Whispers from Fairy Land, by G.P.D.

Whispers from Fairy Land, by G.P.D.

Author: G. P. D

Publisher: General Books

Published: 2010-10

Total Pages: 48

ISBN-13: 9781458989383


Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: ELSIE'S DREAM. Poor little Elsie ?with her pretty brown eyes and soft flowing curls?curls which never would keep in order, prim and neat, like Aunt Dorothy's grey ringlets; but would wave gaily in every breeze, like fairy nets of gold to catch the very sunbeams; and the little feet too, that never could keep still, but ran about from sunrise to sunset, yet never seemed tiredj?poor little Elsie Ah, poor indeed for Elsie was an orphan; she had never known a mother's loving care, ?that most precious boon had been denied her. Her mother had died when she was born, and her father four short years after; leaving his tiny babe to the guardianship of Aunt Dorothy. Aunt Dorothy had lived alone for many years, from the time even when she was young, until her hair was turning grey, and life's day was drawing to its close. There in that pretty white cottage, with23 clematis twining over the porch, and peeping in at the windows, ?there had the years passed, marked by few changes?shadowed by few cares;?her only companions a servant who had grown old with her mistress, and a grey parrot whose age was very uncertain; but even Polly was no longer young. Such a tricksome thing as a child had never presumed to enter the quiet precincts of The Cottage, so that when Aunt Dorothy brought the little stranger home, after having closed her darling nephew's dying eyes, and promising to fulfil the trust confided in her, (she was Elsie's great aunt, you see, ) it effected quite a revolution in the house. The grey parrot seemed to imagine the little child would encroach on her privileges, and take from her all the tit bits in the way of cake, etc., which for years had been considered as her right: and so revenged herself by laughing derisively at Elsie whenever she came near, and seemed a