Use of Dual Frequency Identification Sonar to Determine Adult Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) Escapement in the Secesh River, Idaho ; Annual Report, January 2008 - December 2008

Use of Dual Frequency Identification Sonar to Determine Adult Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) Escapement in the Secesh River, Idaho ; Annual Report, January 2008 - December 2008



Published: 2009

Total Pages: 77



Chinook salmon in the Snake River basin were listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in 1992 (NMFS 1992). The Secesh River represents the only stream in the Snake River basin where natural origin (wild) salmon escapement monitoring occurs at the population level, absent a supplementation program. As such the Secesh River has been identified as a long term salmon escapement and productivity monitoring site by the Nez Perce Tribe Department of Fisheries Resources Management. Salmon managers will use this data for effective population management and evaluation of the effect of conservation actions on a natural origin salmon population. The Secesh River also acts as a reference stream for supplementation program comparison. Dual frequency identification sonar (DIDSON) was used to determine adult spring and summer Chinook salmon escapement in the Secesh River in 2008. DIDSON technology was selected because it provided a non-invasive method for escapement monitoring that avoided listed species trapping and handling incidental mortality, and fish impedance related concerns. The DIDSON monitoring site was operated continuously from June 13 to September 14. The first salmon passage was observed on July 3. DIDSON site total estimated salmon escapement, natural and hatchery fish, was 888 fish ± 65 fish (95% confidence interval). Coefficient of variation associated with the escapement estimate was 3.7%. The DIDSON unit was operational 98.1% of the salmon migration period. Adult salmon migration timing in the Secesh River occurred over 74 days from July 3 to September 14, with 5,262 total fish passages observed. The spawning migration had 10%, median, and 90% passage dates of July 8, July 16, and August 12, respectively. The maximum number of net upstream migrating salmon was above the DIDSON monitoring site on August 27. Validation monitoring of DIDSON target counts with underwater optical cameras occurred for species identification. A total of 860 optical camera identified salmon passage observations were identical to DIDSON target counts. However, optical cameras identified eight jack salmon (3 upstream, 5 downstream) less than 55 cm in length that DIDSON did not count as salmon because of the length criteria employed (e"55 cm). Precision of the DIDSON technology was evaluated by comparing estimated net upstream salmon escapement and associated 95% confidence intervals between two DIDSON sonar units operated over a five day period. The DIDSON 1 salmon escapement was 145.7 fish (± 2.3), and the DIDSON 2 escapement estimate was 150.5 fish (± 5). The overlap in the 95% confidence intervals suggested that the two escapement estimates were not significantly different from each other. Known length salmon carcass trials were conducted in 2008 to examine the accuracy of manually measured lengths, obtained using DIDSON software, on high frequency files at a 5 m window length. Linear regression demonstrated a highly significant relationship between known lengths and manually measured salmon carcass lengths (p

Salmonid Field Protocols Handbook

Salmonid Field Protocols Handbook

Author: David H. Johnson


Published: 2007

Total Pages: 504



This is the first publication to collect, standardize, and recommend a scientifically rigorous set of field protocols for monitoring and assessing salmon and trout populations. Includes five additional techniques that can be used with any of the 13 principle methods to supplement information gathered.Over four dozen fisheries experts throughout the U.S. Pacific Northwest and beyond contributed their time to pick, write, and review the most reliable protocols for enumerating salmonids in the field. Presented in an easy to use format, each of the 18 peer-reviewed protocols covers objectives, sample design, data handling, personnel and operational requirements, and field and office techniques, including survey forms.Standardized monitoring protocols will improve data reliability, maximize opportunities for data sharing and data set comparability, and ultimately improve the ability to assess status and trends. The Handbook will also support consistency in data collection for salmonids at the international level.

Glaciated Continental Margins

Glaciated Continental Margins

Author: Thomas A. Davies

Publisher: Springer

Published: 1997

Total Pages: 315

ISBN-13: 0412793407


Late Cenozoic glaciation affected sedimentation on more than half the Earth's continental shelves, and ice continues to be a dominant influence on marine sedimentation around Greenland, on the shelves facing the Arctic Ocean and around Antarctica.

