A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Social and Private Worship

A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Social and Private Worship

Author: Henry Devereux Sewall

Publisher: General Books

Published: 2012-02

Total Pages: 246

ISBN-13: 9781458995452


Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: And let us look, with joyful hope To that more glorious day, Before whose brightness, sin, and death, And grief, shall flee away. Spirit of the Psalms. 183. L. M. The Fear of God. 1 Great Author of all nature's frame Holy and reverend is thy name; Against thee who shall lift his hand Before thy terrors who can stand 2 But hlessed are they, O gracious Lord Who fear thy name, and keep thy word: Thy wisdom guides, thy power defends Their life, till life its journey ends. 3 O that my soul with awful sense Of thy transcendent excellence, May close the day, the day begin, Watchful against each darling sin 4 Never, O never from my heart, May this great principle depart. But act with unabating power, Within me to my latest hour Scott, aJt'd. 184. L. M. Mutability of the Creation, and Immutability of God. Ps. cii. 2528. 1 Great Former of this various frame Our souls adore thine awful name, And bow with reverence, while we praise The Ancient of eternal days. 2 Beyond an angel's vision bright, Thou dwell'st in uncreated light; Which shines with undiminished ray, While suns and systems pass away. 3 Our days a transient period run, And change with-every circling sun; And, in the firmest state we boast, A moth can crush us into dust. 4 But let all nature fall around; Let death consign us to the ground; Let the last general flame arise, Consume the earth, dissolve the skies: 5 Calm as the summer's ocean, we Can all the wreck of nature see, While grace secures us an abode. Unshaken as the throne of God. Doddridge, alt'd. 185. c. M. The Eternal Dominion of God. 1 Great God how infinite art thou How weak and frail are we Let the whole race of creatures bow, And homage pay to thee. 2 Thy throne eternal a...