Discusses the spinning of the Earth, the progress of day into night, and the reasons for the spectacular colors and shadows that accompany sunrise and sunset.
Much like life, the stage changes even when our vantage point doesnt. And so it is with the rising and setting sun, no two are ever the same. Every picture tells another color, shape and shadow story . . .
As beautiful as the year is long! These lovely illustrations are waiting for your imagination to fill in all the spectacular colors of twilight. Farmhouses, backyards, ocean waves, and more—we've captured one evening sky for every week of the year, presented on 10-inch-square pages for your coloring enjoyment. Be the artist who paints the sky at sunset.
This book is a short, straight to the point presentation of how to use the many tools available in the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom(R) 3 software to bring out the best in a photographic image. The reader will be taken through a step by step workflow in the Develop Module with lots of tips along the way, many of which have not been presented before. This book is the most complete discussion of what Adobe Photoshop Lightroom(R) 3 has to offer the photographer, be they a professional or hobbiest.
Reeds Astro Navigation Tables is an established book of annual astro-navigation tables compiled specifically for the needs of yachtsmen. It contains all the information the ocean-going sailor needs (without the bulk) in order to navigate by the sun, moon, planets and stars, using tables devised by practical ocean navigators. This book, together with a sextant, will enable sailors to navigate confidently and safely when out of the sight of land. The book continues to feature the well-received additions of the past couple of years, including forms to help determine True Altitude (for the sun, planets and stars), Calculated Altitude (using the versine formula) and Azimuth (using the ABC Tables), as well as a pro forma for calculating Intercept. With 8 extra pages and an improved layout, there is plenty of space for making notes and calculations.