Originally published in 1994, Urban Land and Property Markets in the United Kingdom, adopts a perspective that encompasses the distinctive nature of the legal framework, land law, property market and procedures of Scotland, England and Wales. The book provides detailed accounts of the structure of property, planning and tax law governing urban land and property markets, registration procedures and transactions charges, market processes and how they all work in practice. The book is based on a report commissioned by the German Federal Government as part of a five-country study completed in 1991.
Originally published in 1996, Urban Land and Property Markets describes the intricacies of the Italian urban planning system, and the interconnections between the property sector, the national economy, and recent historical developments, including the new challenges facing Italy after the early 1990s collapse of the party system. The book’s underlying thesis is that property values are ultimately created by urban planning and investment in infrastructure. Negotiations between local government and developers focus on three basic issues: the ultimate use of urban land, the quantitative control of development via planning permissions relating to city master plans, and the nature of public investment to support growth and property values.
Originally published in 1995, Land and Property Markets in Sweden looks at the growing demand for an understanding of the urban land and property markets in Sweden. The book offers detailed accounts of the policy, legislative, and regulatory frameworks of urban land and property markets in Sweden, explaining how the markets operate and interact with the planning systems. It also incorporates a review of the second-home market, which is particularly well developed in Sweden. Fully detailed case studies are included to illustrate land development issues and the processes of purchase and sale of properties.
Originally published in 1994, Urban Land and Property Markets in the United Kingdom, adopts a perspective that encompasses the distinctive nature of the legal framework, land law, property market and procedures of Scotland, England and Wales. The book provides detailed accounts of the structure of property, planning and tax law governing urban land and property markets, registration procedures and transactions charges, market processes and how they all work in practice. The book is based on a report commissioned by the German Federal Government as part of a five-country study completed in 1991.
A common theme running through both the market economies of Western Europe and the old command economies of Eastern Europe is the desire to combine local economic development objectives with those of the international investor. It is in this context that the interaction between planning systems and property markets is of paramount importance.
Originally published in 1993, Urban Land and Property Markets in Germany describes the complex network of regulations and practices governing the operation of the German markets. The book outlines the constitutional structure and framework of the social, economic and geographical context in which the markets operate. The main sections of the book address the legal structures of property, planning, and tax, the registration procedures and transaction charges, market processes, who does what, and what professional titles or other actors in the process to look out for. The book also looks at the development of land and property markets, as one of the most intractable problems faced by post-communist regimes of eastern Europe.
This title was first published in 2002: When a developer wants to realize a housing scheme, what can the local planning authority do to assure that the resulting residential environment is of a high quality? This book explores the question through a cross-national comparison of housing development processes in The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Germany and France. It analyzes how decisions about the residential environment are made in different situations, and by whom. By applying this analysis to housing development processes in different countries, the book paints a picture of how public policy and market mechanisms together influence the development of housing. From this, conclusions are drawn about how local planning authorities can achieve their objectives concerning the quality of housing areas.
Everyone would agree that urban development, especially when involving the building of residential areas, should be accompanied by sufficient and good public infrastructure and facilities. We all want neighbourhoods with the necessary roads, green areas, social facilities, affordable housing and public spaces of high quality. At the same time, nowadays, governments are facing severe cuts in public expenditure. So who is going to pay for all that quality? In the Netherlands and in many other countries, achieving these public goals has become a problem, especially in the regeneration of deteriorated inner-city sites. This book offers insight in how the economic value increase that arises from urban development can serve to finance the quality we want, without the need for public subsidies. The findings and recommendations made in this book focus on Western Europe, mainly on successful and alternatively less successful recent experiences in Spain, England and the Netherlands. Public bodies can use the recommendations to create the necessary conditions to improve the involvement of property developers and landowners in the financing of infrastructure and facilities. Property developers and landowners can find formulas for private-public partnership that can lead to lower development costs and risks, allowing them to pay for good infrastructure and facilities while maintaining profitability. Scholars will find here the theoretical backgrounds for this relevant topic. The author has both an academic and a professional background in the practice of urban development.
As urbanization progresses at a remarkable pace, policy makers and analysts come to understand and agree on key features that will make this process more efficient and inclusive, leading to gains in the welfare of citizens. Drawing on insights from economic geography and two centuries of experience in developed countries, the World Bank’s World Development Report 2009: Reshaping Economic Geography emphasizes key aspects that are fundamental to ensuring an efficient rural-urban transformation. Critical among these are land, as the most important resource, and well-functioning land markets. Regardless of the stage of urbanization, flexible and forward-looking institu- ons that help the efficient functioning of land markets are the bedrock of succe- ful urbanization strategies. In particular, institutional arrangements for allocating land rights and for managing and regulating land use have significant implica- ons for how cities deliver agglomeration economies and improve the welfare of their residents. Property rights, well-functioning land markets, and the management and servicing of land required to accommodate urban expansion and provide trunk infrastructure are all topics that arise as regions progress from incipient urbani- tion to medium and high density.
An analysis of the influences on urban planning in Europe. Detailed case studies are used to explore planning policies in a range of European cities, and discuss the social and environmental objectives that influence today's urban planner.