Two rather long-awaited encounters unfold in this installment of Fumi Yoshinaga’s heartwarming slice-of-gay-life series. After fifteen years of living together, Shiro meets Kenji’s family for the first time over dinner at a high-end unagi restaurant. Meanwhile, Kenji finally gets to know Kayoko, one of Shiro’s few friends, after a chance encounter at the supermarket. A rare argument breaks out, and circumstances both at work and at home continue to change for Shiro, but what remains a constant is the hearty meals the two of them share at the end of each day
From award-winning author Fumi Yoshinaga comes a casual romance between two middle-aged men and the many meals they share together. A hard-working middle-aged gay couple in Tokyo come to enjoy the finer moments of life through food. After long days at work, either in the law firm or the hair salon, Shiro and Kenji will always have down time together by the dinner table, where they can discuss their troubles, hash out their feelings and enjoy delicately prepared home cooked meals!
For Kenji's birthday Shiro gifts a trip together to Kyoto, but the lawyer's uncharacteristic spree has the easy-going hair stylist fearing the worst. Also in this volume, "brownies" enter Shiro's lexicon and repertoire.
A food psychologist identifies hidden factors, motivations, and cues that cause overeating and offers practical solutions to help avoid these hidden traps and enjoy food without putting on excess pounds.
"Warren Belasco is a witty, wonderfully observant guide to the hopes and fears that every era projects onto its culinary future. This enlightening study reads like time-travel for foodies."—Laura Shapiro, author of Something From the Oven: Reinventing Dinner in 1950s America "In his insightful look at human imaginings about their food and its future sufficiency, Warren Belasco makes use of everything from academic papers, films, and fiction to journalism, advertising and world’s fairs to trace a pattern of public concern over two centuries. His wide-ranging scholarship humbles all would-be futurists by reminding us that ours is not the first generation, nor is it likely to be the last, to argue inconclusively about whether we can best feed the world with more spoons, better manners or a larger pie. Truly painless education; a wonderful read!"—Joan Dye Gussow, author This Organic Life "Warren Belasco serves up an intellectual feast, brilliantly dissecting two centuries of expectations regarding the future of food and hunger. Meals to Come provides an essential guide to thinking clearly about the worrisome question as to whether the world can ever be adequately and equitably fed."—Joseph J. Corn, co-author of Yesterday's Tomorrows: Past Visions of the American Future "This astute, sly, warmly human critique of the basic belly issues that have absorbed and defined Americans politically, socially, and economically for the past 200 years is a knockout. Warren Belasco’s important book, crammed with knowledge, is absolutely necessary for an understanding of where we are now."—Betty Fussell, author of My Kitchen Wars
Shares uplifting advice about the virtues of forgiveness, offering strategic and biblically based advice on how to achieve peace and personal fulfillment by letting go of past wrongs.
The author, a computer science professor diagnosed with terminal cancer, explores his life, the lessons that he has learned, how he has worked to achieve his childhood dreams, and the effect of his diagnosis on him and his family.
A tale of youth, good intentions, and entomophagy, "Meal" is about Yarrow, a young woman determined to make her mark of the cutting edge of cookery with her insect-based creations. However, her evangelist streak concerning insect cuisine rubs some of her fellow chefs the wrong way... particularly Chandra Flores, member of a culture that's been eating bugs for centuries, and deeply suspicious of this young white woman's intentions to turn her traditions into the next big foodie trend. Can Yarrow win over Chandra... and Milani, the neighbor she's been crushing on for weeks?
In this second installment of Fumi Yoshinaga’s deliciously charming slice-of-gay-life, we delve into the beginnings of Shiro and Kenji’s relationship. Shiro continues to expand his culinary creativity while dealing with problomatic clients and his well-meaning but misguided mother, who comes to rely on him when a health scare hits close to home.