Life and Death in Asia Minor in Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Times

Life and Death in Asia Minor in Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Times

Author: J. Rasmus Brandt

Publisher: Oxbow Books

Published: 2016-12-31

Total Pages: 485

ISBN-13: 1785703625


Life and Death in Asia Minor combines contributions in both archaeology and bioarchaeology in Asia Minor in the period ca. 200 BC – AD 1300 for the first time. The archaeology topics are wide-ranging including death and territory, death and landscape perception, death and urban transformations from pagan to Christian topography, changing tomb typologies, funerary costs, family organization, funerary rights, rituals and practices among pagans, Jews, and Christians, inhumation and Early Byzantine cremations and use and reuse of tombs. The bioarchaeology chapters use DNA, isotope and osteological analyses to discuss, both among children and adults, questions such as demography and death rates, pathology and nutrition, body actions, genetics, osteobiography, and mobility patterns and diet. The areas covered in Asia Minor include the sites of Hierapolis, Laodikeia, Aphrodisias, Tlos, Ephesos, Priene, Kyme, Pergamon, Amorion, Gordion, Boğazkale, and Arslantepe. The theoretical and methodological approaches used make it highly relevant for people working in other geographical areas and time periods. Many of the articles could be used as case studies in teaching at schools and universities. An important objective of the publication has been to see how the different types of results emerging from archaeological and natural science studies respectively could be integrated with each other and pose new questions on ancient societies, which were far more complex than historical and social studies of the past often manage to transmit.

Perspectives on the History of Ancient Near Eastern Studies

Perspectives on the History of Ancient Near Eastern Studies

Author: Agnès Garcia-Ventura

Publisher: Penn State Press

Published: 2021-03-03

Total Pages: 282

ISBN-13: 1646020871


The present volume collects eighteen essays exploring the history of ancient Near Eastern studies. Combining diverse approaches—synthetic and analytic, diachronic and transnational—this collection offers critical reflections on the who, why, and how of this cluster of fields. How have political contexts determined the conduct of research? How do academic agendas reflect larger social, economic, and cultural interests? How have schools of thought and intellectual traditions configured, and sometimes predetermined, the study of the ancient Near East? Contributions treating research during the Nazi and fascist periods examine the interpenetration of academic work with politics, while contributions dealing with specific national contexts disclose fresh perspectives on individual scholars as well as the conditions and institutions in which they worked. Particular attention is given to scholarship in countries such as Turkey, Portugal, Iran, China, and Spain, which have hitherto been marginal to historiographic accounts of ancient Near Eastern studies. In addition to the editors, the contributors are Selim Ferru Adali, Silvia Alaura, Isabel Almeida, Petr Charvát, Parsa Daneshmand, Eva von Dassow, Hakan Erol, Sebastian Fink, Jakob Flygare, Pietro Giammellaro, Carlos Gonçalves, Katrien de Graef, Steven W. Holloway, Ahmed Fatima Kzzo, Changyu Liu, Patrick Maxime Michel, Emanuel Pfoh, Jitka Sýkorová, Luděk Vacín, and Jordi Vidal.

Late Antique/early Byzantine Glass in the Eastern Mediterranean

Late Antique/early Byzantine Glass in the Eastern Mediterranean

Author: Ergün Laflı

Publisher: Ege Yayinlari

Published: 2009

Total Pages: 430



Thirty-four papers presented at an international colloquium in Izmir in 2009 are published here in English. The papers are organized under two major headings comparing the late antique/Early Byzantine glass in Anatolia and the rest of the East Mediterranean. At the end is a bibliography for Anatolia until 2009.

SOMA 2007

SOMA 2007

Author: Çiğdem Özkan Aygün

Publisher: British Archaeological Reports Oxford Limited

Published: 2009

Total Pages: 492



A vast array of papers on Mediterranean archaeology from prehistory to the present from excavation reports and technical studies to broader historical or economic theses. It is hard to pick out any dominant themes from such a wide-ranging collection, but the Istanbul location of the conference ensured that many of the papers focus on Turkish sites.

