The abundant mineral resources in Utah have proved to be a great benefit to the people here and to the entire United States for over 160 years. This report summarizes the mineral and coal activity for 2010, taking into account historical context, over-all industry overview, and mineral outlook for 2011. The sections in this publication include: base- and precious metal production, industrial-minerals production, energy minerals production, exploration and development activity, new minerals information, and reclamation and the environment.
Previous studies have shown the Escalante Valley, Utah, is subsiding due to groundwater withdrawal. The magnitude and spatial pattern of this cm/yr.-scale subsidence is mapped with satellite data from a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) using interferometric SAR (InSAR) processing techniques.
Utah's geology provides a remarkable range of energy and mineral wealth. This report summarizes mineral activity including base metals, precious metals, industrial minerals, energy minerals, crude oil, natural gas and unconventional fuels.
This third edition of the SME Mining Engineering Handbook reaffirms its international reputation as "the handbook of choice" for today's practicing mining engineer. It distills the body of knowledge that characterizes mining engineering as a disciplinary field and has subsequently helped to inspire and inform generations of mining professionals.Virtually all of the information is original content, representing the latest information from more than 250 internationally recognized mining industry experts. Within the handbook's 115 thought-provoking chapters are current topics relevant to today's mining professional: Analyzing how the mining and minerals industry will develop over the medium and long term--why such changes are inevitable, what this will mean in terms of challenges, and how they could be managed Explaining the mechanics associated with the multifaceted world of mine and mineral economics, from the decisions associated with how best to finance a single piece of high-value equipment to the long-term cash-flow issues associated with mine planning at a mature operation Describing the recent and ongoing technical initiatives and engineering developments in relation to robotics, automation, acid rock drainage, block caving optimization, or process dewatering methods Examining in detail the methods and equipment available to achieve efficient, predictable, and safe rock breaking, whether employing a tunnel boring machine for development work, mineral extraction using a mobile miner, or cast blasting at a surface coal operation Identifying the salient points that dictate which is the safest, most efficient, and most versatile extraction method to employ, as well as describing in detail how each alternative is engineered Discussing the impacts that social and environmental issues have on mining from the pre-exploration phase to end-of-mine issues and beyond, and how to manage these two increasingly important factors to the benefit of both the mining companies and other stakeholders
This volume, covering metals and minerals, contains chapters on approximately 90 commodities. In addition, this volume has chapters on mining and quarrying trends and on statistical surveying methods used by Minerals Information, plus a statistical summary.
A basic premise of this study is that large resource development projects provide a major market opportunity for passive solar manufactured buildings. The 56 identified projects are located within 18 states and cover 11 types of resources. The report documents individual projects, provides projections of total worker-related housing needs, and presents overviews of resource development company involvement in the new construction market. In addition, the report profiles three organizations that expressed a strong interest in implementing the use of low-cost passive solar manufactured buildings in resource-development-related activities.
A core institution in the human endeavor—the public research university—is in transition. As U.S. public universities adapt to a multi-decadal decline in public funding, they risk losing their essential character as a generator, evaluator, and archivist of ideas and as a wellspring of tomorrow’s intellectual, economic, and political leaders. This book explores the core interdependent and coevolving structures of the research university: its physical domain (buildings, libraries, classrooms), administration (governance and funding), and intellectual structures (curricula and degree programs). It searches the U.S. history of the public research university to identify its essential qualities, and generates recommendations that identify the crucial roles of university administration, state government and federal government.