The organization of inhabited space is the direct expression of the deep integration of societies with their cultural and natural environment. Contributions in this volume show the progress of research in terms of understanding the use of space on different scales, from the household to the village, focusing on Neolithic and Bronze Age contexts.
In Work from Home, researchers from around the world answer questions about the impact of working from home on employee motivation, work-life balance and employee engagement, while making a seminal contribution to the field of HRM from a work-from-home perspective.
Social Complexity and Complex Systems in Archaeology turns to complex systems thinking in search of a suitable framework to explore social complexity in Archaeology. Social complexity in archaeology is commonly related to properties of complex societies such as states, as opposed to so-called simple societies such as tribes or chiefdoms. These conceptualisations of complexity are ultimately rooted in Eurocentric perspectives with problematic implications for the field of archaeology. This book provides an in-depth conceptualisation of social complexity as the core concept in archaeological and interdisciplinary studies of the past, integrating approaches from complex systems thinking, archaeological theory, social practice theory, and sustainability and resilience science. The book covers a long-term perspective of social change and stability, tracing the full cycle of complexity trajectories, from emergence and development to collapse, regeneration and transformation of communities and societies. It offers a broad vision on social complexity as a core concept for the present and future development of archaeology. This book is intended to be a valuable resource for students and scholars in the field of archaeology and related disciplines such as history, anthropology, sociology, as well as the natural sciences studying human-environment interactions in the past.
This book memorializes the work of one of Geography’s leading, critical thinkers and a public intellectual known world-wide: Neil Smith. It presents a rich collection of insights from leading international and interdisciplinary experts, drawing on Neil Smith’s ideas for inspiration and debate. This book demonstrates the relevance and usefulness
The study of the family is one of the major lacunas in Byzantine Studies. Angeliki Laiou remarked in 1989 that ’the study of the Byzantine family is still in its infancy’, and this assertion remains true today. The present volume addresses this lacuna. It comprises 19 chapters written by international experts in the field which take a variety of approaches to the study of the Byzantine family, and embrace a chronological span from the later Roman to the late Byzantine empire. The context is established by chapters focusing on the Roman roots of the Byzantine family, the Christianisation of the family, and the nature of the family in contemporaneous cultures (the late antique west and the Islamic east). Key methodological approaches to the Byzantine family are highlighted and discussed, in particular prosopographical and life course approaches. The contribution of hagiography to the understanding of the Byzantine family is analysed by several authors; other chapters on the family and children in art and on the archaeology of the Middle Byzantine house explore the material evidence that can shed light on the Byzantine family. Overall, the diversity of families that existed in Byzantium (blood, fictive, metaphorical) is emphasised, and chapters consider the specific cases of ascetic, monastic, aristocratic and peasant families, as well as the imperial family, which is illuminated by the comparative case of a Caliphal family. The volume is topped and tailed by a Preface and an Afterword by the editors, which address the state of the field and consider the way ahead. Thus the volume is vital in putting the subject of the Byzantine Family in sharp focus and setting the research agenda for the future.
Il volume 32.1 è suddiviso in due parti. La prima comprende gli articoli proposti annualmente alla rivista da studiosi italiani e stranieri che illustrano ricerche archeologiche interdisciplinari in cui l’uso delle tecnologie informatiche risulta determinante per l’acquisizione, l’elaborazione e l’interpretazione dei dati. Tecniche di analisi statistica, banche dati, GIS e analisi spaziali, tecniche di rilievo tridimensionale e ricostruzioni virtuali, sistemi multimediali, contribuiscono a documentare le testimonianze del passato e a diffondere i risultati della ricerca scientifica. La seconda parte del volume contiene un inserto speciale curato da Angela Bellia e dedicato a una tematica innovativa, l’archeomusicologia, un campo di ricerca multidisciplinare che adotta i metodi dell’archeologia per lo studio della musica e della vita musicale nel mondo antico. Gli articoli s’incentrano sul ruolo delle tecnologie digitali basate sulla modellazione 3D e sulla simulazione del suono per ampliare le conoscenze sugli strumenti musicali dell’antichità e sul prezioso, ma estremamente labile, patrimonio sonoro. Chiude il volume la sezione dedicata alle Note e recensioni.
"This work provides an exciting and new understanding of primate social behavior that emerges from a fresh approach to research findings that scientists have long taken for granted"--