Environmental Biology of Fishes

Environmental Biology of Fishes

Author: M. Jobling

Publisher: Springer

Published: 1994-10-31

Total Pages: 456

ISBN-13: 0412580802


Provides a thorough introduction to the biology of fishes, covering basic diversity, biology and physiology. Detailed coverage of environmental aspects relating to fish biology is a key feature of this book which will be of great use to students and individuals in fish biology, fisheries, aquaculture and environmental sciences.

Chinook Salmon Adult Abundance Monitoring ; Hydroacoustic Assessment of Chinook Salmon Escapement to the Secesh River, Idaho, 2002-2004 Final Report

Chinook Salmon Adult Abundance Monitoring ; Hydroacoustic Assessment of Chinook Salmon Escapement to the Secesh River, Idaho, 2002-2004 Final Report



Published: 2004

Total Pages: 34



Accurate determination of adult salmon spawner abundance is key to the assessment of recovery actions for wild Snake River spring/summer Chinook salmon (Onchorynchus tshawytscha), a species listed as 'threatened' under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). As part of the Bonneville Power Administration Fish and Wildlife Program, the Nez Perce Tribe operates an experimental project in the South Fork of the Salmon River subbasin. The project has involved noninvasive monitoring of Chinook salmon escapement on the Secesh River between 1997 and 2000 and on Lake Creek since 1998. The overall goal of this project is to accurately estimate adult Chinook salmon spawning escapement numbers to the Secesh River and Lake Creek. Using time-lapse underwater video technology in conjunction with their fish counting stations, Nez Perce researchers have successfully collected information on adult Chinook salmon spawner abundance, run timing, and fish-per-redd numbers on Lake Creek since 1998. However, the larger stream environment in the Secesh River prevented successful implementation of the underwater video technique to enumerate adult Chinook salmon abundance. High stream discharge and debris loads in the Secesh caused failure of the temporary fish counting station, preventing coverage of the early migrating portion of the spawning run. Accurate adult abundance information could not be obtained on the Secesh with the underwater video method. Consequently, the Nez Perce Tribe now is evaluating advanced technologies and methodologies for measuring adult Chinook salmon abundance in the Secesh River. In 2003, the use of an acoustic camera for assessing spawner escapement was examined. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, in a collaborative arrangement with the Nez Perce Tribe, provided the technical expertise to implement the acoustic camera component of the counting station on the Secesh River. This report documents the first year of a proposed three-year study to determine the efficacy of using an acoustic camera to count adult migrant Chinook salmon as they make their way to the spawning grounds on the Secesh River and Lake Creek. A phased approach to applying the acoustic camera was proposed, starting with testing and evaluation in spring 2003, followed by a full implementation in 2004 and 2005. The goal of this effort is to better assess the early run components when water clarity and night visibility preclude the use of optical techniques. A single acoustic camera was used to test the technology for enumerating adult salmon passage at the Secesh River. The acoustic camera was deployed on the Secesh at a site engineered with an artificial substrate to control the river bottom morphometry and the passage channel. The primary goal of the analysis for this first year of deployment was to validate counts of migrant salmon. The validation plan involved covering the area with optical video cameras so that both optical and acoustic camera images of the same viewing region could be acquired simultaneously. A secondary test was contrived after the fish passage was complete using a controlled setting at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington, in which we tested the detectability as a function of turbidity levels. Optical and acoustic camera multiplexed video recordings of adult Chinook salmon were made at the Secesh River fish counting station from August 20 through August 29, 2003. The acoustic camera performed as well as or better than the optical camera at detecting adult Chinook salmon over the 10-day test period. However, the acoustic camera was not perfect; the data reflected adult Chinook salmon detections made by the optical camera that were missed by the acoustic camera. The conditions for counting using the optical camera were near ideal, with shallow clear water and good light penetration. The relative performance of the acoustic camera is expected to be even better than the optical camera in early spring when water clarity and light penetration are limited. Results of the laboratory tests at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory facility indicated that the detection rate for the acoustic camera system was essentially 100% across all levels of turbidity in the experiments. Overall, the acoustic camera outperformed the optical camera at detecting fish, both in the laboratory tank and at the Secesh River fish counting station. However, the optical camera approach still offers some advantages over the acoustic camera under certain limited circumstances. The primary advantages are better species, gender and condition determination and better separation of debris from fish moving downstream. Using both systems in parallel will provide the most robust and accurate platform for counting fish in the field by exploiting the relative strengths of both systems through the season.