surface waves, viscosity, vorticity dynamics, thermal convection and instabilities, turbulence, non-Newtonian fluids and the propagation and attenuation of sound in gases. Undergraduate or graduate students in physics or engineering who are taking courses in fluid dynamics will find this book invaluable, but it will also be of great interest to anyone who wants to find out more about this fascinating subject.