Sofi está en un dilema: su abuela la invita a hacer juntas las galletitas de Navidad. Lo cuál es muy importante porque nunca la había invitado antes. Pero ese mismo día su tía le propone ir juntas al campo. Que también es importante, porque a ella le encanta el campo y hace poco nació un potrillo. ¿Qué hacer? ¿Galletitas o campo? ¿Abuela o tía? Ayyyy… ¿Podrá resolver Sofi este dilema y elegir?
Discover the compelling and dramatic narrative of ""The Model"" by Guy De Maupassant. This poignant short story explores the life of a painter and his muse, delving into themes of artistic inspiration, obsession, and the complexity of human relationships. Maupassant’s narrative provides an insightful look at the dynamics between an artist and his subject. De Maupassant skillfully captures the tension and emotional depth of the characters, highlighting the sacrifices and struggles involved in the pursuit of artistic perfection. The story reflects on the personal costs of creativity and the impact of the artistic process on individuals. ""The Model"" is ideal for readers who appreciate character-driven stories and explorations of artistic and personal relationships. Perfect for those who value Guy De Maupassant’s nuanced and introspective storytelling.
An anthology of Spanish women writers from the fifteenth through the nineteenth century. Water Lilies brings to light a rich & until now, largely invisible version of Spanish literary history. These hard-to-find works, most translated for the first time, are printed on facing pages in Spanish & English & are located within a critical, biographical & historical overview.
Literary naturalism, within the Hispanic context, has traditionally been read as a graphic realist school or movement linked predominantly to late nineteenth century literary production. The essays in Au Naturel: (Re)Reading Hispanic Naturalism—written by scholars from different generations, nationalities and ideological backgrounds—propose a major revisionist contribution to the study of Hispanic naturalism. Based on a theoretical proposal that re-semanticizes naturalismo as a diachronic counter-metanarrative phenomenon that transcends the chronological and geographic limitations imposed by traditional criticism on naturalism, the collection provides new readings of traditional naturalist fare as well as re-readings of works that have not been read, within the bounds of conventional criticism, as naturalist. Re-read within the proposed theoretical framework, its essays demonstrate the countless ways in which Hispanic naturalist texts–literary and more recently, filmic—continue to frankly engage the societal problematics that has impeded true social, political, economic and cultural progress from taking place in the Hispanic world from the turbulent fin-de-siècle period of the nineteenth century through the present day, globalized context. Au Naturel: (Re)Reading Hispanic Naturalism is thus also an open invitation to the scholarly community to re-consider other socio-critical works within the Hispanic naturalist context that observe and reflection upon social issues that continue to plague Hispanic society today.
La obra contiene, extractados, todos los libros de emblemas que se publicaron en español durante los siglos XVI y XVII. Se trata de un material de difícil acceso que de este modo se pone a disposición del lector, ya sea investigador o mero aficionado a la riquísima cultura simbólica cifrada en el género de la literatura emblemática. El libro se presenta en primera instancia como índice alfabético de los motivos iconográficos principales presentes en cada emblema. Pero, además, se podrá acceder a los emblemas mediante búsquedas realizadas a partir de los índices complementarios: de autores, lemas, fuentes y claves temáticas, aparte de los motivos iconográficos secundarios. Completa el volumen un glosario terminológico y de personajes que ayuda a la comprensión de los significados. El desarrollo de los estudios de emblemática en el ámbito internacional (existe una extensa Society for Emblem Studies) ha hecho aconsejable introducir traducción al inglés de los campos de información más relevantes. Y las ventajas que proporcionan las nuevas tecnologías han sido aprovechadas con la incorporación de un CD-ROM (ejecutable por igual en los sistemas Macintosh y PC) que agiliza la combinación de búsquedas complejas. Tanto el CD-ROM como el libro reproducen los grabados de los 1.732 emblemas estudiados.