This is the fifth annual review which explores long-term development effectiveness trends and analyses the choice of lending and non-lending instruments and activities to achieve World Bank development objectives. The 2001 review confirms a significant improvement in the outcomes of the Banks lending performance. It finds that selecting the right combination and sequence of activities for a particular objective can make the difference between success and failure, whether at individual project level, for country assistance programmes or for global, sectoral and thematic priorities. At each level, there is unexploited potential to maximise strategic selectivity, and this is especially important in countries with a poor policy framework or acute institutional development needs.
This is the sixth annual review which assesses the effectiveness of World Bank programmes in helping to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and related targets designed to address global poverty. This year's review finds that the organisation's programmes are consistent with MDG themes, but can be greatly enhanced by defining quantified, time-bound targets for poverty reduction and other development outcomes. Areas needing further attention include: helping clients to monitor and evaluate development outcomes, working to establish cross-sectoral strategies, and clarifying the role and objectives of itself and other partners. Above all, the World Bank needs to fully assess MDG implications at the corporate, country sector and global levels and to address the implications in its use of lending and administrative resources.
'The Annual Review of Development Effectiveness 2009' presents evidence on the World Bank s efforts in two areas. Part I tracks the outcomes of Bank projects and country programs and the evolution of monitoring and evaluation (M and E). Part II examines the Bank s support for environmentally sustainable development compatible with economic growth and poverty reduction. The Bank s project performance rebounded in 2008, allaying concerns about the weakened performance in 2007. As previous ARDEs have shown, project performance has been improving gradually for 15 years according to the traditional measure percent of projects with satisfactory (versus unsatisfactory) outcomes. But IEG ratings of M and E quality for completed projects indicate considerable room for progress. Information to assess impacts continues to be lacking although preliminary data suggests improvements in baseline data collection. Bank support for the environment has recovered since 2002 due to new sources of concessional finance. The outcomes of environment projects have improved in recent years. A growing number of regional projects are addressing the shared use of water resources. New global partnerships are deepening the Bank s involvement in climate change issues. But M and E remains weak: three-quarters of environment-related projects those managed by sectors other than environment lack reporting of environmental outcomes.
ARDE 2003 examines the effectiveness of Bank support for developing country policy reform,. It finds that Bank support has contributed to reform in a number of cases. But there are also cases where the Bank's support has not been associated with improvements in the policy environment.
The 2004 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness looks at the recent growth and poverty reduction experience of client countries. It assesses the extent to which Bank interventions have contributed to growth and poverty reduction and the effectiveness of different types of interventions. The review uses the key elements of the Bank's 2001 poverty reduction strategy to examine the extent to which these elements respond to the needs of the poor, are actually being carried out, and are having an impact.
The "results agenda" adopted by the World Bank and other donors aims to ensure that development assistance yields sustainable poverty reduction. Effective poverty reduction results from three main factors: sustained and inclusive growth, effective service delivery to the poor, and capable public sector institutions that are accountable to stakeholders for the results they achieve. The Annual Review of Development Effectiveness 2006 assembles evaluative evidence around three questions central to poverty reduction: - How effectively has economic growth translated into poverty reduction in Bank-assisted countries and what factors have affected these results? - What factors have led to high-quality results in areas that deliver services to the poor? - What measures help raise the accountability of public institutions responsible for delivering and sustaining these results? The report identifies three key areas where the World Bank can further strengthen its effectiveness in helping countries reduce poverty. - Economic growth has improved in many Bank client countries but a stronger focus on the nature of growth is needed to ensure that such growth leads to jobs for the poor and productivity increases in poorer regions and sectors where the poor earn their incomes. - Consistent use of a clearly articulated results chain helps ensure that Bank country assistance programs and individual projects set realistic objectives, that key cross-sectoral constraints to achieving them are adequately considered and that due attention is given to building capacity. - A realistic assessment of the political economy of governance-related reforms is needed to tailor efforts to increase the accountability ofpublic sector institutions to local conditions.
For the World Bank and its partners, the ever-present test is to deliver results-to lift people out of poverty and promote socially and environmentally sustainable development. Achieving such success in any individual country is increasingly intertwined with making progress on shared global challenges. The '2008 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness', an independent evaluation, presents evidence on the Bank's efforts in two important and connected areas: tracking outcomes of Bank projects and country programs; and progress in fostering global public goods, such as protecting the earth's climate and preventing the spread of dangerous communicable diseases.
This text explores how the characteristics of change in a complex organization make hypocrisy difficult to resolve, especially after its exposure becomes a critical threat to the organization's legitimacy and survival.
During its 40-year history, the International Development Association (IDA) has worked to improve global welfare by allocating resources to growth and poverty reduction programs. In 1990, a new framework for IDA's poverty reduction efforts was created which resulted in significant structural change to its programs. The focus of the programs became one of labor-intensive growth and expanded access to social services and safety nets to improve incomes levels among the poor. Additionally, the IDA agenda was expanded to include gender, the environment and governance as facets of the poverty reduction framework. This report evaluates IDA's performance from 1994 through 2000 against the three specific replenishment commitments of the period. While finding the performance level only partially satisfactory, the review suggests ways to improve the effectiveness of IDA programs, replenishment process and its ability to match corporate and country priorities.
Top experts in the field discuss how to improve the effectiveness of foreign aid, proposing practical solutions to specific problems rather than a utopian master plan. The urgency of reducing poverty in the developing world has been the subject of a public campaign by such unlikely policy experts as George Clooney, Alicia Keyes, Elton John, Angelina Jolie, and Bono. And yet accompanying the call for more foreign aid is an almost universal discontent with the effectiveness of the existing aid system. In Reinventing Foreign Aid, development expert William Easterly has gathered top scholars in the field to discuss how to improve foreign aid. These authors, Easterly points out, are not claiming that their ideas will (to invoke a current slogan) Make Poverty History. Rather, they take on specific problems and propose some hard-headed solutions. Easterly himself, in an expansive and impassioned introductory chapter, makes a case for the “searchers”—who explore solutions by trial and error and learn from feedback—over the “planners”—who throw an endless supply of resources at a big goal—as the most likely to reduce poverty. Other writers look at scientific evaluation of aid projects (including randomized trials) and describe projects found to be cost-effective, including vaccine delivery and HIV education; consider how to deal with the government of the recipient state (work through it or bypass a possibly dysfunctional government?); examine the roles of the International Monetary Fund (a de-facto aid provider) and the World Bank; and analyze some new and innovative proposals for distributing aid. Contributors Abhijit Banerjee, Nancy Birdsall, Craig Burnside, Esther Duflo, Domenico Fanizza, William Easterly, Ruimin He, Kurt Hoffman, Stephen Knack, Michael Kremer, Mari Kuraishi, Ruth Levine, Bertin Martens, John McMillan, Edward Miguel, Jonathan Morduch, Todd Moss, Gunilla Pettersson, Lant Pritchett, Steven Radelet, Aminur Rahman, Ritva Reinikka, Jakob Svensson, Nicolas van de Walle, James Vreeland, Dennis Whittle, Michael Woolcock