This how-to book caters for both the person who buys an old motor to restore and use, and the one who restores for the satisfaction of seeing a vintage piece of machinery in its original condition.
The record of each copyright registration listed in the Catalog includes a description of the work copyrighted and data relating to the copyright claim (the name of the copyright claimant as given in the application for registration, the copyright date, the copyright registration number, etc.).
The evolution of automotive climate control systems is told in more than 500 pages including more than 600 pictures. The progress made in heaters, defrosters, air conditioners, ventilation systems and windshield wipers since 1897 is enormous. This book shows how the automobile manufacturers and suppliers have made driving an automobile safe and pleasant in any type of weather. The major changes that have occurred from the early use of lap robes and charcoal heaters to the modern, sophisticated, electronically controlled systems are fully documented in this book.--P. [4] of cover.
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