"Troianer sind wir gewesen"--Migrationen in der antiken Welt

Author: Eckart Olshausen

Publisher: Franz Steiner Verlag

Published: 2006

Total Pages: 436

ISBN-13: 9783515087506


Inhalt Vorwort Werner Peukert: Migration und Fremdheit Herbert Gra�l: Zur Logistik antiker Wanderbewegungen Armin Wolf: Odysseus im Phaiakenland - Homer in der Magna Graecia Heinz Warnecke: Die homerische Hafenstadt der Phaiaken - Das Idealbild einer fruehen ionischen Kolonie? Domenico Musti: Fondazioni coloniali su istmi e su stretti Jost Knauss: Migrationen nach der griechischen Sintflut 1529 v.Chr. (Beispiele aus Mittelgriechenland) Wolfgang Orth: Autochthonie und �Ostkolonisation�. Zum politischen Konzept des Isokrates Angelos Chaniotis: Die hellenistischen Kriege als Ursache von Migration: Das Beispiel Kreta Holger Sonnabend: Herodot und die Auswanderung der Lyder nach Italien im Licht der modernen Migrationsforschung John Bintliff: Multi-ethnicity and Population Movement in ancient Greece: Alternatives to a world of �Red-Figure' People Stefan Faller: Von Troia nach Indonesien Kai Ruffing: Die regionale Mobilit�t von H�ndlern und Handwerkern nach den griechischen Inschriften Andreas Gutsfeld: Das maurische Schreckgespenst. Der Nomadendiskurs als Motiv der Herrscherkritik bei Prokop Gerhard H. Waldherr: Lagua(n)tan und Austur - Invasion aus dem Osten oder Ethnogenese ,vor Ort� Franz Sch�n: Germanen sind wir gewesen? Bemerkungen zu den Tungri und Germani Cisrhenani und zum sogenannten taciteischen Namensatz (Tac. Germ. 2,2) Giacomo Manganaro: Il S. C. dei Lanuvini per il rinnovo della �parentela� con i Centuripini Veit Rosenberger: Die geographische Herkunft der Klienten des delphischen Orakels Karin Hornig: Wandernde Kuenstler und ihre Rolle in Migrationsprozessen Oleg L. Gabelko: �Phaennis' Oracle� (Zosim. II. 36-37) and Galatians' Passage to Asia Minor Peter Kehne: Kollektive Zwangsumsiedlungen als Mittel der Au�en- und Sicherheitspolitik bei Persern, Griechen, R�mern, Karthagern, Sassaniden und Byzantinern - Prolegomena zu einer Typisierung v�lkerrechtlich relevanter Deportationsf�lle Linda-Marie Guenther: Sp�te Migranten. Das suedliche Tyrrhenische Meer und die Griechen im 6. Jh. v. Chr. Michail Vysokij: Migration in the archaic Sicily (first part of the Vth century B. C.) Folker Reichert: Wanderer, kommst du nach Troia. Mittelalterliche Reisende auf den Spuren Homers Gian Franco Chiai: V�lker, Sprachen und Kulturen der Troas in der archaischen Zeit (9.-8. Jh. v. Chr.) Pedro Barcel�/Juan Jos� Ferrer: Die Phok�er und die Iberische Halbinsel � Frank Stini: Exil in der r�mischen Kaiserzeit Iris von Bredow: �Sie luden auch die G�tterbilder aus den Tempeln ein und fuhren davon - Probleme des Kultes bei der Migration Eckart Olshausen: Patria als Heimatbegriff Heinz E. Herzig: Novum genus hominum: Ph�nomene der Migration im r�mischen Heer Silke Knippschild/Vera Sauer: Wandernde G�tter Ulf Scharrer: Die Einwanderungen griechischer und makedonischer Bev�lkerungsgruppen in den hellenistischen Osten Michael Kerschner: Die ionische Wanderung im Lichte neuer arch�ologischer Forschungen in Ephesos Michelle Cataudella: Nomadi e Greci nel lontano Oriente fra III e II secolo a. C. Klaus Tausend: Wanderungen vor der Wanderung. Migrationen und Ethnogenese im germanischen Raum Ida Maria Gulletta: Kamikos/Lykos/Halykos. Da �via del sale' a �confine' tra le due eparchie (note di geografia storica nella sicilia centro-occidentale) Register: Antike Personen, G�tter und HEroen / Nicht antike Personen / Sachen / Geographica, Volksst�mme udgl.