Offers a guide to census indexes, including federal, state, county, and town records, available in print and online; arranged by year, geographically, and by topic.
The First Census of the United States (1790) comprised an enumeration of the inhabitants of the present states of Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, and Virginia. Unfortunately, during the War of 1812, when the British burned the Capitol at Washington, the returns for several states were destroyed, including those for Virginia, of which Kentucky was a part. In 1940, this "First Census" of Kentucky: 1790, was published, being developed from tax lists from the nine counties which comprised the entire State in 1790. Individuals are listed alphabetically, and following each name is the county of residence and the date of the return. The cumulative returns for Kentucky are included on page one. Also included at the end of the book are the "Land and Tax List of King George County [VA], 1782;" "Personal Tax List of Fayette County, 1788;" "Personal Tax List No. 2 of Fayette County, 1787;" "Land Tax List of Prince William County [VA], 1784;" and the "Land Tax List of Charles City County, 1787." More than 10,000 names listed in this work. Paperback, (1940), repr. 2000, 2012, Alphabetical, viii, 118 pp.
A history of the ancestry of Elizabeth Huey Taylor Cook, tracing various genealogical lines more than four hundred years. Individuals and couples are placed in their historical context, showing their participation in the events of their time (Revolutionary War, Civil War, early settlements in Massachusetts, Virginia, and Kentucky). Special attention is given to the role of various ancestors in the Indian wars of the 1600s and 1700s. Many details about the families' ownership of slaves are included. Various indiiduals' participation in church and community activities - from the earliest colonial settlements to and including the 20th century - are also covered. The main surnames which are treated include TAYLOR, HUEY, MOORE, CROUCH, MAYO, BALDWIN, SCOTT, DAWSON, PUTNAM, PORTER, HAWTHORNE, DOYNE, WHARTON, STONE, WINSTON, GAINES, WATTS, GOUGE, GRAVES, WILLIAMS, HUNT, JEWETT/JUETT, MASON, PENDLETON, GAMEWELL, SWAINE, PARSONS, BOOTH, WOODBURY, DWIGHT, WALTON, MAVERICK, HARRISON, LYTTLETON, VALLETTE, MARMADUKE. A total of about 120 surnames are traced.
Martin True (ca. 1755-1845) was born in Virginia, served in the Revolu- tionary War, married Mary Hill in 1791 in Halifax County, Virginia, and moved to Tennessee, where he died in Maury County. Descendants lived in Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Oklahoma, Texas, California and elsewhere.
Genealogical research in U.S. censuses begins with identifying correct county jurisdictions ??o assist in this identification, the map Guide shows all U.S. county boundaries from 1790 to 1920. On each of the nearly 400 maps the old county lines are superimposed over the modern ones to highlight the boundary changes at ten-year intervals. Accompanying each map are explanations of boundary changes, notes about the census, & tocality finding keys. In addition, there are inset maps which clarify ??erritorial lines, a state-by-state bibliography of sources, & an appendix outlining pitfalls in mapping county boundaries. Finally, there is an index which lists all present day counties, plus nearly all defunct counties or counties later renamed-the most complete list of American counties ever published.